
With a Bunny in the Multiverse [Hiatus]

A guy wakes up in a new world with a gamer system to support him through his journey to find meaning and some kind of purpose in life. The gamer system has limitless potential for growth but as it turns out things are not so simple... ============================================= I decided to write my own take on this concept, cause why not? I'm bored. I will try a balance between wish-fulfilling, actual character development, and some slice of life. I've never actually written anything besides some college papers so some constructive criticism would be helpful. ============================================= [First World]: [Bunny Girl Senpai] [Second World]: [Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest] [Third World]: ??? Tags: [Action] [Romance] [Gamer] [Gray MC] [Mature] [Multiverse] [R-18] [Strong MC] [World Hopping] [Slice of Life] [Omniverse] [Power Couple] Join my discord, you can give me suggestions and communicate with me regularly to get updates. If you want to support me and read some early access chapters check out my Patréon. I also post some exclusive R-18 content there. www.patrèon.com/addyctive (Replace the è with e) ============================================= Also, the art is not mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator sees this and wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the original characters.

Addyctive7 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

The Sack of Ur (2/2)

Although Masashi could easily manage to kill all the monsters that would gang up on him, it would be difficult and might slow him down, so Mai acted proactively and assassinated the leader beforehand. This made the weaker monsters with lesser intelligence lose that directive as they mindlessly went in the direction of the wall of Ur.

Ten minutes into the fight Tio dropped out of the fight due to being out of mana. This is understandable since not everyone has the monstrous amount of mana that Masashi or even Yue have.

Tio had been constantly spewing a barrage of flames at the monsters which was bound to tire her out.

Hajime gave her a few words of praise for her efforts as she like the pervert she was, requested degradation instead. At that Hajime just ignored her and brought his focus back to the battlefield.

At this point, the only main damage dealers were Masashi, Hajime, and Shea who were mowing down the monsters as if they were grass.

Aiko and the girls along with Aiko's knights just stared at the massacre dumbfoundedly. Inwardly bemoaning their powerlessness.

For context, even the weakest monster in that horde was comparable to the monsters of the 60th floor in the pre-Orcus Labyrinth where the class was originally beaten down to near death.

Every member of the group was feeling conflicted seeing the large gap that they had from Hajime. Let alone Masashi who had already wiped the floor with their entire lineup together.

Even the knights were feeling ashamed of themselves.

The person whom they'd deemed worthless and weak was the one who was fighting on the front lines with the monster Masashi who'd already made them feel like inferior beings.

The one who was feeling the most conflicted was Aiko. On one hand, she wanted Hajime to protect this town. He had the power to do it so he shouldn't have a problem helping them. That was her thought process in convincing him to help.

But now, looking at all this carnage and bloodshed she realized the implications of what she'd truly asked for from Hajime. She knew what awaited her request after Hajime accepted it. She just didn't want to face it. She'd averted her face from the reality of the situation, hoping for a flowery outcome. But now she had to face the consequences of her options.

Inwardly, she was glad that Masashi showed up at the last moment and took charge as she was sure that she would be guilt-ridden if her student was the one facing such overwhelming numbers alone.

Kaori who came from who knows where was looking at Hajime with a resolute look on her face. She'd finally resolved her conflicted feelings.

She has been avoiding Hajime ever since he came to Ur because she feels guilty for not protecting him as she promised.

She feels especially guilty for not following Masashi and Mai down the abyss to look for Hajime.

This is the main reason that she cannot face Hajime. Her guilt for not following after Masashi is eating away at her and stopping her from facing him.

Shizuku on the other hand is focusing on Masashi's swordplay as he mows through the horde of monsters. His swords keep cutting through the monsters like butter.

There was a lot of raw power that was being applied to the swordplay along with many unconventional techniques such as that magic that used the swords as the medium, or that corruption enchantment that could only be considered as using poison which wasn't how true swordsmen fight.

Still, though, she could see the unparalleled technique and finesse in his attacks.

All the swings were perfectly calculated and controlled. She could tell that, even with all his unconventional methods, Masashi was a swordsman that was leagues better than her.

This makes sense because Masashi had focused on swords being his cold weapon of choice for almost 4 years. He'd practiced extensively with all kinds of swords and learned from many masters who specialized in their way of the sword.

Those four years of practice were equivalent to the practice that someone normal would have to do for their entire lifetime to achieve similar results. This could only be possible due to the gamer system's growth advantage.

Although he didn't pick up any of the specific sword styles, since they didn't suit him, his technique had been polished to the point of being unparalleled, at least for the standard of someone who came from Earth.

In worlds like Bleach and Demon Slayer, his technique could only be considered sloppy at best.

Back to the fight, Masashi's spell is still active and is targeting the monsters that stray away from the groups, keeping them contained so that none of them escape from the battlefield. Any leftover monsters from this horde could cause a disaster for normal people.

Within ten minutes almost three hundred thousand monsters were already dead and literal rivers of blood were already flowing all around the people on the battlefield.

Masashi's Light of Damnation spell was responsible for most of the monster deaths since it was an accurate sniper that killed each monster with a single shot. Although a good number of shots were missed it was still responsible for 250,000 monster kills for 300,000 shots fired.

This gave it an accuracy of 83% which made it perfect for crowd controlling along with large-scale attacking.

After a couple of minutes more, there were about ten thousand of the original five hundred thousand monsters left on the battlefield, so Masashi pulled back to the wall. His previously cast Light of Damnation spell was finally out of juice as it dissipated after killing a little over four hundred thousand monsters.

Mai realized Masashi's intentions and pulled Shea, who was screaming bloody murder with her hammer, back to the wall.

When Mai grabbed Shea's waist she tried to hit Mai as she still wanted to fight the monsters, but it was easy for Mai to subdue Shea no matter how much body-strengthening magic she used.

Hajime also got the signal and pulled back to the wall too which was easy since he was only using his minigun from a close area to the wall.

"Let's finish this with a bang, shall we?" Masashi asks rhetorically before he conjures up spheres of different colors slowly.

Every second he made about 5 spheres which said a lot about his efforts into getting better at multicasting spells.

Looking at the numerous spheres everyone but Hajime and Shea have too many questions or statements like, 'How can you use magic without a magic circle?' or 'Heretic!' but no one voiced out any thoughts.

After the absolute carnage that Masashi was responsible for in this fight, no one had the heart to antagonize this monster.

Hajime understood that Masashi was similar to him and Shea in being able to manipulate mana directly without any magic circle.

A minute passes as the 10000 monsters still mindlessly run through the rivers of blood toward the wall as the commander was already kidnapped and now the monsters are only following their last directive which was to attack the city. They don't have real souls so they had only the most basic intelligence to follow their directives.

Masashi has formed 300 spheres condensed with different elements during this time as he casts them toward the groups of mindless monsters.

The moment each sphere hit the ground, it expanded rapidly and exploded into its respective element.

So when Masashi's attack hit the monsters there were three hundred separate and colorful explosions.

Some spheres exploded into a large blue fire that engulfed the monsters, some exploded into dark brown rocks that smashed the monsters, some exploded into greenish-white gusts of wind that sliced at the monsters, and some exploded into icicles that stabbed the monsters to death.

The forms of Masashi's elements were stronger than what others could cast due to two reasons.

The first is that his mana was far superior in quality which enhanced the effects of any spell. This is also the major reason for him using his mana for magic instead of atmospheric mana.

The second is that fluid magic allows active control over the spell through the runes that Masashi used to cast the spells. Instead of using the 'fire' rune, he used 'condensed fire' or 'blue fire' which is an enhanced version of the normal red flame. This effect applies to all elements but Masashi is only able to use this kind of rune with the basic elements.

His use of advanced elements like light and dark still isn't up to the mark for this kind of enhancement.

With this final barrage of elemental bombs, every monster on the battlefield was dead except for two or three strays that Hajime ended up sniping with his handgun Donner later.

When the last monster was finally dead there was a somber silence for some time as there were no celebrations.

"Well let's meet the mastermind of this shit, shall we?" Masashi cheerily says to no one in particular as he opens a portal to the inner dimension in the air from which a black figure falls out.

He's already fainted since Mai didn't want him to cause trouble in the inner world, not that he could cause any trouble since Mai and Masashi can easily suppress him with a single thought within the world.

"Moment of truth." Masashi pulls off the guy's hood.

Some constructive criticism would be helpful. If I made any mistakes please let me know, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

I post 10 advanced chapters of the novel on my Patréon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out.


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