

Thinking of how to cheer Araxie up after what happened in the morning, Neel planned taking her for a long ride in the evening but she didn't want to. She wasn't in mood for anything except wondering what Marina would've done to her if she didn't disguise herself as someone else. "Thank you so much Trion. Your bead saved me today. I miss you dear. I really do."her face has lightened at last.

"Shall I take your silence as a yes or?"Neel asked after waiting for some time expecting an answer from this girl.

"I'm sorry I can't go. I could've gone with you but...."she was looking for an excuse but couldn't find one.

All Neel wanted was to see her smile again because he had noticed how she looked sad since that fight.

"Can we go shopping?"he suggested because he thought it's every girl's pleasure but no, Araxie still refused which made him rest his case. "You're so boring ma'am."he later sighed.


"Yes. You do bore people."he repeated without hesitation before turning to walk away.

"Neel wait."Araxie hurried to say and just like that, Neel stopped before he asked with an excited face, "Are you coming with me?"

"No. It's not about the ride or shopping. Actually I just want to say thank you.


"You've saved me from getting slapped."

"That's nothing compared to what you've done for me today. It's you who saved me and thank you so much for it. You're indeed a true friend. I can't believe Casey wanted to expose me like that."

"Hey, I didn't do anything for praises. I only did what I felt was right- that's why."

"Thank you once again Araxie. But you know what, I wonder how Casey felt when I called you my wife. I know she was hurt but I really had to do that. Her mother was insulting you so much and she seemed like she was enjoying the whole situation that's why."

"Tell me anyway, how did you come up with such silly idea. You know what, I winked several times before staring at you as you cooked up so many lies."

"Are you kidding me? Was my acting really silly? Anyway you just said that you did what you thought was right and so did I. I think we're even now, aren't we?"

"It's okay but I think you should go see Casey. She needs you the most right now and I'm sure she's hurt after what happened. She might've believed all she heard you say. You must go and explain everything to her. I'm sure your heart still feels how much she loves you."Araxie said. "I wonder why she's crazily in love with an old man."she added thoughtfully.

I love you so much Araxie. It's not only about your beauty but also your good heart. I'm surprised dear, like really.... how can someone be softhearted and gorgeous at the same time?"Neel thought while staring at her for some time before she spoke ,what have you decided. Are you going to see her?-Araxie insisted.

"Yes, I'm going."Neel assured before he disappeared into thin air.

Meanwhile after seeing how Araxie handled the situation, Mr Beryl was left astonished. "I have to make her my daughter-in-law before anything happens to her. I have to do something otherwise those witches might turn the tables on her after all they can't be trusted,- they can do anything unexpectedly."he thought as he got something from his drawer. "I've kept this for so long. I remember I once thought I would never need it but I was wrong. Thank God I didn't listen to my second heart which asked me to throw it away.

Araxie and Neel were still conversing and they didn't realize that everyone had already gone to sleep, when a strange unusual wind blew so strongly and was followed by a man's voice from nowhere which spoke and was like, Tonight is the night."

Everything looked normal again when the wind stopped blowing. "Strange. Did you see how the wind blew and stopped suddenly?"

Despite being a witch, Neel too looked shocked.

"I'm shocked too. Did you hear what he said?"Araxie asked.

"He's the Giant Djinn of the dark world."

"Dark world. What's that?"Araxie looked confused.

"It's a magical land. Everything is possible there and only creatures with magic stay there."

"Meaning humans can't live there?"


"So, what did he mean by ' tonight is the night'. What's going to happen tonight. I'm feeling scared."Araxie asked with a worried expression

"I don't know what he actually meant by that but I'm very certain that something big is going to happen and that's for sure."Neel pointed.

"Really. I hope the king isn't in any danger."Araxie breathed before she ran inside to check on Mr Beryl and Neel followed her.

To their surprise, they didn't find him in his room. Looking for him everywhere, they didn't get a clue and decided to wake others up and informed them about the situation.

"I wonder where he could've gone without me at this hour. Something is not right, our highness has never left the palace alone. He always took me with, ain't I'm his favorite bodyguard."Neel wondered.

"Did Marina kidnap him? No. I don't think she's behind this."Araxie tried connecting the dots.

She had forgotten she had a bead till Neel reminded her.

Their shoulders fell when she asked the bead but received no reply.

"Did I make any mistake?"she was turning the bead around.

"Why's it not responding?"Neel couldn't believe.

"I'm sure Marina is doing this. Do you see how she's managed to inactive my bead. I wonder what's going to happen to me now. I won't be able to change myself if she comes back here. Oh Lord please don't involve Mr Beryl in all this. And please don't let mother succeed in her evil plans."Araxie's face with full of different emotions.

Wait a second. I don't think she's behind this because when you asked me to go and see Casey, I found Marina there too. She was rude to me that she almost chased me away but later she allowed me to see Casey. She didn't look like someone who was planning something bad.

in fact she had made her mind free and I was able to read her mind and nothing like that was in there.

Witches only do such when they aren't plotting any evil plan in their mind. I can assure you that she isn't the one."Neel explained.

If it's not Marina, who's it then?- Araxie asked with a worried look.

"I think it's her sister, Malinda this time. Maybe she's come back for revenge after finding out that the king came around after two long years of her curse. That woman is so evil... you can't believe she tried several times to kill our majesty but her plans always flopped."

"Did you just say sister? Is she Marina's sister or ?"

"Yes. Malinda is Marina's twin sister but she hif this fact from the king since she denied she wasn't a witch back then. Telling him about her relationship with Marina could've caused her a lot of problems since there was some rumor everywhere that inspector Michael Rodrigo's wife, Marina was a witch.

I got to know all this because Marina and her daughter used to come over here to visit Malinda whenever the king was away. Back then I was still Malinda's bodyguard."

"I think that's the reason why Casey never told you about our dad's name."she said in realization.

"Hmmmm. I think she didn't want to tell me the truth because of her mom and aunt but she didn't know she was hiding meat from fire. Like I said last time, I normally read people's minds in order to not take risks and that's how I got to know everything. I was forced to read Casey's mind after I developed feelings for her. I was certain that something was special about her and she couldn't be human since I never wished to fall in love with any human. That's when I started my secret investigations."

"I guess you're right. Malinda is the one with the King."Araxie said.

"I think so."

For some reasons Araxie's bead wasn't working which meant she was unable to do anything. She was a mere human right then and all she could do was giving suggestions for Neel who was using some little magic because he didn't want to show his true nature to those people in the palace.

Araxie and Neel were planning to leave when Neel received a call from an unknown number.

"Hello."he greeted after answering the call.

"Hello sir. Could you please get Araxie on the line."

"Araxie. Who are you?"

"I'm sorry I can't tell you my name. It's because I just want to see if she would recognize my voice."

"Alright then."

"Hello."it was Araxie greeting.

"How are you beautiful." It was that voice she had been missing all this time. Hearing it echo through her eardrums, she couldn't fail to recognize it.

"Trion!"she jumped out of excitement.

"Yes hunny. I'm so happy that you recognized my voice. Do you know what.... my Dad is here with me and it's all because of you. Thank you so much sweetheart. I know everything you're doing in my absence for our love. I love you so much baby. I'm so proud to have you in my life."

"Really? Is sir th.... there with you?"

"Yes my love. For now, pass the phone to Neel. It seems father wants to talk to him.'"

"Yes my Lord."

"Hey Neel. I know you're searching up and down for me since I left without informing anyone. I know you looked everywhere for me but you don't have to worry cos I'm fine over here. Finally... finally, after all these long years I've got to be with my only son. I'm so happy but unfortunately I found out that my Tia is no more. My son just told me that."he sounded like he wanted to cry.

Araxie whose face had been filled with smiles suddenly felt small and guilty for lying to the king.

"I know you're hurt right now. I guess I shouldn't have lied to you. I hope you would forgive me after considering the situation I found you in. I had to lie for your sake. I only wanted you to first recover and be able to digest the truth. I hope you are alright after hearing that.'

"Are you still there sir."Neel had kept quiet so the king could first cry his pain out.

"Yes Neel. Come and pick me from the sea shores. I think you understand."

"Sure sir."

"Hurry up and please bring Araxie along.."

"Alright sir."Neel said and just like that, the call got disconnected.

"Let's go now."Neel told Araxie whose heart was racing so hard as she wondered how she would look the king in the eyes after all she lied to him.

"I don't think I'll come with you. Think about it, I lied that his wife is alive and now, he was told a different story- a sad one. Do you think I would ever look him in the eyes?"

"You're thinking too much Araxie. I have a feeling that he has called you for a good reason."

"Are you sure he isn't angry with me "

"I don't think he still remembers what you said to him. He's just got the news. I'm sure he needs us the most now. Didn't you hear how he was weeping over the phone? Won't you stand by him through this testing moment?"Neel pointed.

"Let's go."Araxie later agreed. All she wanted was to comfort him since she had given him false hopes. How dare she lie him like that-she cursed herself as they drove to Akira city where her story began. "I hope Aurora and Sarah as well as their mother are doing well. Unfortunately I can't ask him to stop. Who knows what's happening with the king right now."she would breathe.

"I wonder how the king came here all alone. I mean who brought him here and when. The journey is very long."

It didn't take long before the reached at the Sea shores.

On reaching there, Araxie's lips fell open, her hands on her mouth while she stood surprised on seeing Trion on his two legs just like a human.

"Am I dreaming...."she winked before Trion walked slowly towards her, held her hand and pulled her to his embrace.

"It's really me my love. Your Trion has legs just like you now."he whispered softly and Araxie could feel the warmth in his voice travel so quickly straight to her heart before she realized it wasn't a dream at all.