
With Chakra in the One Piece verse

When our mc died due to protecting his precious people, he still has some questions about the one piece world. suddenly he is in the world of one piece with chakra from Naruto. I know it's a lazy description. Mc will be following the strawhats

Memo_429_H · Anime & Comics
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Why is Chakra control so hard and talking with ace

It was one week, since Luffy asked him to be his crewmate.

The week was quite eventful. Monkey D Garp, which was Luffys grandpa, brought him to Dadan's house and Luffy, who just met Ace, tried to befriend him.

But the latter, just wanted to get rid of him. So he attempted to kill him many times, which Masahiko mostly prevented. In secret. He barely had time for himself.

On the seventh day, which was sunday. Masahiko had enough. And just took Luffy to his secret place. Our main Character, took out a notebook and wrote. He wrote about Luffy, Ace, Sabo, and about Garp.

Masahiko currently looked at his notebook, which he had bought a little earlier from the system shop. On this notebook, he wrote, everything he knew about the world, Masahiko currently lives in. Till the end of Chapter 1033. Thankfully, the system had helped him about details.

(He wrote everything in German)

And now, Luffy bothered him. So he wanted to try out something. Something he had thought's about since yesterday.

''Luffy could you please stay still, I wanna try something.'' Called Masahiko out suddenly. Luffy, who bothered Masahiko, was now excited. What was his first mate gonna try? He stood up, and standed still. Somehow

As Luffy stood still, Masahiko channelled Chakra into his fist.

''Luffy could you please close your eyes?'' Asked Masahiko, due to not wanting to scare his future captain.

''Ok.'' Said Luffy, as he closed his eyes.

Masahiko now, got into position, and punched Luffy in the stomach, with fifty percent of his power.

''Ahh, it hurts.'' Screamed Luffy, as his stomach went flying, but quickly came back.

(Imagine Luffy's arm. When he does gumo-gumo no pistole)

'Good to know, that chakra does not work like Haki, but I still hurt him tho. Maybe it was, because of the strength I hit him with. Chakra makes your strength explode, look at Rock Lee, his strenght in his kicks and hits, and that speed. Maybe Chakra increases your speed too.' Thought Masahiko, while preparing to buy meat as a apology.

'System, I wanna buy the best meat in the world, I do not care about the prize at all.' Said Masahiko to the System.

(Ok, the best meat in the world. Ok done. I will put it in your storage scroll.)

''Oww, why did you do that Masahiko?'' Asked Luffy, while being angry.

''Sorry, but close your eyes again. I promise. I won't do that again.'' Said Masahiko, as he put the meat out of the storage scroll.

Luffy closed his eyes again, and as he got commanded by Masahiko to open them again. There was lot of meat on a large paper.

''Sorry for hurting you, but I needed to do it. But I still want to be your crewmate, and as an apology I will give you meat. Will you accept.'' Asked the white-haired boy, with a smile on his face.

Luffy himself, didn't care about the apology. He just ran straight to the meat, and sat down.

As Masahiko saw this, he thought to himself. 'Typical Luffy I guess.'

''Msiko, I dindt hr yur dram yet. Wt d u wnna b?'' Asked Luffy with meat in his mouth.

''HUH I didn't hear you Captain, could you repeat that please?'' Masahiko asked, with a cloud, in the cloud was a question mark.

''AHHHHHHH, That food was delicious. Masahiko, I love your food you should be the cook of our future crew.'' Exclaimed Luffy, as he just stuffed everything in his mouth, and ate it all.

Seriously, this was the best meat he ever tasted, and he was a meat expert.

''Masahiko, I didn't hear your dream yet. What do you wanna be?'' Asked Luffy again, but this time Masahiko could understand him.

''My dream? Oh, I forgot to tell you. My dream is... to become the best Shinobi in the world.'' Said Masahiko, knowing that this wasn't his real dream, this was basically his side-dream.

Luffy had stars in his eyes, his first crewmate is a ninja, plus he can cook. Ok, his crew is already better than Shanks's crew. They did not have a ninja, but he had one.

''YOU ARE A NINJA, OH MAN, MY CREW IS ALREADY BETTER THAN THE ONE FROM SHANKS!!!'' Screamed Luffy, as he was beyond happy and hyped.

''Luffy, right now, I am not a good Shinobi, but I am training everyday. So when you decide, to officially become pirates, you know where to find me. I won't leave until you come here, and tell me when we will leave. Oh and by the way, you can call me Hiko. If you want, and please do not tell anyone, that I am a Ninja.'' Said Masahiko with an excited tone.

''But you can watch me, if you want.'' Said Hiko as he channelled chakra into his feet sole.

Luffy watched with eagerness, as Masahiko took out a Kunai, and attempted to climb the tree without his hands. He only used his feet, and he walked two meters on the tree, after the two meters, he fell but before he landed, Masahiko slashed the tree with the kunai in his hand.

Luffy could not believe his own eyes, and watched as Masahiko layed on his back. Luffy decided to do the same, and take a nap. He instantly fell asleep.

Masahiko completely exhausted, lays down on his back, and breathes for some minutes. Then he goes back to the tree.

'I am still to weak, I trained six hours per day, and I make barely no progress. Naruto did this in seven days, and seven nights.' Thought Masahiko, as he goes back to train his chakra control.

Even tho, he kept failing and failing, but he improved everytime, he went back to climb the tree with chakra.

two hours later,

Masahiko, was now at his end. He could not move anymore. He didn't know what was the cause of this, but he had a sudden realization. 'It must be, because of Chakra exhaustion, maybe I have overdone myself, but atleast I won't be unconsiou-' Were Masahikos last thoughts, before he got unconcious.

But, what he hadn't realized, was that the final slash of his kunai, before he went unconsious. Was at three meters.

When Luffy got up, he thought that Masahiko was dead. But he calmed himself down, after Masahiko promised Luffy, that he would be his First mate so he couldn't die.

Luffy stared at Masahiko, while not knowing what to do. He has an Idea. Why not bring Hiko, to Dadan.

So Luffy did, he brought Masahiko to Dadan, and thought nothing bad about it.

(At Dadan house)

When Dadan saw Luffy with another kid on his back, being carried like a sack of potatoes. Dadan seriously considered that he is insane. Yes that must be it.

''OIII, Luffy. Where were you the whole day. Ace said, that you didn't chase him today. And who is the brat that you are carrying?'' Asked Dadan.

''I was at a secret place today, and you haven't met my best friend, and future crewmate have you?'' Asked Luffy.

''WHAT? HE IS YOUR FUTURE CREWMATE.'' Said Dadan, with a shocked face.

''Yes, why do you ask. Oh and he is a ninja, oops, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone.'' Said the Future King of the Pirates, with a cheepish look.

Ace, who was on the roof, listened to Luffy and Dadan's conversation. He wanted to sleep but, when he heard the word Ninja. He fantasized about it.

'D-does that mean, that h-he he can summon snakes?' Thought Ace, with stars on his eyes. But he quickly snapped out of it. Ninjas weren't real.

''This dumbass, is making more progress than me. He already has someone who wants to join Luffy's crew.'' Muttered Ace, grumbly. Ace just listened to their conversation again.

''Why do I ask, Why do I ask. Well, IT IS BECAUSE YOUR GRANDPA WILL BEAT MY ASS, IF HE FOUND OUT THAT HIS GRANDSON ALREADY HAS A CREWMATE.'' Screamed Dadan, but somehow the cigarette in her mouth, didn't fall to the ground.

''Where did you even find him?'' Asked Dadan, with interest.

Now this was the part where Ace really listened, he wanted to find out how Luffy got him to join his crew.

''Well, I knocked on his door, then Masahiko invited me in to eat, because he already had some food ready, and didnt mind if I eated with him. He even had those manners, which Makino kept talking about. Oh yea, I asked him if he wants to join my future crew, and he said yes why not.'' Said Luffy with, while leaning his head to the side.

That's it, that was it? How was it so easy for Luffy, it didn't make sense to Ace.

''And that is, how he joined my crew.'' Said Luffy with a grin.

Luffy himself, loved everything about Masahiko, and thought he was a valid pick for his crew. Sure Masahiko, himself said he wasn't good, but Luffy believed in his friend and first mate.

After Luffy, persuaded Dadan into letting him stay for the night at her house. He tucked Masahiko in his futon, and Luffy slept on the floor.

(Eight hour Timeskip)

And now, Masahiko was currently laying on a futon, while silently waking up. He instantly noticed, that this isn't his house. He then remembered last night.

'I must have passed out, due to Chakra exhaustion. My Chakra seems to have increased, maybe because of the zenkai boost.' thought Masahiko. He slowly stood up, and was on his feet. He wanted to walk to his house, because it was 8:34 AM and was still sleepy, but he wanted to sleep in his bed.

''Where are you going, you shithead.'' Ace suddenly asked, with a suspicious face.

''I will go to my house, and *yawn* sleep there.'' Said the newly awakened Masahiko.

'Was Ace, always such an asshole?' Thought Masahiko to himself.

''What if, the Pirate King had a child?'' Asked Ace out of no where, with a serious face.

''Excuse me, I am sorry could you repeat that, I didn't hear it correctly.'' Said Masahiko.

''I said. What if the Pirate King had a child, would that child deserve to live?'' Asked Ace again.

'Feelsbadman bro, imagine being a criminals child, and thinking you don't deserve to live how messed up.' Thought Masahiko.

''Of course, the child deserves to live. What what kind of question is that!? The bad deeds of a father or a mother do not go to the child. How messed up, do people have to be, to think such ridiculous things.'' Said Masahiko, with a straight face.

Questions like these, made him question humanity.

Ace was stunned, to say the least. He did not expect such an answer. He only met one person, that said that he deserved to live, and that was Sabo. Now it's two, with the white-haired boy.

''What is your name?'' Asked Masahiko, he knew his name already, but he didn't want to say it with Ace suspecting him.

''My name is Ace, Portgas D Ace.'' Said Ace.

''Well, I guess it's time to tell mine. My name is Masahiko Uzumaki, hope we can be friends. If you want.'' Said Masahiko, as he reached his hand out to Ace, suprisingly, Ace took it and shook it.

''Are you strong?'' Asked Ace. Masahiko then, told him to go outside. They then did.

They went out, and went to a nearby tree, and Ace said. ''Punch it with all your power.''

Masahiko wondered if he should punch it with Chakra or not, but then he concluded that his chakra is power so he punched, the tree with all his might.

The aftermath, was quite amazing to Masahiko, but terrifying to Ace.

When Masahiko, punched the tree with all his strength, the tree got dismembered from it's roots, and crashed into a wall of stone.

'What was that? OH my God, I demolished this tree ayo.' Thought Masahiko to himself.

Ace made a horrified face, his jaw was on the floor. He could dismember a tree from it's roots, but only with two full powered kicks, and no more than that.

Ace then thought. 'Good, that I befriended him, because what in the flying fuck is that power. Fuck it, he could be useful to me and Sabo, I will give him my Den Den mushi that Sabo gave me.

Ace then took out a Den Den mushi, and gave it to me. He then Said. ''If you have time, call me on it. My number is already on it so don't worry.''

Masahiko then nicked, and ran away.

As Masahiko ran away, he asked the system what that strength was, and it answered.

(Well, due to your daily training on chakra control. Your chakra also gets stronger. It does not only apply to your punches, but to your overall physical attacks, plus the more chakra control you have, it increases your overall physical attacks too, even without Chakra. Oh I nearly forgot this, I will teach you, how to use your Adamantine Chakra chains.)

''ALLRIGHT MAN, OK FUCK SLEEPING LETS GO TO MY OTHER BASE.'' Screamed Masahiko out of excitement.

He opened the map, and ran straight to his secret place. It took only two minutes to reach it.

Hope you like it.

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