

Losing Alia could never have been a big issue or some secret that Jann would hide from his one and only love, Sara however there was some complication in the matter.

Back then, after Jann had paid his mourning respect, he burnt Alia's dead body to ashes and kept it in a pitcher all by himself because he didn't want to get the third person involved after all he had no relatives or family.

Sitting in an utterly silent room, Jann recalled of the happy moments with Alia, how they went clubbing together, how they played and kissed in the rain but here...he was holding her ashes. He simply couldn't believe that she was no more but it was true, she was actually dead.

He seemed to be lost in deep thoughts before he got interrupted by a very irritating phone call from an unknown number.

He didn't know why but he felt a bit nervous as he walked to get it.

It felt like the phone call would bring something in his life but despite feeling that way, he couldn't resist picking it up.

Oh well... just as he had assumed, that phone call brought nothing but darkness in his life, that's when and how he realized that ghosts were real after seeing Alia's through the mirror in his room.

Perhaps she wanted to scare him and not to kill him-Jann swallowed hard.

The very moment he picked up the phone, lights went out, leaving him wondering what was happening, would Alia's ghost do any harm to him, he hoped not.

But luckily it didn't take long before the room lighted up again.

It was then when he received a shock of his life on setting his eyes on Alia who seemed to be stuck inside the mirror.

He had thought that was his imagination a while ago but no, it was indeed Alia.

"Alia my dear."he suddenly felt emotional for he thought she had come back to him however all that was just his imagination and the truth was that Alia's ghost had returned for revenge.

When he spoke, he realized he was still on the phone and the caller was none other than the woman behind the mirror.

"What will you lie to me now, Jann?

Would you say that you regret losing me? Like really! Did my death and my absence affect you this much or you're just rejoicing inside.

What are you trying to prove anyway?"Alia said while Jann listened over the phone.

Jann who had been in a mournful situation that he had never

experienced before, found it strange and a bit awkward listening to such words coming from Alia's mouth.

Despite his swollen red eyes from crying, and dark

circles from being awake for five nights, Alia still believed that Jann was faking it all.

Had he really loved her that much,he could've marked her from the beginning and nothing like that would've happened to her- Alia would remind herself.

"W-what are you saying dear.

Why wouldn't your absence affect me.

Don't you see how shattered I am, huhh? Do you see me cerebrating or something.

Of course I'm very sad, you don't know how much I've missed you."

"Did you love me?"

"What has happened to you.

Why are you asking me such questions.

Of course I loved you and I still do.

I'm trying to find how I'd bring you back."

"It's too late now Jann.

You wasted the only chance you had so stop giving me false hopes because no matter what you do I'll never return and I don't think you will wish to bring me back to life for you don't have anything like love for me."Alia said while her image vanished slightly from the mirror.

"And listen, I'll be back for you.

I will be waiting for the day you'll choose to have someone else in your life."she promised.

A big lump had slowly started to form in Jann's throat. He wished he had been dreaming but that wasn't the case, things were indeed happening-it was his reality.

A lump that he could not swallow, a lump that would not let him talk and only sent

him into a deep remembrance of his past memories that he had shared with

this Alia.

Every promise they made to each other- every detail of it.

Standing in the middle of the room while Alia's words repeated in his mind, Jann came to realize that Alia was right.

How could he not mark her despite being madly in love with her.

He had tried several times to do it but some invisible force used to stop him.

Whenever he'd plan on making Alia as his mate, something urgent emerged and he ended up postponing.

He had no idea why he always felt like he was sinning whenever he'd be doing things with her.

He had promised to bear in mind everything about Alia, always, but there were two certain things, which would always stay with his most significant memories and they were, her betrayal and how he loved her more than anything.

How could she not share her health problem with him!

He once thought he'd never fall in love with anyone ever again. He would find himself crying whenever he missed her.

Crying pools and pools of tears over Alia's death didn't save Jann at all, the poor girl had died and it was all because of him.

Had he bitten her like she always asked him to, she never could've died that soon.

That was true, Alia could still be alive but Jann unknowingly snatched life from her.

Perhaps that's why she couldn't leave him just like that.

After three years of loneliness and tears, Jann's life suddenly changed for the worst after the return of Alia's ghost.

She died while she was mad at him, in fact she blamed him for her sudden death.

She even left a notice behind for him so he could always feel guilty for her death, but that didn't seem enough!

She had to come back as a ghost again to take revenge on him of which was to never let him marry anyone else for she had sensed that he had started forgetting about her.

He couldn't let her live nor enjoy her life and so.... Alia too wanted to keep the light of happiness very far away from this man and that was to never let him settle with any woman.

That could be true... because ever since Alia's death, Jann never felt genuine feelings for anyone, he always found pleasure in ruining other people's marriages and in doing evil things, till he met this gorgeous girl Sara who changed his life and his thinking over a night.