
With The Sharingan In The MCU

David Blake was hit by a Nokia 3310 on the head and is transported to the MCU with the power of the Sharingan… Can he survive in this dangerous world? Stay tuned! --- Author Note: - Every character except the OC are owned by Marvel - Pictures are coming from my Google Power, AI and Paint - English is not my main language - New at this writing thing - No harem - No System ---

RetMod · Movies
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80 Chs


'Yes... I will help you... partner!' Saying this, Alioth stormed out of my body and headed towards the dragon, who looked perplexed at the dark purple cloud that was growing larger by the second.

Thanks to our shared life forces, I discovered that I could communicate with him and even summon him through our bond by simply calling him.

Since there hadn't been a real trial run before, I was amazed that he could use this small gate in my soul to arrive here. But being someone unaffected by time and space, it was no wonder he could do it so easily…

So after growing to the same length as Legion, Alioth opened its mouth, intending to sample the ghostly being, only to be bombarded by green lightning in return...

Unfortunately for Legion, it was not very effective against the giant cloud, and the lightning was simply absorbed into Alioth.

Seeing this, Legion started evading Alioth's attempts to taste him and began flying away while shooting fireballs at the giant cloud, much to Alioth's delight, as he seemed to enjoy the meal.

However, Alioth was too slow in his cloud form to catch the fleeing dragon, as the mass of the cloud was too large to move around quickly.

'Alioth, can you compress your size? If so, try to make yourself smaller, or you'll never get your meal.'

'I... understand... What form would be… good?' asked Alioth.

Hmm, a tiger and dragon duel would be fun to watch and would excite every Chinese fiction fan, but since my theme was ravens, I decided against it... So I said, "I like ravens, try that."

'I understand…' said Alioth, and the cloud began to change and transform into my soul animal, the raven, instantly becoming faster to the annoyance of the dragon.

Seeing Alioth transform into a giant purplish raven with red eyes made me smile, and I wanted to reward him a bit.

While Legion was feeding my partner with his flames, I leaped into the air, breaking through the clouds with my lightning armor, and unleashed a giant fireball towards the dragon, giving him a taste of his own attacks.

Unsurprisingly, Legion noticed the giant fireball coming towards him and tried to avoid it by flying out of the way. However, using my ravens, which were still following him, I utilized the ᚱ-rune to absorb the fireball and transformed some ravens that attached themselves onto the dragon into a ᛟ-rune.

This made the fiery meteorite unavoidable, and it crashed directly into the dragon, causing it to explode.

*Raaahr!!!* The explosion made not only the dragon scream in anger but also halted its movements before it glared angrily at me while I fell from the sky, while smirking at him.

"Do you really think that will stop me?" roared Legion, attempting to fly towards me in anger.

However, he suddenly couldn't move anymore, as Alioth had already flown past him and sliced him in half with a wing made of the matter-eating cloud, leaving nothing behind where the wing had slashed through the dragon.

'I've got… you, partner,' said Alioth, allowing me to land on him by solidifying the part on his head, making it safe for me to land there.

"Yes, thank you!" Although I was never in danger of falling or being harmed by the dragon since I could simply teleport to the ground, I still thanked my partner for worrying about me, as everyone should do from time to time.

Looking down, we could see the dragon starting to reassemble itself again, but it appeared smaller due to the missing middle part from before.

"Alioth, it's time for a feast!" I said and summoned more ravens to support him.

The dragon suddenly stopped its movement after reassembling and turned its gaze towards me, my swarm of ravens, and the massive purple raven-like creature. It seemed unsure whether it should launch an attack or not.

So I made the choice for him and scattered my swarm of ravens in all directions, while creating massive ᛟ-runes around the battlefield.

"Whoever is beside Fury in there, you all should have stayed dead, for this time there will be no afterlife," I calmly declared. Afterward, I sat down to meditate and replenish my lost chakra, while focusing my thoughts on teleportation.

"You think so motherfucker?" roared the soon-to-be double death dragon Fury, and a surge of massive lightning struck him, causing sparks to emanate from his body as if mimicking my lightning armor. He then swiftly dashed towards us with newfound speed, while shooting laser-like green light, primarily targeting me since Alioth remained unaffected by it.

"Alioth, ignore the laser, just slice him up," I said.

'Yes... thanks for... the meal,' responded Alioth and dashed forward.

*Raaahr!!!* "Try it! You will be dead before that!" *Raaahr!!!*

It appeared that the dragon possessed only the body mass of the dead, while lacking their intellect…

Before the laser could reach me, Alioth and I promptly vanished and reappeared behind the dragon. Alioth soared then towards the dragon, slicing him in half once more while devouring more flesh.

Once again Legion fused together, albeit in a smaller form… while showing no signs of giving up.

"This is the end! Alioth, don't cease your assault, till I say so," I said to my partner. Alioth promptly nodded and dashed forward once more.

The dragon attempted to evade, but I swiftly teleported us to the next rune. We materialized by its side and sliced him up, repeating the process from above, left, right, and all other sides until only a human-sized chunk of meat remained.

"Alioth, stop. This is enough." I said and stood up from his head again.

'Like you... wish.'

Witnessing the flesh starting to reform into a dragon of nearly human size, I let my ravens swarm him and then they attached themselves to him and transformed into the ᚺ-Hagalaz rune, the rune of destruction.

Afterwards I channeled my Katon chakra into it, causing the baby dragon to explode like a bomb. This left only small chunks of meat behind, and while I could already see signs of reforming, it provided enough time for me to deal with him.

So with a goal in mind, I propelled myself from Alioth's head, hurtling towards the reforming flesh, while countless bolts of green lightning started to strike around me.

In the next moment, I concentrated my chakra into my hand, while infusing it with my Raiton element, and shaped it into a Chidori.

And as the lightning struck between Legion and me, in an attempt to stop me, I accidentally recreated Kakashi's legendary tale.

Because the moment the lightning appeared, I swiftly cut through it with my Chidori and plunged my hand into the flesh of the beast.

To atone for my past blunders, I activated my Mangekyou, to isolate and solidify Nick Fury's soul from the countless others within. Then pulled Fury's now energy-like soul from the flesh, while holding it firmly in my hand.

Stepping aside from the pile of flesh with the soul in my hand, I commanded Alioth, 'Consume the flesh and bring an end to its misery.'

'Yes…' With these words, Alioth swooped down, seizing the reformed flesh with his beak and devouring it, thereby bringing an end to the tale of Hel's Legion.

After ending the life of the ghost dragon, Alioth landed beside me, as I created another chest to contain Fury's soul.

Having never attempted a resurrection before, I couldn't think of a better candidate than Fury to put it to the test... since he can't be more angry at me than he already is, right?

After dealing with the dragon and Fury's soul I realized that it probably wasn't over yet, since Tamat should be here somewhere.

So, as I tried to regain my focus, I suddenly noticed the surrounding space becoming disturbed and in the next moment everything went to shit...

First Alioth shattered into countless pieces, while a pale hand emerged near the right side of my face. That all happened so fast that even I didn't even had time to react.

"Ahhh!!!" Suddenly, darkness engulfed my vision, and a searing pain shot through my right eye. This abrupt blindness and pain caused me to stumble around before eventually falling to the ground.

After a few seconds, I finally collected myself and rose to my knees, and attempted to assess the damage to my eye. But as I touched it, I only felt warm liquid coming out of the empty socket… where my freaking eye should be!

"Thanks for the eye by the way," an amused voice echoed beside me.

"Firstly, I must say I'm impressed. You've grown quite strong since the last time I saw you. However, I also need to scold you. Sending your benefactor to the end of the universe was not nice.

But at least I had the opportunity to make... let's say new friends during my time there. So don't worry I'm not really angry at you."

"Yeah... ha... fuck you too," I retorted, while rising to my feet and using my sensory abilities to see my surroundings, all the while holding my bleeding eye socket.

"Using such foul language while I intended to have a simple chat with you isn't nice," responded Tamat,

"So, simply… die."

"Ugh--" In the next instant, my entire body felt as it was being torn apart from the inside, and I could feel blood streaming from every pore.

And for the first time I felt totally helpless...

Suddenly, Tamat seems to appear in front of me, clutching my throat and lifting me off the ground.

He then laughed and said, "How do you like my Mangekyou ability? It's quite useful, isn't it?" I tried to respond, but the blood in my throat prevented any words from escaping.

"You are quite boring now… Well then whatever, let me take this," said Tamat disappointed and I could feel him opening my left eye and taking out my blind eye, but due to the overwhelming pain and shock coursing through my body, It was only like a sting...

"Goodbye, anomaly. I'm grateful that you ventured into this dimension, and I hope you had fun with your companions here, because now it's time for me to have my fun with them,"

Announced Tamat, while driving his hand into my chest and plunging my world into silence.

Hey everyone, and welcome!

You know what they say, "The higher you climb, the harder you fall," and it seems like David learned that the hard way this time...

He probably thought that with his powers and preparation, he could defeat anyone. Well, then came Tamat...

Stay tuned for more!

P.S. the EMS designs of both Tamat and David are finished and will appear in the upcoming chapters

RetModcreators' thoughts