
With Kyoka Suigetsu's Powers in One Piece

A normal man gets reincarnated into One Piece with the powers of Kyoka Suigetsu. All that's left is to "stand at the top".

EchoSilence · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

A Requiem for Enel

Considering there's a marine base a couple of days sailing from Jaya, I suggested we break there to restock. Of course, most of the rations had gone overboard when the supply person was stocking our ship, under my illusion of course. Anyway, our ship quickly docked as we disembarked. For the trip to West Blue we needed a significant amount of supplies, which the base didn't have on hand, which meant I had roughly 12 days till the ship was fully restocked. I had excused myself from the base by saying I was going to the mini-forest on the island for "special training". With the reputation I had built with the other Junior Seamen and my commanding officer, especially with regard to my strength, I was easily given permission. Stealing a small Caravel, I immediately rushed out to see with an Eternal Log Pose keyed in to Jaya, and one keyed into my current island, Navarone. Apparently undercover marines from this base often infiltrate Jaya for intelligence purposes.

I had also "recruited" a crew from the marines. They thought they were following their bosses' orders, while their boss would probably immediately list them as deserters who fled with a military ship to be pirates. Apart from being talented and conveniently accessible, they were also all scum who collaborated with pirates, so even what little conscience I had wasn't affected by me using them.

A day's trip from Jaya (or so the map told us) I suddenly noticed the sky darkening as the water nearly a mile out started getting turbulent, and soon collapsed inward into a whirlpool. No freaking way. Is this what being a protagonist feels like? Things fall into place perfectly? Must be nice. Anyway, this shaves some time that would've been wasted on Cricket.

Let me tell you, even if you know exactly what's going to happen, having to go up on a waterspout is bloody scary. Broken mast aside, we were in the White Sea. Of course, the crew also was reduced in size by nearly 50%, but the navigator and helmsman were all fine, and the food was okay too. I call that a win. We slowly came up to the Heaven's Gate. An old woman greeted us and asked for the 1,000,000,000 Extols, to which I said of course and put her in an illusion of me handing the money to her. It was also a test of my new ability, 'parasitic illusion'. It would basically load a set illusion into her mind, triggered by a thought. So whenever she thought about the money I gave her, she'd see and interact with it like was actual money despite nothing being there. Of course, Observation Haki and time, like a month could eventually break this illusion. For now.

As we pulled into Skypeia, or at least Angel island, I was truly amazed at how gorgeous it all looked. Sadly, we had no time for sightseeing as after a while we quickly headed towards Birka after getting the required navigational tools. Three days later, we had finally arrived at Birka, though I first erased the ship from the natives perception by pretending to retreat after the Birkans had gathered on the shore to attack us. Then urging my crew to wait I used Geppo to land on the island.

As I stretched my Observation Haki to the maximum, I suddenly felt it - the 20-something person whimpering in his shack. For the next few days, I would tail Enel to see if he was suitable for recruitment, and try to find the Thunder fruit. He definitely isn't moving tonight by the state his bodies in. Time for some sleep.

-----------------THE NEXT NIGHT------------------

Trash. Utter trash. I don't need days to measure him, one was enough. The kid's simply too broken from the abuse from childhood, and can barely raise his head in front of others, and even in his own home he acts pathetically. A clear opposite of how he would act once he got the Goro-Goro no mi. People like this can't be redeemed with some re-education. He will forever be afraid of challenging those stronger than him. Once he eats that fruit, that feeling of superiority would set in and he would loathe to ever be under someone again too, and especially with the escape capabilities of the fruit, I cannot stop him if he wishes to just run, especially since his Observation Haki will be larger than my radius for using my fruit. Wasting a top-tier fruit on him is stupidity. But Enel still has his uses...

---------------------ENEL POV---------------------

Another day of the others beating me. Oh, how I want wings like them, I want to...

A bright light assaulted my eyes. As I my eyes slowly adjusted, I saw him. He was a Birkan, no doubt about it, for he had the most beautiful wings I had ever seen. Amazing. If god existed, he should look like this.

"My son, I am sorry we have failed you. You should have been the greatest hero of our land, yet that opportunity was stolen from you. However I wish to set things right, if you will let me?"

"Who..who are you?"

"I am the ancestor of all Birkans, my son. All of you are my children. Even few generation, I send down a wingless one, who will champion my people. The child must be placed on the altar along with the fruit of power to begin the ascension ceremony, and he gains power beyond belief. However, in your case, this ceremony never happened"

"What...why? Who did this to me??!?!"

"My son, it was those priests that claim to worship me. They have covered the truth so their power won't be challenged. Through many difficulties I have returned to the land of the living, and my time here grows short. The fruit of power is currently in the treasure room of the temple, blue in color. If you can bring it to the altar, I can complete the ceremony in a short time...but my time here grows less every second. Hurry, my child. Reach your destiny."

I was already running my beaten body out the door.

--------------Sosuke POV-----------------

And he's taken the bait. I don't know how he ends up in that room in cannon but my Observation Haki can tell it's filled with goodies like gold and swords. Too bad it for some reason would not unlock with the blood of a random Birkan, or their handprint, or footprint (I was kind of lost at this point). So, I decided to let the original wielder open the treasure room. I'll just follow him. Any way he'll be dead after tonight.

Soon, we approach the treasure room, and the ferocity with which he slashes his arm on the ID pad/ whatever it's called since it's technically just a slab of metal. The down creaks open and he makes a beeline for the fruit, or he thinks he does. Really he just stand there for a second then leaves for the altar. Meanwhile, I pick up the blue devil fruit and keep it in a small box I'd brought. In a larger bag, I empty out the gold and the swords. One of them might be Skillful or Great grade Meito, but I can't tell. Thank you Enel. May you rest in peace.

I slowly Geppo to my ship. Truly, what a great haul. I didn't even have to use my fruit on the guards since basically the entire guard was after Enel. The ship slowly moves toward Skypeia, and Cloud's End. Now, let's get that octopus and leave. I'll have to kill my lovely crew mates of the coast of the island and sink the ship, but alls well that ends well. What a productive ten days for me.