
With the power of absolute command, my word is law!

KuraiChosha · Others
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Chapter 1: The power to command, my word is absolute

A command by definition an authoritative order, words whether written or spoken that makes someone or something perform an action. A command can be many things. Some say a wish is a type of command, magic is commanding the universe to perform an unnatural action, and the covenant is the command of God to which his people follows. Commands can come from many places, like God or the commanding officer of the military. However, commands are never absolute or that is what I thought until something happened to me.

I got up one morning in summer break and began doing some excersises like push-ups and sit ups. I was careful doing the sit ups as I kind of rubbed my backside raw, making it feel like I was touching bone. After the excercises I showered in some hot water and got dress. I was a nurse in a nursing home called The Eden. It was a small nursing home and was located a couple miles from my apartment. I was in my scrubs, green, and started up my car and mentally preparing myself for a grueling day at work.

I arrived in the parking lot and I exited my Ford150 and walked in the building. I clocked in and began my work. As one who wore green, I was in charge of doing housekeeping. It was a job that I often worked over my time limit as it took an hour before my replacement ever gets here. I scrubbed floors, I the night stands, and even the windows. I also cleaned the tv of the residence which some use and others are often seen playing board games and coloring pictures. There was this one residence who always liked giving gifts when she could, I believer her name was Edna. She was 92, and was a sweet old women who liked to knit sweaters.

"Hi Edna" I said to her on my way to clean her room. She was knitting this scarf of red and orange when she looked up at me. "Hello John" she said, her voice shaking with old age. "What are you knitting?" I asked her. "I am knitting a scarf for my great granddaughter, she is turning eight this year" she told me. Her granddaughter, Elise Ruddersworth, was the sweetest little girl. She alway smiled when she came to visit Edna, who she loved dearly. "Well I wish you luck" I told her as I continued on with my job. It was eleven a'clock when my replacement could arrive. 'Thank you for arriving Deborah' I thought to myself as I left my work and went home. I was off for the next two days and I was gonna sleep good tonight.

I went home and made myself some late dinner and began eating it with a rapid pace. My body was slowly relaxing itself. I took another shower and went to bed. My mind was blank as I was sleeping in bliss. however, a deep desire began burning in my heart, putting my mind in turmoil. 'Why am I here? I should be at the top! I should be head of housekeeping. I have been there longer than her, I am more experienced! So why is she the head, I should be' was my eternal thought. However, I squished it down deep in my mind as I try to retain the peace, but I felt my mind be taken to a different place.

In this place was something, I could not describe it's facial features for it had none. It was blank, purely blank that nothing could even be described. It sat on a throne that eminated the aura of supression only those of higher standing could have. It's aura felt divine and I was ready to believe it as such. Why was I ready to believe this being as a true divinity and not something concocted by my mind? Well it's aura was so potent and its existence so beyond what anybody could have, It could only be a divine.

"James Underwood" it spoke, it's voice deep as the abyss. I felt as my soul was bare before it, as if my existence was just peered at by it. "Your wish is to command , so I give you this power, the power of absolute command. Use it how you please, for I wish you to do as you please with it as I watch the outcome" said the being as my mind dipped from it's presence.

Yet however, in another world was born a baby boy. This boy would soon turn the power and city of Fuyuki upside down when he grows to compete in the grail wars.


'Where am i? Is this my home, am I where I am supposed to be' I asked myself as I tried to open my eyes as I wanted to wake up and find out where I was. 'I want to see the outside world! Show it to me!' I shouted in my mind as I felt my perspective shift, as if my spirit floated outside my body or my view shifted to 3rd person. It was very disorienting but it allowed me to view the outside world. 'How, and is this the delivery ward?' I asked myself as I saw a women with a man by her side. The man had dark hair and brown eyes. He was tall, about 183 cm, and had a strong figure. The women was a blonde with blue eyes and a figure that would leave many drooling in their wake.

'I guess this must be where I am. And it does not take a genius to figure out where this cliche event must be' I thought to myself as the situation became clear to me. 'I guess I am being reborn right now. Though the bigger question is how did I see outside the womb?' I thought to myself as a memory flashed through my mind. It was of that white being who said "Your wish is to command, so I give you this power, the power of absolute command". 'Absolute command, an ability that could even force the world to listen and bow to its knees' I thought to myself as my spirit sneered somewhat with arrogancy. I wanted to command, and that being granted my wish. Be it the devil or God I don't care, but this power is mine and no one can take it, that is an order!

I of course heard the screams of the woman as a healthy baby boy was born in the year of of 1986, january of the 31st. A year that marked the birth of one whose command shall not be defied.