

Meanwhile after looking everywhere for Sara and couldn't find her, Jann suddenly fell asleep due to so much exhaustion after last night's activity (intimacy).

It had been long since he enjoyed someone to his fullest and...oh my gosh, the pleasure of breaking into Sara for the first time...it was indeed great though tiring!

While Jann was sleeping soundly, his mind drifted back and he slipped into a horrific dream of his life where he saw his end approaching.

That could be true because he had broken the promise he made long time ago.

In his previous life, Jann had promised to marry Alia, who was a great dancer and was famous because of her amazing dancing styles.

It was her talent that attracted Jann towards her.

She was a gorgeous woman and every man would hint on her for a relationship but she never accepted anyone.

She'd go on dates with them, sleep with them but never fell in love with anyone because all she loved was dancing and nothing else!

Dance was the speaking of her chi, how it communicated with her own soul...oh gosh! She loved that feeling.

Whenever she would flow in dance it was as if it were the only way her body truly knew how to speak.

Verbally she was guarded, physically she would shrink and fade into the background no matter where she was.

She had that strong confidence within her that always made her stand tall on the floor where her personality, her sensuality burst through into the most vibrant picture of a beautiful soul.

It was one evening when Jann decided to go clubbing after having a long day in a new place.

Just like how destiny plays strange games with us, he found himself standing outside a huge building.

He almost walked away before he heard a gorgeous and melodious voice coming from inside that same building.

He tried ignoring it till it became too hard to resist so he made his way inside and sat alone at the big round table where he ordered for his favorite hard drinks while he watched Alia performing on stage.

As she turned, her eyes caught him standing there and deep down she felt like they shared a connection.

"He's the one for me.

I guess he's the one I've been waiting for."Alia breathed.

Meanwhile seeing how Alia was shaking and turning her sexy body around, Jann wasn't left the same.

It felt like liquid adrenaline being injected right into his blood stream - not so strong as to freak him out, but just enough to make him tingle and start to move his body.

It didn't take long before he joined Alia on the stage and thankfully she didn't embarrass him- she accepted and offered him her hand hence they danced together.

I must say that Alia wasn't herself too, she might've been drunk or something because when Jann asked her to escort her to her house she never said no, instead she agreed with a broad smile.

They both weren't sober so no one was in the right mind to resist a one night stand.

They enjoyed themselves while they were drunk and without realizing Jann spent a night at this stranger's house.

Soon morning approached bringing shyness to Alia's face though it was what she wanted since she first set her eyes on him.

She had wished she could have a night with him and now, it was great news for her because her prayer was answered although she had no idea how and what happened between them over the night.

Trying to express his feelings for her, Jann realized that the girl too had feelings for him and guessed she was scared to confess first.

She couldn't make a first move like how most girls think.

After realizing their feelings for each other, the two of them never delayed any longer before they set for a serious relationship.

They dated for more than two years, shared everything, spent amazing nights together but unfortunately Jann never marked Alia as his mate even when Alia begged him several times to. She always asked him to bite her and mark her so she would never die but Jann always found an excuse to delay the marking till it was too late to do anything.

He knew fully well that Alia was a vampire too and that she would return to life in case something happened to her, however that wasn't the case!

She could never come back for she had a heart failure and vampires with such fragile cases would rest forever.

How could Jann find out about this when actually Alia chose to keep it to herself.

Perhaps she was scared he'd leave her once he got to know about her permanent disease.

Since childhood she had been feeling neglected and isolated because whoever got to know about her health status, he or she would try to avoid her for they thought she'd faint any moment-that's why she couldn't bring herself to share it with Jann despite being so madly in love with him.

Losing the love of her little life was something Alia wouldn't compromise for.

She kept waiting for the day that Jann would bite and mark her because she knew him marking her would grant her the ability to come back to life after death but however, that didn't happen.

She got a serious heart attack, fainted when there was no one around to take care of her because Jann had gone somewhere for some important work and suddenly she lost the battle and died.

On returning home, Jann was welcomed by a strong weird wave of fear and pain when he set his eyes on Alia's dead cold corpse that laid on the floor with nothing like a cloth covering it.

Yes, she fell when she was returning from the bathroom.


You can't leave me like this Alia.

You have to wake up for my sake."he cried his pain out.

He was still wondering what could have killed her without a warning and luckily his eyes landed on her personal diary on the bed.

She wanted to note something down since she was alone in the house but unfortunately death took her away before she could hide it like how she used to.

Jann fell speechless on finding out that this gorgeous woman had been fighting a dangerous disease all by herself.

He felt so bad but he had nothing to do about it.

All he did was crying pools and pools of tears but deep down he knew that nothing would ever bring her back to life.