
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Qinglong Bathhouse Narrowly Escapes a Plot ( Part 3 )

Ye Zhimao looked at Mu Linfeng without answering, and continued, "In fact, Boss Long has no interest in the tea business at all. What he values most is the tobacco business in Yunnan. The tea business is just a favor that Boss Long did for my father. So he opened a tea shop for my family, and coincidentally, Boss Long is also a tea lover. So, on paper, the tea shop belongs to my family, but everyone knows that it is the Long family's business."

Mu Linfeng sneered, "So, Mr. Ye approached me to talk about Pu'er tea just to please Boss Long. It seems that Mr. Ye's ultimate goal is more than just a tea shop!"

Ye Zhimao's heart trembled, and he said to the prostitute beside him, "You all go out. I have something to discuss with Mr. Mu."

Mu Linfeng also gestured for the woman next to him to leave and said, "You all can leave." As the two prostitutes left, their eyes were filled with endless reluctance.

After the four prostitutes left the private room, Ye Zhimao walked out of the bathtub and closed the door tightly before saying, "Mr. Mu is a wise man. We people like us cannot make it without the help of important people. Firstly, I have no friends in officialdom, and even those I have are just small officials. They can help with small things, but I cannot rely on them for bigger things. I once gave silver to Prince Xiaofu, but he refused it. Later I found out that Prince Xiaofu was interested in beautiful women, so I sent him some women. Who knew they were returned? Although Prince Xiaofu is a prince of the Ming Dynasty, even if he doesn't give me face, I have no choice. But people like Boss Long are not as high and mighty as Prince Xiaofu. He can get along with people like us, but he also needs people like me to help him. However, I know I'm not young anymore. I can't fight or scheme, and I don't seek great wealth and status. I just want a peaceful life in my old age, and to provide for my family. Since Boss Long trusts our Ye family and entrusts us with the tea business, we should do our best. If I cannot satisfy Boss Long's little hobby, how can I face him?"

Mu Linfeng thought to himself, "Do you think I will believe you just because you said so?" But then he realized, "What does his purpose with the tea have to do with me? As long as I can achieve my goal, it doesn't hurt to help him a little. Moreover, I am not interested in this tea business. I just need to say a word to help him, and this one word will make him owe me a favor. Why not do it?"

Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "Mr. Ye is grateful to the Long family, and I am also very moved. At the banquet this afternoon, I already agreed to Mr. Ye's request. Although I am not a gentleman, my word is my bond. Mr. Ye doesn't have to worry. Later, I will instruct someone to handle this matter at the Yunnan Wang's Mansion. Mr. Ye can rest assured!"

Ye Zhimao smiled and said, "I know that Mr. Mu is a trustworthy person. It's just that the Pu'er tea of Mr. Long has almost run out, so I am a bit anxious. I hope Mr. Mu won't mind!"

Mu Linfeng thought to himself, "If only you were half as filial to your father, he wouldn't have raised you in vain!" But he said, "No, no. I understand. Drinking tea is just like smoking, it's addictive and has a special taste. Mr. Long is already old, and if he suffers from tea addiction again, I can't bear it. Not to mention Mr. Ye and Mr. Long."

Ye Zhimao clapped his hands and said, "If only I had known that Mr. Mu is such a generous person, I wouldn't have resorted to this plan. To apologize to Mr. Mu, I will host a dinner at Chunxianglou tonight. Mr. Mu must honor us with his presence. I know that Mr. Mu has a special fondness for the Three Beauties, but Xu Erniang doesn't know how to appreciate it. Mr. Mu only needs to say a word, why bother redeeming them? Tonight, I will make sure Mr. Mu gets his wish and enjoys their beauty..."

Although Ye Zhimao spoke to Mu Linfeng with respect, there was a hidden agenda behind his words. Mu Linfeng couldn't help but feel a chill down his back and break out in a cold sweat, thinking to himself, "Damn, this old guy has been eyeing me for a long time. He even knows that I was interested in the three courtesans of the Chunxiang Building and wanted to redeem them through Xu Erniang, how much else does he know about me? Does he have another purpose for me?"

Ye Zhimao looked at Mu Linfeng and said calmly, "Actually, Mu Gongzi can rest assured that even if you don't meet Boss Long, Boss Long has long wanted to meet Mu Gongzi. Boss Long is interested in Mu Gongzi's rickshaw business and the design of the bra at the brothel. However, Boss Long has never had a chance to meet Mu Gongzi. After all, Mu Gongzi is the descendant of Mu Laowang, the Little Prince of Yunnan. Boss Long is afraid that he won't be able to invite Mu Gongzi..."

Mu Linfeng suddenly laughed out loud and said, "So Boss Long has been eyeing me for a long time? Haha, why didn't you say so earlier? As I said before, when I was in Nanyang, I knew some friends in the underworld. I admired their loyalty and liked to make friends with such people. If Boss Long is willing to make friends with me, I would be happy to accept. I wonder if it is appropriate to meet Boss Long?"

As soon as Mu Linfeng finished speaking, he heard someone say, "Mu Xiaowangye, I've long heard of your name!"

Turning around, Mu Linfeng saw that the door to the private room had already been opened. Standing in front of the door was a tall and sturdy man with extraordinary looks and sharp eyes. He was shirtless, revealing his dark skin and a stronger physique than Mu Linfeng. The most unforgettable thing was the scar on his chest, which ran from his right chest to his left abdomen, measuring over one foot long.

Mu Linfeng thought to himself, "Is this person Long Qingfeng?"

Without a word, the man walked towards Mu Linfeng and grabbed his shoulders. Mu Linfeng immediately felt a heavy pressure on his shoulders, as if a thousand-pound boulder was pressing down on him, and his whole body was about to sink into the bathtub.

Ye Zhimao exclaimed in surprise, "Long..." before several burly men appeared next to him and held him down, shouting, "No talking!"

Mu Linfeng heard Ye Zhimao call out "Long" and became more certain that this person was Long Qingfeng. However, before he could react, the man attacked him. Mu Linfeng was shocked and thought to himself, "This is bad. I'm being ambushed, but my gun is not with me."

However, he quickly remembered the acupoint techniques and dragon steps that Mu Ren had taught him. Despite his shoulders being held down, he tried to kick his legs and create some distance. This caused some looseness in the man's grip, allowing Mu Linfeng to quickly roll into the water and swim to the other side of the bathtub, where his clothes were. He knew that this was his chance to escape.