
With One Touch (BL)

As the son of the Minister of Health, Han Minjun had always led a privileged life, shielded from the harsh realities of the world. However, when he met the enigmatic Kim Seungjoon, his life took a dramatic turn. The attraction between them was instantaneous, but little did Han Minjun know that his love for Kim Seungjoon would plunge him into a world of chaos and uncertainty. The mysteries surrounding Kim Seungjoon were many, and as their relationship deepened, Han Minjun found himself embroiled in a web of intrigue and danger. Did he know what he was getting into when he fell for Kim Seungjoon? As he embarked on a new journey with Seungjoon, he pondered about the unknown future that lay ahead of them. Questions swirled through his mind about the enigmatic person he had chosen to spend his life with. How many secrets did Seungjoon keep hidden? What mysteries would they unravel together? The anticipation of what was to come was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking....... As the story unfolded, it became apparent that the idyllic fairytale was taking a dark turn. The once-balanced scales between life and death began to tip precariously, and the characters found themselves in the midst of a harrowing nightmare. It was impossible to predict who would emerge from the ordeal unscathed.......

_Ghost_Hunter_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
122 Chs

A Desperate Wish


All the students looked up as they heard Hanbin's voice coming from the upper floor. His clear and resonant voice traveled through the building like a sonic boom.

Everyone knew it was Won Hanbin. His voice had become even more synonymous with his identity than the gleaming array of gold medals displayed in the school's trophy case - each a testament to his prowess in the swimming pool.

Seungjoon felt concerned. He knew Hanbin was one of Minjun's close friends.

'Han Minjun, what are you up to?'

Seungjoon exited his class discreetly and headed towards the upper floor. The corridor of the 11th grade was abuzz with students, all engrossed in discussions about Hanbin and his distinctive voice. Upon reaching the next level, Seungjoon found the hallway deserted, save for a few students. He strolled nonchalantly towards Minjun's classroom and peered inside, where only three friends were present in an otherwise vacant classroom.

Seungjoon, leaning casually against the wall, feigned interest in the announcements pinned up before him. His concentration, however, was not where it seemed. Instead, his attention was sharply tuned to the hushed tones coming from Minjun's classroom. Changmin's voice, a soft murmur barely rising above a whisper, carried fragments of sentences to Seungjoon's keen ears. With focused concentration, he pieced together the words, grasping the essence of the conversation.

"Jun-ah. Get a grip on yourself."

"Hyung, should I transfer myself to a different school?"

"Don't be crazy," Hanbin said, trying to keep his voice as low as possible.

"I can't let anyone know. Especially Seungjoon. I don't want him looking at me with disgust."

"Why would he look at you with disgust? Loving someone is not a crime. Plus, I don't think that kid is that shallow. Also, he doesn't know you love him."

"It's the first time I've heard you say something sensible."

There was a loud thud and a noise. It seemed like a substantial object had collided with the ground with significant force. In Seungjoon's mind, he could almost picture Hanbin hurling something toward Changmin playfully.

"Anyway, just let it be. Be true to yourself. Pushing things away only makes things harder."

Seungjoon could hear Changmin speak affectionately, with Hanbin in agreement. Quietly, Seungjoon left and made his way to his class as the bell signaled the end of the recess.

Taemin was hastily completing his remaining homework, carefully copying the more challenging sections from Seungjoon's book. As Seungjoon passed by Taemin's desk, he took his book back, eliciting a groan from Taemin.

"Oh, come on, baby."

"No. Do it on your own. Or I'll tell eomma."

Taemin looked at Seungjoon with pleading puppy eyes and a pout, which brought a smile to Seungjoon's face. However, when Taemin heard other students coming, he quickly regained his composure and continued his exercises, leaving Seungjoon to ponder what he had just overheard.

'Han Minjun, you are making it harder for me to walk away from you. Whether I love you back or not, it seems you are going to suffer a lot.'

Seungjoon bit the inside of his cheek unconsciously, and he felt someone poke his cheek. Taejon was back from his music class.

'Don't do that.'

Seungjoon smiled and turned his face towards the front of the class. The teacher came, and Seungjoon started to take notes automatically without paying much attention.

'Han Minjun, I wish I could spend a day with you. I want to know everything about you.'

He let out an involuntary sigh, and both Taemin and Taejon looked at him quickly. Seungjoon cleared his throat silently.

"Just feel a bit tired."

He answered their questioning look meekly. 'Oh man, this is going to be a hassle,' Seungjoon thought, pretending to be unaware of his brothers' worried glances.

For his brothers, Seungjoon was still their baby. He played the role convincingly for his brothers' sake. Encountering Han Minjun led Seungjoon to an epiphany; his brothers were, and always had been, his priority, a fact he had subconsciously acknowledged all along. They were his babies. He wondered whether they would be disappointed to learn that he had matured beyond their imagination. Seungjoon closed his eyes and wished,

'Han-ah, let's meet one day and spend time together as a couple.'

Seungjoon made a desperate wish, hoping it would come true against all odds.