

Diyalekshmi_Pn · Fantasy
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26 Chs


" I was trying to help " He shouted as he threw his hands in the air , frustrated .

" Being sketchy is not going to help ". She replied , slamming her hands on the table in front of her as she stared down at the man .

" Oh please . " He scoffed as he shifted his eyes from the lady . " You know I was trying to help . " He spoke again .

Anika had been hearing the same sentence fall out of Tayden's mouth for almost five times .

" So you mean , you were searching for your car keys for almost an entire hour and still didn't need feel the need to come inside and check for your key . " She spoke with gritted teeth , trying hard to suppress the anger boiling in her .

" I thought , I lost it somewhere near my car . " He spoke sighing as he grew more tired.

" And the thought that maybe it's somewhere else , never crossed your mind ? " Anika questioned as the man massaged his temple , clearly stressed out .

" I didn't want to disturb any of you ." He replied , now looking back up at Anika .

" And I thought you had a special interest in irritating people , since that was the only thing you always did . " She shouted at the man . Anika was just as stressed as Tayden .

" You know what , I need a break . When I come back , tell me something that is worth believing. " She spoke as she glared at the man .

" All of you are just the same . You want everything , to happen according to what you want. I don't care if you believe it or not , but that's the truth and I am not going to fib to you , just to please you or any of your officer friends . " He replied , not backing down as he glared back at Anika .

Anika walked out of the room . She didn't need to explain herself to anyone unless necessary , besides the urge to choke the stupidity out of Tayden was knocking at her door , harder than she liked .

She always had trouble with anger issues and she badly did not want to choke another man till he fainted in her arms .

" Did he tell something ? " Johnathan asked as he stood up from the chair he was seated on .

" Nothing that's going to actually help him . "

She replied frustrated . She might not like Tayden a lot but she didn't want to see him die just like that .

She trusted his story , maybe not completely but still she did , but the rest of the officers didn't and apparently she and Johnathan were not the only one who found him sketchy , some others did too.

And now , he is going to end up dead , unless he tells them another story , that seems more solid than whatever he was telling now . The officers thought he would be better off dead . They saw him as a weed that needed to be plucked off as soon as possible .

" I don't really like him , but I don't want him dead this soon , I mean , we do need him for the case . " Johnathan spoke looking at Anika as she downed the nearest cup of coffee she could get her hold onto .

" That was mine . " James , who was sitting in the corner , muttered . " I didn't even take a sip ." He continued as he silently mourned , after all , there was indeed a big chance that his bestfriend was going to end up dead within the next two days .

" You shouldn't move around your arm too much . "

Anika replied , as she looked at James's broken hand . She was far too stressed to talk about Tayden to him .

" You have to get him to atleast add more details into his story before someone else decides to go punching time on him . " Johnathan spoke as he warned Anika about what would happen to Tayden , unless she couldn't get him to speak .

" I can't handle anything in that room . He is pissing me off ." She replied , as she looked at Johnathan in hope he would have something that would help her .

" Cool down . Next time you get angry try reminding yourself , about how many times you almost got fired , because of this . " He replied , letting Anika remember all the different times she was almost fired .

" You were almost fired eight times . You need this job ." He continued .

" Take a deep breath , go back there again and try getting something helpful out of him . Punch him if you have to , and if you have trouble doing that , call me. "

Anika only nodded before she made her way back to the interrogation room .


" Ava , I just got information about some missing cases here . We will have to check them out before we leave ."

" That was not in whatever that was said to us before we came here. "

" I know , but we would most probably have to spend a few more extra days here. "

" Sure . Are any officers missing too ?" Ava asked as she sat straight .

" Yes two of them ."

New Chapter !

Stay safe. Stay healthy .

Diyalekshmi_Pncreators' thoughts