
With Naruto Knowledge System in Harry Potter World

Well, I got bored. With my shit like writing talent I'm trying to show my fantasy of what if MC uses naruto world elements with magic?? Well, A naruto/HP fan dies and a bored god gives him a naruto system to go to HP world. And you might wonder a ninja can kill a magician even before he takes out his wand. Then dont worry. MC uses magic but with naruto knowledge. He creates naruto elements using magic. if not he can obliterate all the magician in the world. So, there is restricition. He wont use chakra but magic. Warning: Shitty writing talent. So Sorry in advance. Just understand and get the general gist of the story. If you dont like the story dont read but dont review bad ok?? Thank You

The_Lost_God · Movies
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18 Chs

10th Year(5/2)

(Hey people, I learned something. Well, I apparently can't satisfy every reader out there. At first I tried to do it and failed. So, I will only take positive and developmental feedback. But, I simply won't be doing what you said.)

I reached Grimmuald in few minutes. I thought I had to use Byakugan for finding wards but I felt as if the wards were calling me. I was shocked. "Is it because of black blood in me?", I had quite a few questions. But none the less I went in. I knew these wards were also for attacking intruders. But, it didn't attack me. When I reached inside, an Elf popped in front of me. "Who are you? Why did you intrude in here?", He asked with vigilance.

"I'm Orion Olivander.", I replied. Listening to my name, he was shocked, "Master.", he knelt in front of me. Now I'm shocked. Will these Elves kill me with shock?

Maybe because of black heritage in me. I thought. "Standup Kreacher," I said.

He stood up from that position. Then he cried. "Master Regulus said, Please ask Master Orion to forgive everyone. And, Before he went he declared Master Orion to be heir to the house black.", Kreacher poofed and came back with a magical contract. He gave it to me. "Now what? I'm Orion Olivander Malfoy Black? Ah! The God Must Be Crazy In The Pursuit of Happiness."

"I know Kreacher. I don't blame Regulus. If I were in his place I would do the same." Regulus was like the Itachi of the Harry Potter world. And, except for Narcissa, no one knew about Regulus. In the eye of the world, Regulus is the left hand of Voldemort. But, No one knows his sacrifice.

"Regulus was the true ancient noble family. Don't be sad Kreacher. You should be proud of your master. He sacrificed himself for the world. To protect the world from evil is the novel's job and he did that.", I said to Kreacher with authority in my voice.

Kreacher was amazed. He didn't expect Orion to support his master. Walburga even said Regulus was not worthy. He was a coward but in the eye of Kreacher, Regulus is his master. Like Dobby, Kreacher was saved by Regulus. Regulus didn't treat him badly.

Now, Kreacher had the same eyes as Dobby had. I then summoned a dress made by the elves and gave it to Kreacher. "Master are you throwing Kreacher out of the black family?", he said with pain. "No, Kreacher I'm not throwing out. Rather I will take you to serve my true family.", I said and opened a portal in front of him. He was confused. Then I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside the portal.

Since the last time I saw them, Elves had grown in number. It seems the elves are doing great jobs. They had gathered around a bed. And In the bed was Narcissa. I knew I couldn't do anything. She has to get over it herself.

Seeing me elves were quite afraid. I knew I shouldn't have become angry with them. Then I went to them and bowed. "Everyone, I'm sorry for earlier. I shouldn't have become angry with you."

Then every elf started crying. Then all of them jumped and came to attach themselves to me. From head to toe, all of me was covered with elves. I almost suffocated to death. Because of magic, I was able to survive.

"Master we thought you didn't want us.", one of the elves came to me. I patted his head. "I promise I will never abandon you guys."

I was angry with these fragile guys. Damn me. Well, on the bright side, we became close. I then went near Narcissa. I saw her twitching in her sleep. "She must be having nightmares.", I thought. I also saw the dark circle around her eyes. She must not have slept for a long time. She seems weak. I took out a senzu bean and put it in her mouth. She couldn't swallow it. So, I took it in my mouth crushed it, and using my mouth I put it in her mouth. And, use magic to push it down her throat.

Immediately after she became Rosy from pale. She slept for an entire day. I let her sleep. Since she had senzu bean she doesn't need to eat and she hadn't slept for days. So, I didn't disturb her.

I also made a house in elves village. Elves were more than happy to help me. It was a simple wooden house. Since it had been 4 years that elder trees were planted, So, they had grown above 100 meters tall. And, I had to regularly use my power to move those trees apart to let them grow properly. Now the central area had grown only about 500 m in radius. For elves, it is more than enough. If it becomes small we can use magic to expand it more. So, no worries.

I put Narcissa in the house and let her rest. I had Tilly look after her. I had to change her tight clothes changed into a loose gown. Then I went out.

It had been a few days since we had been here. Until now Kreacher had become one of my fans. I didn't want him to think like that but other Elves made him like that. In their eyes, I'm their savior. And, they also think I'm their family. I also think like that. When I was about to go Kreacher in a suit came to me with a grin.

Damn, I forgot that since elves can use magic freely, I can have them learn some healing magitsu. I asked Eve for knowledge about it. I then copied it on a paper and gave it to Dobby. I asked them to learn and they can use wounded animals in the outskirt. I then went out with Kreacher.

I asked Kreacher to bring me the daily prophet newspaper for a few days. He went poof and came back, poof. "Master here they are."

Before when Tilly spied on Lucius, Tilly said, she can't read. "Kreacher do you know how to read and write?", I asked him.

"Kreacher knows master.", he replied with pride.

"Dobby", I called. "Yes master.", he replied.

"Do you know how to read and write?", I asked the same question.

"Yes, master. When Dobby had free time Dobby used to read and write for the day Dobby will be free.", he replied sincerely.

"Fuck this elf. How much will he pierce my heart? Sigh,", "Well Dobby and Kreacher. Both of you will teach other elves who don't know how to read and write. You can do it your own way. But, as I told you earlier, don't force anyone. And, not everyone can learn it. So, you don't have to be hard on yourself or others."

"As for those who can read and write ask them to use magic cloaking seal and go and rescue other elves. Change them and get them to me.", I gave them the order.

"Ok master.", Both of them spoke, and poof.

"Master, madam Narcissa woke up.", Tilly came to me. When I was in my world, I and tilly went on our journey.

"Ok I will come with you.", I replied. "Ok master", and she went poof.

When I went to the house, I saw Narcissa sitting on the bed with a gloomy face. I went to her and spoke, "Auntie" She looked at me and started crying. I hugged her. I didn't know how to help her then I remembered. I patter her head with my small hand. She blushed and cried even more. After sometimes she stopped.

"Where are we Orion?", Narcissa asked me.

"In my world.", I replied. I had nothing to lie to her. I even told her about my reincarnation. But didn't tell her about my cheats. She was angry that I stole a child's body. But, I told her how there was no soul in the child and god helped me. She was reluctant to believe but I had a magic oath in front of her. Then she said, "If you were an adult in your last life, then when you decided to help me with my problem..", she stopped and blushed.

"Ok, Auntie, I know I shouldn't have done that. You were the first person to ever love me. And, I also sincerely love you. I wanted to tell you about me but if I had then you would have left me. So, I didn't tell you. Please forgive me. Don't leave me.", I was about to cry.

Seeing me like this she also had tears in her eyes. She knew I was the only one to love her. "It's ok. I will never leave you. I also have no one else except you." she replied. Then we hugged each other and slept while cuddling for some time. Then I decided to tease her, "Auntie, why do you put the hair inside your underwear? ", I asked innocently.

She was dumbfounded. Then she found out, that wasn't the dress she had worn that day. She blushed. She thought Orion must have had changed her clothes. "You are still a kid. When you grow up you will ...", She stopped herself. Then she remembered the one sleeping with her isn't an eight-year-old kid but rather 19 years old in a child body. Then she blushed furiously. I laughed at her.

After some time I again teased her, "Auntie, My hair is long why don't you give me a haircut. And I will cut yours"

"Why would I cut my hair?" She replied. Then she knew what I was talking about. She blushed again. "Get out of here. You pervert", She spoke furiously. "Auntie I heard when women are in the period they wet moody, Are you in period.?", She almost fainted. "Ok. Ok. I won't tease you again.", I said to her.

"Promise?", she asked for a pinkie promise. "Only if you give my robe back", I did it again. She then stopped talking.

"How long has it been?", she asked me.

"About 3 days.", I replied.

She gasped. "Auntie, are you again having the problem? I will help you.", I put my hands near her robe. She was blushing again. "No. it's not."

Then I decided to stop. I hadn't still read the papers. I got it and looked at the front page of the first day's paper. "Lord Malfoy Tried to Kill The boy who survived"

There was another article, "Lord Malfoy threw His wife from house Malfoy for protecting the boy who survived"

I showed it to Narcissa and she was sad and angry looking at the paper. I hold her hand and grabbed it tightly. After that, I took another paper, "The boy who survived in the run. Malfoy wants to silence him?" Damn, Rita She wrote whatever she likes. Not that I care.

There were third day and fourth-day news. With respective headlines, "Lord Malfoy and Heir Malfoy said, Narcissa Malfoy and The boy who survived had adulterous relation." "Pureblood people in Malfoy's support/ Other says, Malfoy is sprouting lies", I was angry. "How dare he disrespect her. I will make him pay.", I thought. Narcissa was also angry. "I will make them pay.", I told her. She looked at me, "Auntie, They don't have the right to live. I will make sure that they pay.", She nodded. She didn't have a family anymore. I was what was left for her. So, She had new courage in her.

After some time, I got an Owl. It had a letter for me.

"From Hogwarts...", I didn't even read the whole letter. I knew what was written in it. After someday, Narcissa and I went to Daigon alley in a High Profile manner. Until now we didn't come in front of the world and now we are there. People felt amused.

What was interesting was, I had kept an eye on Lucius. When Lucius and Draco come to Daigon Alley I would be there. Out of nowhere reporters appeared there. Then we went to Gringott bank to get Lord Status. Since Sirius was in Azkaban and I was the only one with black blood and magical contract for heir as well as Narcissa was black and my legal guardian, I would be lord.

After that, we went out of the bank and headed towards Lucius. Reporters were shocked that I became Lord Black. The ancient and the most powerful family of Black. They were writing fast. We reached Flourish & Blotts. Malfoy's father and son were there. When they saw us their face became green. Reporters were there with their camera on.

Lucius screamed, "You...You.. adulterous couple."

Before he could finish, I spoke, "Damn Lucius, stop. As, Narcissa said, only your sound and ego is big rest is small. No wonder Narcissa left you.", Narcissa blushed in the side. She didn't speak. She was ready to fight with Lucius but my words stopped her. And listening to me, Lucius had a green and red face. He didn't know what to say. He was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted. "Dad.. Dad", Draco was moving Lucius. He looked at us with anger. "Draco you were given choice. You chose wrong.", I gave him a disgusting look and went my way.

Then we bought books for the 1st year. Afterward, we went to Olivander and got my wand. Garrick Olivander looked at me. He didn't speak. He just asked, "Which hand?"

"Both", I replied coldly.

He brought me a wand, I just took it threw 10 galleons at him and went my way. Narcissa followed me. Garrick looked at me. "That wand mightn't be suitable to you. Wand chooses master"

"Then I will make it submit.", I replied coldly. I saw him fumbling at my words. I just didn't talk more and left. Now, finally, I can read Hogwarts' book. Because of restriction, I wasn't able to try any of the spells. Now I can do it. I was happy.

The next day a bomb exploded in the magical world. "The boy who survived became Lord Black. Accepts Malfoy's accusation." In a magazine, there was, "Lord Malfoy has small thing so, Lady Malfoy left him." And both of them became a hot topic. One article was, "How big is Lord Black's thing??" I showed Narcissa and she blushed. I knew Narcissa even though was smiling hadn't fully got out of the trauma of her Husband and Son betraying her. I could do nothing except for being there for her, protecting her. I let her go to elves village.

(This is the last of back story. Next chapter will be To the Hogwarts)