

Araxie couldn't believe what was happening. "How on Earth did he get these legs?"she would wonder. "I hope I'm still into reality."she breathed before he spoke, "are you not scared of darkness?" Of course she was, perhaps that's why she quickly nodded when he asked.

Just with a snap of his fingers, the candles began to light and the stars in the sky appeared to be closer than usual which left Araxie smiling so broadly before petals of mixed coloured roses fell onto their heads.

Before she knew it Trion was on his knees proposing. "Will you marry me Araxie?"

Wow! This left this gorgeous girl feeling shy that she didn't help it but shed tears.

They were tears of joy finally....her dream was coming true. Perhaps she had always been wrong about life cos she always thought that life would never be fair to her but now, the only man she was deeply in love with was willingly asking for her hand in marriage. What else could she ever ask for?

"I will surely marry you my hero. I will be your wife. Where you'll be, I'll be and what you'll eat, I'll have it as well. I love you. I really do."she was crying and never realized when her shyness vanished away that she was able to say all those words. For some reason it felt like someone was pumping them into her to utter out.

"I think I'm overdoing it. All I had to do was say yes."she reminded herself inwardly.

"Well hunny, you've been my happiness and my reason to smile from the day I saw you. You've been my all and today, I'm asking for your permission to please let me make you my only beloved wife. I promise I'll never hurt you nor let any harm befall to you."he said as he made her wear the ring.

"T-thank you so much Trion. You don't know how happy I feel deep inside. I really love you like damn."she made him wear one as well.

Fantastic!! They were engaged just like that.

Wait! What was happening with Araxie!!

"I'm so happy that I'm finally your wife. The one and only Mrs Araxie Trion Jackson."she bragged just to make them laugh.

"That's not all dear. I'm afraid I'm gonna hurt you with what I'm about to do to you."Trion said with a fallen face.

"What's that?"Araxie asked calmly.

"I.... I....."he was stuttering.

"Well, he has to bite you to make you his mate."the king intervened when he saw that his son was feeling hestant to tell her.

"Go on then. What are you waiting for?"

"Are you sure?"

"I am. Just do it."

"How about the pain. I'm afraid you might get...."

"Shuhhh! One doesn't feel pain when bitten out of love. Ain't all is fair in love and war! There's no pain in love and those that talk about pain, they feel it after they've fallen out of love. And I don't think we'd ever fall out of this love, right?"

"Yes love. We'll stay in this beautiful feeling forever and even in afterlife, I'll still choose you as my only gorgeous and sexy wife."

"Then bite me dear. Make me your only mate in this lifetime first.

She was still provoking him when she felt his warm soft hands removing her long black hair from her neck and poof!!! He bit her, sucked some blood before poisoning her. He did that to freeze up her blood and be able to turn into pearls because very soon... she was going to develop a mermaid tail.

Trion expected to watch her scream in pain but instead he was left surprised when she thanked him after he withdrew his canines from her flesh before he fell to the ground.

"Good night son. Remember you shouldn't get in contact with water till morning. You have to do this no matter what otherwise.... I think you know what the consequences would be."

"Don't worry Dad. Take care of my wife for me. I can't wait to be with her."he was smiling regardless of much pain.

"Trion."Araxie called as they caught her up from falling.

"We have to go from here immediately."he sounded worried.

"Trion...."she kept calling.

"Don't worry about him. He's a strong boy,I'm sure he'll take care of himself."the king convinced.

"Dad is right honey. I'll be fine over here and the three of you should get from here as soon as possible."his voice was breaking..

Since Neel was secretly in love with Araxie, he couldn't stand seeing her in this much pain. He was getting angry with her that she was feeling Trion's pain when she was too not doing well.

"Mind about yourself for once ma'am. You've been bitten and now, you're only worrying about your would be husband!"he scolded her.

"What! My love is in so much pain and you've seen this as the right time to taunt me? What's your problem Neel. You don't seem happy for both us, I've been noticing it."

"How can I tell you that I'm in love with you. Yes, I have a problem and that problem is love but unfortunately you're now marked by someone else. I think we were meant to be friends just."tears were rolling down his face at the thought.

""Are you alright Neel?"Mr Beryl asked when he saw tears running down his face.

"I'm fine sir. I just can't stand watching someone in pain that's why. I can feel Trion and Araxie's pain."

"Let them feel it dear. It will make them learn to value this love the most."the king was forcing a smile now.

The two of them had no choice but to force Araxie into the car and drove off, leaving Trion fighting his pain all alone.

"This pain is nothing compared to the love I have for you Araxie. I can bear anything for your sake. I love you to the moon and back. I really can't wait for tomorrow. Oh my God, I've finally marked her! She belongs to me...(smiles), she's mine. Thank you so much heavens."Trion was talking alone like a crazy man

Reaching somewhere they found a lady who had met with an accident and decided to take her to the nearby hospital as her situation demanded emergency and they were the only ones to grant her that.

They were still waiting for what the doctors would say after examining the patient when they heard a noise coming from that room.

"I hope all is well"the king thought. It didn't take long before the doctor came out of the room and told them that the patient was finally out of danger but she seemed to have lost her memory. She could recall a few things or nothing at all which he termed as collective memory loss and that she'd need more attention.

Since they knew nothing about her family members, they stayed at the hospital with her till morning.

"Wh-where am I ?"the lady asked after gaining conciseness.

"You're in the hospital. We brought you here after finding you in the middle of the road laying unconsciously."

"Thank you so much."

"Something is fishy here. I mean we didn't find a car or motorcycle next to you so.... how did you get injured like this. Were you drunk or something? How did the accident happen?"Neel asked. He had sensed something amiss about that woman although he couldn't figure out what it actually was!

His heart and mind were telling him that something wasn't right especially after he tried scanning through her mind and failed when she actually laid unconscious on the bed.

"I.... I don't remember anything. I don't know how I got all these wounds."she was crying which raised sympathy from the king's side.

"Let it be dear. Don't stress her up. She'll remember gradually."

"I don't think she's lost her memory. She's actually hiding something from us."

"What are you saying Sir. What could I be hiding from you. Firstly I don't know you so.... what on earth would I be hiding?"she said.

"I'm sorry ma'am. Please don't mind his words. I'm sure he's teasing you."the king consoled and the lady gave a slight smile back.

"Why am I finding it hard to believe what the doctor said? I don't think she's lost her memory, something is definitely not right here. Could she be faking it and maybe she's after something? No, what could that be? I think I'm thinking too much."Neel would wonder.

"What's your name then. We can't keep calling you ma'am."

"My name is Ma... Martha."

Neel found it strange that the lady seemed to be stammering even when saying out her name.

He could've easily confronted her and said it to her face that she was hiding her thoughts which wasn't the case with humans but he couldn't since the king was also in the room.

Maybe it was part of her plan to make him doze off for some good time and the next time he opened his eyes, Neel found himself alone in the hospital room.

"What. How did I fall asleep suddenly. Oh my God! Where's Araxie and the king. I hope that pretender didn't do anything harmful to them. How can I look for them now."he panicked before remembering he had powers. But still it wasn't going to help as it had been so long since he practiced his magic. All the time he had been living like human which wasn't good because the longer he acted human, the weaker he became.

"D-doctor, where did my patient go?"he asked after trying his magic and nothing worked.

"You're still here? I thought you left along with them."

"What do you mean they left. The lady's wounds were still fresh. I mean how could you discharge her in that condition."

"What are you saying Sir. Actually I wanted to ask why would you bring a healthy person in the hospital. You were claiming that she was badly injured when actually I didn't see any wounds on her body."


"Why do you look shocked? I hope she didn't fool y'all."

"Did you perhaps overhear where they were going? I need to expose her immediately."

"I heard that they were going to a certain palace."the doctor said.

"Palace. I'm sure she's up to something serious. Martha... I've never heard of this name before. Could she be related to Marina and she's here for revenge on her behalf after all that humiliation? But no, witches aren't like that. We get involved in this we know we'd benefit from. Think, Neel think harder!"he was hitting his head.

"Here's her handbag. You can take it with."

Neel felt he should ignore and leave it behind before he realized he could find something about her in that bag and that's why he agreed to take it.

"Thank you so much doctor."

"You're welcome sir." he said and then Neel walked away with fallen shoulders. He was regretting the fact that he failed to protect the king despite his vows to make it his first priority. And Araxie, how could he let danger befall to her? He knew that Araxie was still weak and her face was completely covered because she had to see Trion first after regaining conciseness from the poison. And her bead, it was inactive as well. Damn it! What have I done now? How could I be so careless like that!

Hold on a second! Could she have done it deliberately? Was it really her plan to leave me behind after how I questioned her about the accident and everything? The doctor said she had no wounds and this only means she isn't human but something else. Perhaps that's why she managed to fool us around and no one found out.

Oh my gosh, this woman is so cunning. I wonder what she must be doing in the palace right now."he breathed before trying several times to teleport straight to the palace and suddenly he felt dizzy and fell in the middle of the road outside the hospital and was picked up by the same doctors who had examined that lady Martha.

"Are you doing okay?"the doctor asked after putting him on drips of blood. It seemed he was running out of blood which left him wondering how it happened!

"I'm perfectly fine doctor but I don't understand how I lost my balance and fell to the ground. Is this normal or something magical?"

"Don't worry you'll be fine soon. There's nothing like magic in this world."


"Yes sir. All that was possible back in the years when demons, witches, Djinns to mention but a few, existed but not anymore....they all died and their magic too died along with."the doctor explained while he had no idea he was talking to a witch himself!

"But I'm indeed a witch and I still believe in magic. Actually the only reason I suddenly passed out was that I was trying to act magical!"

"What. A... are you being serious?"the doctor was now shaking terribly.

"Hahaha... I won't hurt you don't worry."