
With Him By My Side

Jennifer who was living her life as an idol. Her carrer begain from being an athleat runner, gold winner and now she works in every entertainment area such as music album, side roles, adds, modeling and she still continued participating athletes and won lot's of medals. Everyone loved and cherished her work, looks & her attitude. One night she woke up in the middle of night and her whole life took a 180° turn. She was confuse/curios of the things hapening to her. Not scared. She lived her life normally like her everyday. Trying not to mess up things, getting comfortable to how things were now but on another rainy day. Its was not just her, the whole world took a 360° turn. Everything was a mess now.

dusky_ether · Fantasy
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9 Chs



It's been two week since stefan got weird. But now everyhing is fine. More than fine, for him everything is child's play now. Jennifer did not come from that day to pick up Miss Emma. I still can't believe she could hear us from the car.

My confusion about him went as time passed. He started to feel like someone else. He became a little cold, not jokeing around or always somthing's on his mind. While He was still fine so, 'Everthing was great' that's what I decided on to believe.

We were having our P.E. now. Everyone had to run race with 6 person each time. I went and got to be 2nd in my try.

"You went all out, noe."

"I wanted to be first this time around."

"You will get it."

"What's your plan, steph?"

"I will be 4th."

"Why going that low."

"Just feel like it's...better like that."

[Well, I am sure he can get 1st if he wanted.]

The race began of 6 people including stefan, what I thought was 'isn't he looking way too feeble'.

[what the..... even when he planned to be 4th, even when he run half-hearted... why did he became 2nd?]

We sat next to eachother again, waiting for our turn to run again.

"Hey.... steph, you looked like your weren't giving your all?"

"Cuz I wasn't!"

"But..... isn't time like this you should?"


"Well, you can be popular with... girl's."

"..ummmm... not now."


"Just a hun-"

[ huh...he looks...pale!]

"What is it? Do you feel pain somewhere? Should I take you to infirmary?"

"Something wrong here."


[What did he mean?]

He suddenly stood up, to his gesture I tried to stand up as well, but he put his hand on my sholder, pushing me not to not stand up. Before I could say somthing I heard a screams from back.



I turned back to see, a humoind figure without any eyes or nose, chewing on few girls who's been ripped opend. That was the most horrifying thing I saw in my whole life. That thing had been on it's four with a tale which swinged and sent some flying. It was huge as a pick-up truck.

[What is that..... man eating thing? Wait what ........ where did so many of them come from?]

Before I could understand what was going on, we were already surrounded by alot these. Screams were all I could hear from evey direction. Those things just teared and eat us.


I let out sream when stefan pushed me back and I went four steps back flying. I got up to see that man-eater got close enough to eat stefan.



[Huh... when did he get there.....how did he kicked down that to ground.....]

"...did I... do this?"

After pushing me back, stefan with *flash* speed went from the left side to the right side of that man-eater's head and kicked it down to ground. While it didn't die but it took some serious damage.

[...am I seeing.... or is there blue smoke around him?]

"....yeah, you did tha-"

[....Where..... did he go.....]


Stefan after kicking that thing down to ground looked past me than disapped just to appear behind me and kicking another one of those. Before I could catchup with him he was already got the other one, after all we were surrounded by those.

The scool ground was a mess now, it has not even been 30 sec from those things appeard, but most of the kids were dead already and the rest were.


Stefan screamed preety loud enough to be heard by everyone on the campus. To his word, everyone acknowledged it and started running over to the building. There were student who was not able to acknowledged it cause they were dead or or they were in a state to crawling but others run as fast as the could to the building, me including.

[Let's get to the buildin-]


[Did he say... to get on ground?]

And just as I layed myself to ground, he appeard with *flash* speed, and kicked one of those who aimed at me from above. When he did kicked the first one it looked like it only took some serious damages but the one who got kicked this time, his head was blown off while green liquid started to flow oit from that things body.

[ that's it's....... blood? The blue smoke around stefan is...... more visible now.]

" I did not see.... that coming from above?"

"Do you..... trust me?"

[ do I?...... No, I don't trust him. Not this stefan who just........ feels little distanced.]

"Yes Woahhhhh...."

After asking me question that I couldn't answer honestly, stefan lifted me and jumped back and took me to the back of a tree.

"Noe, can you stay hear without making any sounds?"

"...I....I willl...."

Stefan disappered and appeard between the horried of those things.


[ What is he.....screaming... but how can... ?]


On breath of relife came out of me. A boy maybe he saw stefan kicking those, he tried to fight against those and got eaten. My thoughts were now all about what those man-eater things were. I thought of all those 'scientists faild experiment went outbreak and destory the world' we see in movies or novel.

But then the thought of my best friend being a scienfic experiment, I stopped all those nonsence.

[Yep.... these is no way.... government did this....]


I was at my home, workingout on treadmill. I didn't have any shoot today. That day when steph caught me, now all I can think is, he is like me. I didn't go to pick aunt emma anymore, I will but not now. Moreover I kept in check with ann that no one was trobleing her.

Thanksful nothing strange happened past 2 week with her. I was just about to finish my workout, but I got distracted suddenly.


[Huh...it's his voice...is he somewhere near..]

I foused on 'want to hear' feeling of mine and started to hear.




"What are thes-"

I started to hear screms of men, women, kids and elders. Everyone scremed in pain, the words I could pick up were 'devil', 'I don't wana die', 'moster'' and.

{Help me}



[Did I just.... jumped from sixth floor?]


I was standing on the road now. After hearing those screams before I thought my body just moved. I jumped from my balcony and now was on road, withoud breaking a single bone on my own. Wind swirl around me and faded away. God-know-what's had be smashed by me and green fluide were slapshed form it.

I looked around to see deadbodies around and splid blood all over. I knew I was stronger than any human around.

[if only I didn't.... stopped hearing.... I could have came to help before. Less people would had to die. I..... it's my fault!]

My guilt strike me hard. I couldn't stop thinking 'its my fault', but I run all around punching those disgusting things. My thoughts were way too fast but what surprised me most was my body moving and punching those things faster than anything else.


"Ehhhh... disgusting. Are you okay?"

"aaaa..... yeah.....thank yo-"

[ you could have.... atleast completed the stendence before running away. Well...]

"When did I got..... this far from hom-"


[Did noe got attac-]

Reality struck me suddenly, I got a little far from where I was but I didn't notice that. I was trying to protect the one in front of me but 'what about ann' that feeling overwhelmed me.

[...I can't move..... am I too afriad that she might.... already. I can't agree with that....I already lost ...I can't loss her..... I can get there... and save her... if I run straight there.... don't stop anywhere...... but I cant just ingnore the one I can help..... wha-]

Suddenly a idea came to me. How absurd it was I knew but If it had the slightest chance, than it might be. I started to yell with everything I got.








[Did.....my voice didn't reach h-]


Boys like steph who could 'just figure thing out' were the most annoying to deal with but I instinctively knew. If he said then, its done.
