
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Here Comes the Lightning Again: Previous Episode

In a bar in a bustling coastal city, a city on the border, the crowd is mixed, and people from all walks of life can be seen everywhere. There are drug dealers and buyers, pimps and clients, thugs and bosses.

In the innermost private room of the bar, there are more than a dozen men and women sitting together. The most striking among them is a young man in his mid-twenties. He is dark-skinned, muscular, and wearing a black tight leather jacket that extends past his knees. He holds a half-smoked cigarette in his hand, and a large platinum ring on his middle finger. His black hair shines under the lights, and his thick, sword-shaped eyebrows are accompanied by a pair of bright, thief-like eyes. Although his eyes are not very large and not double-eyelid, they are still bright and clear, and his slightly upturned mouth seems to be smiling but not smiling.

Beside him are men, each with a young woman by their side, dressed in heavy makeup and fragrance, occasionally joking and laughing with the men beside them. Some cover their mouths with "shyness" while others sit on the side with a microphone, singing popular songs and playfully humming with the men beside them. Suddenly, the man in the leather jacket kicks over the liquor cabinet in front of him, takes a few deep puffs of his cigarette, and looks coldly at the crowd. Everyone is terrified and the men beside them quickly ask the women to leave and turn off the karaoke machine. The whole private room falls silent.

Everyone looks at the man in the leather jacket, afraid to say a word. Suddenly, a clear phone ring breaks the silence. One of the long-haired boy glances awkwardly and fearfully at the man in the leather jacket and then looks at the caller ID on the phone. He respectfully says to the man in the leather jacket, "Brother Feng, it's Yang San calling."

Brother Feng, whose real name is Mu Linfeng, is only in his twenties, but he is already the leader of the Dragon Gang in the coastal city. This time, his brother robbed some goods from another gang, and Yang San threatened to seek revenge on Mu Linfeng. So his subordinates came to discuss countermeasures with him. Originally, Mu Linfeng didn't need to confront Yang San head-on, but recently Yang San has been too arrogant, and Mu Linfeng wants to take this opportunity to teach him a lesson. Moreover, if he were to hand over his brothers and goods to Yang San, it would not only make his other brothers feel betrayed but also make Yang San think that they are afraid of him. Since the matter has already been done, there is no need to fear confronting Yang San. However, after this matter is resolved, he will have to discipline his subordinates internally, or they will keep causing him trouble and make him busy all the time.

The long-haired man nodded after listening to Mu Linfeng's words. He immediately made a phone call and conveyed the message, then hung up and said to Feng Ge, "Yang San said he wants you... wants you..."

"Does he want me dead and chopped up?" Mu Linfeng asked, looking at him.

The long-haired man didn't dare to speak and nodded silently.

Mu Linfeng sneered and said, "He needs to be alive to kill me." Then he asked everyone, "How is it? Have you found the buyer?"

"We've already contacted one, and the transaction will take place the day after tomorrow," the long-haired man replied.

Mu Linfeng nodded and stood up. When he did, they noticed that he was around 1.85 meters tall. He stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray and said, "Alright, go have fun. Just be careful with the drugs." Then he walked towards the door of the private room.

"Feng Ge," the long-haired man called out.

Mu Linfeng stopped and turned around. "What else?"

The long-haired man took out a handgun from his pocket and handed it to Mu Linfeng, saying, "Feng Ge, Yang San said he wants to deal with you. Be careful and keep this 'Thousand-Hand Guanyin' for self-defense."

Mu Linfeng looked at the long-haired man, then at the gun in his hand, and smiled. "Am I supposed to be afraid of him...?"

"As the saying goes, four hands are better than two. It's always better to be prepared. The gun is fully loaded with a thousand bullets, not one less," the long-haired man said. The gun was nicknamed "Thousand-Hand Guanyin" because of its small size and the small bullet size, which left wounds that looked like needle pricks. It was said that even American agents were now using this gun, which was a popular item in recent arms deals. In addition to the Thousand-Hand Guanyin, there was also a gun called the Eight Hundred Arhats, which was also quite popular. However, the Eight Hundred Arhats was larger in size than the Thousand-Hand Guanyin, but had a longer range, though the silencer system was not as good as the Thousand-Hand Guanyin. In any case, the two guns had their own strengths.

Mu Linfeng took the Thousand-Hand Guanyin, played with it for a while, then put it away and said, "Okay, that's it. Be careful yourselves too. I know Yang San. He won't give up easily."

After leaving the private room, Mu Linfeng went to the bar and looked around with a vague gaze. Suddenly, his eyes fixed on a certain corner of the bar and he smiled, revealing his white teeth. He put the cigarette in his mouth, took a couple of puffs, then flicked it several meters away with his fingers.

Mu Linfeng asked the bartender for a drink and walked towards a corner of the bar with his glass. As his eyes scanned the area, he spotted a beautiful young woman wearing a fiery red fur coat sitting on the sofa in the corner. Her long hair was styled into wavy curls, with striking golden highlights at the tips. Her bright and alluring eyes sparkled as she took a sip of her drink and parted her red lips. She wore a short red skirt that exposed her slender legs, and although her fur coat was thick, it was left unbuttoned, revealing her ample bosom clad in a red bra that accentuated her curves.

The woman's attention was drawn to Mu Linfeng as he approached her. She gazed at him intently, seemingly appraising him before breaking into a smile.

"Excuse me, miss, have we met before?" Mu Linfeng greeted her with a smile.

The woman chuckled and covered her mouth with her delicate hand. "Your line is so outdated, sir," she replied, still smiling.

Mu Linfeng chuckled in return and sat down next to her. He crossed his right leg over his left and took a sip of his drink before addressing her again. "Good tactics never go out of style. Sometimes, the old-fashioned things are the most effective."

The woman smiled coyly but remained silent.

Mu Linfeng touched his glass to hers and took another sip. "My name is Mu Linfeng. May I know your name, miss?" he asked.

The woman raised her glass to her lips and took a small sip before turning to him. "You can call me Honghong," she replied.

Mu Linfeng knew that few people in this place would use their real names, so he simply smiled and said, "Honghong, it suits you well." His hand then landed on her fragrant shoulder, and she did not resist. In fact, she leaned towards him.

Mu Linfeng was pleased to know that she was not averse to his advances. He ran his hands over her body and soon found himself groping her plump buttocks. The alcohol and teasing had caused Honghong's cheeks to flush red, and her eyes were filled with a hint of desire. Her hands clung to Mu Linfeng's shoulders, pressing her bosom against him and letting out soft moans as he continued to explore her body.

Mu Linfeng felt the strong sense of spring and hurried to the bar to pay the bill. The bartender was clearly familiar with him and joked as he searched for money, "Feng ge, have you found your prey?"

Mu Linfeng gave the bartender a sharp look, took out two one-hundred bills from his wallet and handed them over before returning to Honghong to help her leave the bar.

Once they got into the car, Mu Linfeng glanced at Honghong sitting next to him and saw that she was filled with spring passion. He couldn't help but feel a rush of heat and reached into her clothes to gently rub her chest. This was a completely different feeling from earlier and the close contact made him almost lose control. He secretly guessed her cup size was at least a C and couldn't help but shake his head, chuckling, "Your drinking is so bad, yet you still drink so much. You're obviously trying to seduce me."

Suddenly, Honghong opened her eyes and coquettishly said, "Don't act like you're not enjoying it when you're getting a good deal."

Mu Linfeng had thought that Honghong was already drunk and slumped in the car, so he was surprised when she spoke up. As he turned to look at her, she suddenly sealed his lips with hers and reached for his crotch.

Mu Linfeng thought to himself, "I didn't expect her to be more eager than me." After rolling in the mortal world for several years, he had only encountered a few women as bold and enthusiastic as Honghong.