
With Him By My Side

Jennifer who was living her life as an idol. Her carrer begain from being an athleat runner, gold winner and now she works in every entertainment area such as music album, side roles, adds, modeling and she still continued participating athletes and won lot's of medals. Everyone loved and cherished her work, looks & her attitude. One night she woke up in the middle of night and her whole life took a 180° turn. She was confuse/curios of the things hapening to her. Not scared. She lived her life normally like her everyday. Trying not to mess up things, getting comfortable to how things were now but on another rainy day. Its was not just her, the whole world took a 360° turn. Everything was a mess now.

dusky_ether · Fantasy
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9 Chs



[.... lenses?]

I, who was still holding his burger to him, confusingly my eyes traced for lenses on the table to found a square metal box beside the keyboard. I took the lenses case box, opened it and checked the content of the box. And passed it to stefan.

[Did he buyed coloured lenses?]

"Which coloured it is, steph?"


[Huh....doesn't he already have black coloured iris....why putting black over.....wait

It's a powered one.]

"Wahooo...that's surprising, I never thought your eyes were weak."

"It's not weak."

[Huh, what does that mea-]

He was putting on his right one while we conserved. But after telling me I was wrong he turned to face me, while his right eyed look was the usual black his left was azure blue, and those eye's had looked like deep sea to me, I felt I would fall deep in those eyes. I was shocked to my soul but his eyes still looked magical. He went to put the lens on his left one.

"WAIT.....did you have such great blue eyes? It looks good with black hair.... like some anime characters.... Why are you wearing lenses?"

"Cause I don't want someone who has known me for years, go crazy knowing my eyes changed color overnight."

"WHAT.... does that mean?"

"Means when my body changed, my eye's coloured change too, noe."

"How is it.... scientifically possible?"

"I already checked with an eye specialist, they said everything's normal."

"Okay so...what should I say?"

"Tell me that."

We both ignored the topic, we ate and played some games on his computer. I wanted to do something but it was just so confusing.

[What should I do.... he is trying his best but... I can tell that he is..... confused too.]

"Hey.... ummmmmmmm soo, when you said, jennifer is fat, NO, I mean she... what did you say?"

"Put a lot of weight on earth!"

"Yeah that! So how does that feel.... what is it?"

"*sigh* noe, under 5km radius, what's happening, even the ant picking the pieces of food from the ground to the guy driving while drinking coke and even the walls, road too. I can feel it in my head. Then for another 3km I can feel every living being, no wall or road, just the living. Then for another 2km I can feel Jennifer."

"... that's a lot to take."

[Should I take him to hospital.... No, what he said is true but... really?]

"Steph, does that mean..... Jennifer is 10km from here?"


I took my phone, start to google about her. To my surprise, the latest news about her was that today's shoot was canceled because of a health issue and said she is resting in her apartment. I knew her apartment was located somewhere after the flyover. And the flight over to her apartment was roughly 3km away. My thoughts were running fast about how we lived close to her and how it was weird that she really was 10km away.

[Wait... flyover? Didn't these guys wake up near the flyover that night?]

"Steph you know..... should we go for a checkup?"


[Ignoring me, huh.... well. What else can I say now?]

".....are you really... okay."


[ your smiles say the other way though!]

"..... talk to me, okay..... anything, just..... let me know"


Stefen smiled back to my word, I knew he wasn't planning to tell me everything. He's been like that since long ago. He doesn't like being pitied and I always stayed and let it go. I went home still wondering how to help him? What's happening to him? All I could think we're things which were not scientific or logically possible.

And just like that our weekend came to an

end and we went to campus. Stefan and I spent our time like nothing happened and it was really good.

When we were in the canteen waiting for our turn.

"Noe! She is here. I think she is coming back to the back alley again."


"Let's get there before Miss Emma."


[..... who is....WOAAAAAAAAA Jennifer, he really can tell?]

We went there before Jennifer or Miss Emma got there. Then the car came. I was in the clouds, thinking I could see her again. Then something happened to my surprise.

"Hey... did you come for Miss Emma?"


"She is the mediator to you and your school life?"

[Is he...talking to himself now?]

"Ohhh here comes Miss Emma! Hey, is she your relative by chance?"

"Stefan why are you... Wait, are you talking to Jennifer?"

[No.... that's not possible.....wait didn't he say last time, she heard us. Isn't that....*singh*]

"Jennifer, my friend here, doesn't believe that you can hear me. Why don't you blink your eyes as a sign 'yes, I can hear'."

I was staring blankly at what he was talking, but at this line I subconsciously turned my head to check Jennifer and her.

[...she is .... not blinking, idiot! Saying whatever you want now. What the hell man! You got me there thinking she could rea-]

"According to science, everyone blinks every three seconds but you don't. Doesn't that mean you are making sure you won't blink!"

"Huh.....that made sense"

"Yes noe!! I wonder why she didn't blink?"

"Wait! Does that mean?"

"Mmm hmmm"

He smiled mischievous while Jennifer took off hurriedly. I am still puzzled about what was happening. Logically I can't believe she could hear our whispering but how she reacted, did she?

Things were not happening anymore logically so maybe she did hear.


'Farway in the silence. '

The only sources of light were a tall tree and a lotus garden. The tree shone silver where the lotus garden had been shining blue.There beauty was certainly eye-catching but the tree and lotus garden could be ignored, because of a certain existence of a woman, slim but elegant. Brown hair reaching to her back, blowing even without the presence of air in that space. She wore a gown with pants. The gown was neck-off shoulder revealing, coloured with blue lotus design on it. Her pants were black with silver designs of lotus only on the left side. Her bare feet were brown with a silver anklet. Sitting on the ground leaning to the tree, she had been playing with a lotus in her hand while looking at the white screen floating. The silence broke by her giggle.

"Heheeheeeeeee, things are getting .... interesting."



After I got ill, I thought I needed to rest the whole day. But to my surprise, I got better even before I realized. And I went to work till noon. Aunt Emma called me to have dinner together tonight. I planned to sleep over there tonight, it's been a long time. I was happy to spend time with Ann but I was more excited to hear that boy's voice again.

I could now, more or less, control 'do I want to hear stuff or do I not too'. So when I got near the academy, I got ready to hear him, if he was around again.

{Hey... did you come for Miss Emma?}

[Woah his voie... did he ask me that?... NOOOO, how could someone 'normal' hear his whisper from here!]


[Noe is here too. How come they both are here again. Do they not study and..... just cut classes everyd-]

{She is the mediator to you and your school life?}

[What the heck is he going on abo-]

"Jennie! Are you really okay with driving a car? You are still not ill are you? Let's go to hospi-"

Aunt Emma came just now, worried by me. She has been taking care of me for years. She is my aunt but she always had been a bestie but in times like these she becomes my mother figure.

"Don't worry, I'm alrig-."

{Ohhhh here comes Miss Emma! Hey, is she your relative by chance?}


[ ....WHAT]

{Stefan why are you... Wait, are you talking to Jennifer?}

[He really was.... talking to me!!!]

"Jennie, are you okay now? I think we should go hospi-"

"I am fine, it's just... nothing."

{Jennifer, my friend here doesn't believe that you can hear me. Why don't you blink your eyes as a sign 'yes, I can hear'.}

"Jennie, why are you looking pale?"

"You are... imagining things."

[I will not blink. But how does he know I can.... hear... my relation with ann.... who the hel-]

{According to science everyone blinks every three seconds but you didn't. Doesn't that mean you are making sure you won't blink!}

[SHIT!!!!... I will just get out of here now.]

{Huh.....that made sense}

"Let's go,.... I want to sleep early today."

[Good things! I didn't call her 'ann" just now. He already is suspicious of our relationship.]

"Fine, I will check your temperature at home."

{Yes noe!! I wonder why she didn't blink?}

[Hgggggg... annoying. I don't want to meet him anymore.]

{Wait! Does that mean?}


I drived, out of their sight. I don't know what I felt, so I was curious about him but I don't want to meet him anymore. He is one of those 'annoying' type guys out there.

Just as Ann said, when we arrived home. She got my temperature checked, after making sure that I was all healthy we watched a horror movie and slept together.

It's been so long, I really loved this. The time we spent together was short now but we both loved each other more than anyone in the world.


'Farway in the boundary'

A place of gold and yellow where the sky and ground looked identical and met each other. A humanoid figure which did not have any human features like eyes, lips, nose or mouth. It had four arms with two fingers on each hand and from both sides of the head, he grew an antenna. He wore a yellow suit with golden spider-web designs with a bow tie. He was sitting on a chair, in front there was a small circle table.

His head was resting on his upper left hand while his other left hand was holding a golden book, his lower right held a yellow-gold pen and with his upper right arm he was playing with his right side antenna.

"Soooo annoying. I really do hate that guy. He's... a headache for me!"

"Still cursing on him, I see."

To his word, the one who replied was a female beauty with wings on her back. Her eyes were shining blue and her long hair reaching her waist looked like wind flowing gracefully. She had a pointed nose and her lips were rose pink. Her human-like body, some parts were covered by blue feathers. She only had a golden cloth wrapped around her body.

She was sitting on the chair across from the man while she was drinking hot chocolate. On her remark he responded.

"Can't help it... Your student is he, afterall."

Giving off a gentle smile, her body started to turn to blue-golden fragments and disappeared from there.
