
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Let's Tie the Knot Again as Sworn Brothers ( Part 1 )

As soon as Mu Linfeng stepped out of the bath, the few burly men who had been holding down Ye Zhimao immediately rushed towards him. Mu Linfeng quickly ran through the steps of the Dragon Walk he had memorized in his mind and applied them to his feet, moving swiftly and nimbly to dodge the men's attacks.

However, since it was his first time using it in actual combat, his footwork was still very unskilled, causing him to stumble and bump into the men from time to time. Fortunately, Mu Linfeng was alert and would immediately use all his strength to step on the men's feet as soon as he landed on them. The men, who had been bumped, were naturally not afraid of Mu Linfeng's attacks. On the contrary, they welcomed them and would try to grab Mu Linfeng once he got close to them. Little did they know that Mu Linfeng would use such a despicable move, which caught them off guard.

Mu Linfeng only remembered six or seven steps of the Dragon Walk, and he regretted not practicing more diligently. He always used the same steps, which could barely help him escape the burly men's pursuit at first, but over time, he was inevitably exposed. The burly men split into two teams and began to surround and attack Mu Linfeng from both sides. Mu Linfeng began to feel overwhelmed, but he suddenly had a bright idea. As he bumped into one of the burly men again, he immediately extended his finger and lightly pressed on the man's armpit. The man suddenly felt a numbness under his armpit, and his hands became weak.

Mu Linfeng used his acupoint-striking technique to try to immobilize the burly men, but his finger force was too strong, and he only caused the burly men to feel pain and discomfort without immobilizing them. However, this technique had the effect of inhibiting their attacks, causing them to act more slowly.

At this moment, several more burly men appeared at the door of the private room, blocking Mu Linfeng's way out. Mu Linfeng knew that it was almost impossible to escape from the private room, but his goal was only to reach the wardrobe where he had placed his mini pistol. He didn't care about these men at all.

Mu Linfeng ran several laps around the edge of the pool, while Long Qingfeng stood on the side, watching coldly with no expression on his face. At this time, Ye Zhimao got up from the bath, put on a bath towel, and walked up to Long Qingfeng, respectfully saying, "Second Young Master Long, why are you here? Didn't the boss come in person?"

Upon hearing this, Mu Linfeng's heart sank. "So this person is not Long Qingfeng but Second Young Master Long? Could it be Long Qingfeng's younger brother?" Without thinking too much, Mu Linfeng continued to use his acupoint-striking technique on the burly men, targeting all the acupoints he remembered, causing some of them to be immobilized.

After having just spent some time with two women, Mu Linfeng was already feeling physically drained. He had also run several laps around the bathhouse, causing his legs to feel a bit weak. He thought to himself, "This won't do!" and immediately made his way to the wardrobe with all his might.

At that moment, several burly men entered the room. Without hesitation, Mu Linfeng fought back or fled if necessary. When he finally reached the wardrobe, he managed to subdue seven or eight of the men.

Seeing his long robe hanging in the wardrobe, Mu Linfeng was overjoyed. As he reached for it, his hands suddenly went numb, and he broke out in a cold sweat. His miniature pistol was missing from under the clothes.

Suddenly, he heard Lord Long chuckling and saying, "Is Mu Gongzi looking for this?" Mu Linfeng turned around and saw that Lord Long was playing with his miniature pistol. Although he was shocked, he managed to keep his composure.

At that moment, several burly men behind him pounced on him and pinned him to the ground before lifting him up.

But then, he heard Lord Long say, "I've heard that Master Mu carries a new type of hidden weapon brought back from Nanyang. I've been wanting to see it for some time now. Although I have some knowledge of hidden weapons, I've never seen this type before... I haven't noticed anything particularly special about this hidden weapon."

Master Mu took a closer look and felt relieved that the gun's safety was not off. Otherwise, if he accidentally fired, it would be a big problem.

Suddenly, Master Mu burst out laughing and said, "This hidden weapon can be considered the world's first. Since Lord Long is also knowledgeable about hidden weapons, why don't we have a competition?"

Lord Long glanced at Master Mu and said, "Oh? You say this thing is the first hidden weapon?"

Master Mu laughed, "Of course it is. Since Lord Long is also an expert in hidden weapons, what's the harm in having a competition? Are you afraid of losing to me?"

Lord Long laughed heartily and after a long time, he signaled to the big men behind Master Mu to let him go. He said, "Master Mu is so sure? But this trick won't work on Lord Long!" He then threw the gun to Master Mu, who caught it and quickly unlocked the safety.

Lord Long took out two throwing knives from his waist, one in each hand. When Master Mu saw that the knives were small and unique in shape, and had extremely sharp edges, he knew that Lord Long was definitely an expert in hidden weapons.

Lord Long laughed, "Lord Long only needs two throwing knives. One will be stuck in your left ball and the other in your right ball. Master Mu, be careful!"

Master Mu's heart trembled, and he secretly cursed, "Damn it, do you want me to be castrated?" But he smiled and said, "I also have two hidden weapons. One will hit the throwing knife in Lord Long's left hand, and the other will hit the throwing knife in Lord Long's right hand."

Mr. Long burst into laughter and said, "If Lord Mu can really do that, he will truly be a master among masters of hidden weapons. Hearing Lord Mu say this, I am really looking forward to it!"

At this moment, Mu Linfeng had secretly aimed his gun at Mr. Long's left hand. He was a famous marksman in the 21st century, and dealing with an opponent like Mr. Long was a piece of cake for him. Mu Linfeng was absolutely confident that he could take out Mr. Long before his flying knives were even unsheathed. Having just received the gun, Mu Linfeng could easily pull the trigger with a slight movement of his finger, and Mr. Long would have died a hundred times over.

It was indeed simple to kill Mr. Long, but what would happen after that? Mu Linfeng didn't know how powerful the Green Dragon Association really was. If what Ye Zhimao said was true, even if he could kill Mr. Long at this moment, he would never escape from Long Qingfeng's grasp. Although the gun was powerful, bullets were limited, and as happened earlier, if the gun was not with him, anything could happen. He might not be as lucky as he was now.

Even if he could keep the gun on him at all times, it was easy to dodge a visible gun but hard to guard against a hidden arrow. After all, he was not one of those martial arts masters in wuxia films who could discern the direction of the wind. If Long Qingfeng sent someone to assassinate him, Mu Linfeng believed that he had absolutely no ability to escape. Even if he could escape once, what about the second time, the third time...the hundredth time?