
With a Bunny in the Multiverse [Hiatus]

A guy wakes up in a new world with a gamer system to support him through his journey to find meaning and some kind of purpose in life. The gamer system has limitless potential for growth but as it turns out things are not so simple... ============================================= I decided to write my own take on this concept, cause why not? I'm bored. I will try a balance between wish-fulfilling, actual character development, and some slice of life. I've never actually written anything besides some college papers so some constructive criticism would be helpful. ============================================= [First World]: [Bunny Girl Senpai] [Second World]: [Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest] [Third World]: ??? Tags: [Action] [Romance] [Gamer] [Gray MC] [Mature] [Multiverse] [R-18] [Strong MC] [World Hopping] [Slice of Life] [Omniverse] [Power Couple] Join my discord, you can give me suggestions and communicate with me regularly to get updates. If you want to support me and read some early access chapters check out my Patréon. I also post some exclusive R-18 content there. www.patrèon.com/addyctive (Replace the è with e) ============================================= Also, the art is not mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator sees this and wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the original characters.

Addyctive7 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

The Concert

On the 30th of September, Masashi and Nodoka arrive at the hall for the concert.

"You're more popular than you make it out to be."

"Selling out a small hall like this is the best we can do for now."

"Your mom's probably somewhere in the crowd, no?"

"She's probably somewhere up front."

The lights dim a little and the concert finally starts.

(A/N: This mini-arc is not really good, I'm going to speed a little through it.)

The group sings a few songs and performs a few of them.

"Next for the announcement of the lead vocal for our next single."

"The lead vocals for the next single will be…" There was a drumroll in the background.


Everyone claps for her and the other idols give her hugs.

"I'll do my best to keep up with everyone." She says.

After that Masashi and Nodoka walk out of the hall.

"Man, that was a blast. And your screen name is Doka-chan, I didn't even know that."

"Yeah," Nodoka says, deep in thought.

Masashi notices Nodoka staring at Mai and Nodoka's mother talking.

She was smiling and praising Mai with tears in her eyes.

Nodoka just walks off without saying anything.

"Mom was smiling."

"Yeah, they do that sometimes."

"Nope. She's never shown me that smile before. In the end, it's always gonna be Onee-chan. Mom probably wishes that she had Onee-chan instead of me."

"Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there before you go into a crazy thought train.

"Your mother was-"

"I don't want to talk about this. I want to go to the beach."

"Fine, But not for long, okay?"

They reach the beach area where Mai met her mother or at least tried to.

Nodoka suddenly runs off toward the water, Masashi reacts quickly and hangs onto her waist, pulling her back.

"Fuck you think you're doing? I don't want to get wet so late in the night, It's uncomfortable."

"Why do you care, just let me go."

"I don't mind doing that really. I have only one person in this world that I truly care about. The rest of it can go to shit and I wouldn't give a single fuck."

"Then just let me go. Nobody cares about me anyway."

"Yeah, about that. You see, there is someone who cares about you. She's the reason I'm stopping you. I just don't want Mai to be sad."

She tries to struggle violently but is unable to budge from Masashi's iron grip.

"Just let me go, she doesn't care about me."

"Mai would be sad if something happened to you. That's the only reason I'm stopping you."

"You're lying. She hates me. She hasn't met me for so long even though we're in this situation. She resents me and that's what she was going to tell me before you stopped her."

"That's not true, you dumbass. She was lying that day. She was agitated that the little sister that she cares so much about hates her.

"She just activated her defense mechanism and lashed out at you. Every single day she asked me about how my shoots were going. Telling me that she's got full confidence in your abilities."

Nodoka calms down for a bit before saying in a shakey voice, "Can you prove it?"

"Fine, I'll show you some proof." Masashi pulls her back and walks to the taxi that he called here before they got here, knowing that they may get a bit late for the train.

He also sent Mai a telepathic message to come to her apartment.

In the Tatami room, Masashi hands Nodoka the box that Mai wanted him to not look at.

"Open it."

"What's in it?"

"Just open it."

Nodoka opens the box and sees what's inside.

"These are the letters I sent her… Why? I don't get it. Why?" She says in a cracked voice.

"They made her happy, that's all. She's kept all those letters that she got from you safe for years. She wouldn't do that if she hated you."

"But I… I'm not even her real sister."

"The hell? Why does that matter?"

"When I wrote these, I didn't really get what having different mothers meant. After I understood that, I felt uneasy with her. I started maintaining a little distance from her."

As Nodoka speaks, Masashi feels Mai's presence outside the room.

"I started thinking that she might find it a bother. I stopped writing to her after that."

"So she says. Can you tell your actual feelings this time Mai?"

"I didn't give you permission to show her my treasure chest."

"Why… Onee-chan?"

"I was just too busy back then to even think about anything. I didn't even get to watch the things I starred in. So many people would congratulate me and all I could think was, 'Who the fuck is this?'

"But with you it was different. When I met you at that audition, with sparkly eyes, calling me Onee-chan, I was honestly taken aback.

"But you always sent me these letters. You idolized me and that motivated me so much. These crayon-drawn letters are more precious to me than any fan mail that I have ever gotten.

"You're the one who actually gave me the strength to keep going. My mom didn't really care much for me and I didn't have any emotional support. Those letters were all the emotional strength I had back then.

"So, thank you Nodoka. Thank you for being my little sister." Mai says while hugging Nodoka.

"No fair! You're so unfair!" Nodoka says, now full-on crying.

"It's too late for that.

"I'd just decided to keep working hard!

"So why'd you have to land a lead single before me?

"Why'd you have to be the one Mom praised?"

"Because I practiced hard. Every single day."

"That's just it! The way you do the impossible and make others look silly for not pulling it off… I hate how you can be so cool!"

Mai just flicks her forehead hard.

"Oww," She says holding on to her forehead. She kneels on the ground and says, "That hurts Onee-chan."

"You were being a big baby. It pissed me off."

"I think it's gonna leave a bruise. I have a fashion mag shoot tomorrow."

"Stop being such a baby. I thought about that even before I hit you. I'll fix you up in no time." Mai says referring to the infinite health potions in my inventory.

Mai kneels in front of Nodoka and holds on to her hand giving her warmth.

"Nodoka. You saw your mother in the high-five line after the concert, right?

"Her hands were trembling when she held mine. She was probably worried the entire time."


"Seeing you do nothing but try to live up to her expectations, she must've been worried if you were truly happy about any of this."

"She never told me that!"

"Parents don't tell their child that they're unsure about their parenting."

"But I… I just wanted to make her happy because she was always mad! She only ever talked about you! I wanted her to praise me too! I wanted to make her smile!"

Mai just hugs her tightly and says, "So make her happy with the path you choose for yourself from now on. You don't always have to do what she tells you to do."

At this point, Nodoka starts wailing. Mai just tightly hugs her and lets her cry. She rubs Nodoka's back calming her down.

After calming down a little, "Hey, Onee-chan. I don't have to be like you, do I?"

"You can if you want to."

"I don't wanna."

Mai just smiles and hugs her a little tighter.

Suddenly Nodoka's appearance starts to shift and turn back into her normal look and the illusion around Mai also disappears.

Masashi smiles as he gets a notification which he ignores.

"Did we go back to normal?" Nodoka asks

"I think we did."

"We did Onee-chan! We're back to normal!" Nodoka exclaims and hugs Mai as tightly as she can.

"Well, this is good too," Masashi says.

Nodoka stays in the apartment and Mai decides to accompany her for today. This left Masashi alone for the night in his apartment.

'Man, I'm not used to this.'

'I feel depressed going to bed alone. I've always been sleeping with Mai. Even when she was away for shoots, at least I teleported to her room with the plushie at night to sleep with her.'

'Let's accept the rewards then I guess."

[Main Quest: Sister Panic

Objective 1: Find out the reason for the effect of puberty syndrome and fix it. (Complete)

Objective 2: Help mend the relationship between Mai and her sister. (Complete)

Rewards: 25 Levels Each, [World Travel], Masashi Plushie, ???]

Instantly Masashi feels an unbelievable amount of power going through his body. It was as if there was some kind of sublimation that he went through.

'This feeling is probably there because I finally crossed level 100."


{ [1/4]


Name: Masashi

Age: 17

Class: The Gamer

Titles: N/A

Level: 102 (EXP 53%)

Race: [High Human]

HP: 484/484

SP: 480/480

MP: N/A (Current world does not have mana)

STR: 316

END: 326

DEX: 308

INT: 308

WIS: 300

CHA: 380

LUK: ???

Regen Rate: 1630 (Per Min)

Stat Points: 510


'Holy shit. My stats instantly went up by 125. I think I got 25 from the levels and 100 from the race change into a high human.

Masashi tries to use observe on [High Human] but fails to see anything.

His [Observe] is probably not high level enough yet to see that information.

'Understandable. I can assume that the class change brought about a base increase in my stats by 100 and my CHA by 150. Probably because [High Human] is more appealing to normal [Humans].'

He then checked out the Masashi plushie and saw a cute chibi version of himself.

It has the same use as the Mai plushie and can teleport Mai to Masashi anytime.

'I'll give it to her sometime.'

'Next for the most important thing.'

Masashi wills the ability coupon to be used.

[World Travel: This ability allows The Gamer to go to any worlds that they have traveled to before. There is also another ability that allows The Gamer to go to any world that they wish to go to. There is a cooldown of 10 years on going to new worlds but The Gamer can return to known worlds at any time.

Available worlds: Bunny Girl Senpai]

'So this is it, huh? That'll be so much fun.'

Now Masashi checks the last reward that was unknown.

[Mini Map unlocked]

[Mini Map: As long as the gamer has explored an area it will be saved into a real-time map inside the system database. Allows the gamer to see other people on the map. Other functions can be explored.]

"Holy fuck this can be an overpowered utility," Masahi speaks out in astonishment.

As Masashi explores the uses of the mini-map he thinks, 'I can tag people so that I can find them at any time. I have a list of people that are closely related to me that I can see the location of at any time.'

As Masashi's exploring the map he gets a telepathic message from Mai, 'Masashi can you come to me?'

Masashi doesn't waste even a single second and disappears from his bed.

He appears inside Mai's bedroom wearing nothing but his boxers as Mai is sitting on the bed wearing her pajamas.

"What's up?" Masashi asks while getting himself comfortable on Mai's bed.

"I couldn't sleep, since you weren't here. Then suddenly I leveled up 25 times. I realized that you were accepting the quest rewards from Nodoka's quest. I just called you to me since Nodoka's asleep and it's weird to sleep without being in your arms." Mai says as she hugs Masashi and cuddles with him.

Masashi runs his fingers through her hair.

"I see. How are you feeling?"

"I feel… good actually. My baby sister loves me, we made up and I don't have that feeling of envy I developed in the past for her anymore.

"I have you taking care of me and that's infinitely better than anything else."

Masashi smiles and hugs Mai tighter.

"I'm happy that you feel this way. I want you to depend on me for anything and everything. No matter what happens, even if the world falls down, I'll take care of it without any issues."

Mai also smiles and they enjoy a few moments in silence, basking in each other's presence.

"Oh, I got something for you," Masashi says taking out the plushie and showing it to Mai.

"Aww, this is soo cute. But a bit narcissistic, no? Giving your girlfriend a plushie of yourself." Mai says, teasing Masashi a bit.

Masashi gets a little embarrassed and chooses to stay silent on the matter.

"We also got a skill, [World Travel]. With this, we can go to other worlds and come back to this place whenever we want to." Masashi says, changing the topic.

Mai chuckles a little at his bad attempt to change the subject but still puts the plushie into her inventory.

"That sound's cool. But I don't want to leave for a good while. I still want to stay here for a while."

"Of course Mai, I wasn't planning to leave anytime soon either."


"Also, we got a mini-map. It's utterly overpowered as a utility tool. I can check the locations of people close to me, which is like 4 people but still. I can even tag someone to follow them later on."

"That does seem really useful," Mai says pulling up the mini-map and exploring it while still in Masashi's arms.

Masashi realizes Mai's exploring the mini-map so he focuses on her stats.

{ [1/4]


Name: Mai Sakurajima

Age: 17

Class: The Gamer's Wife

Titles: N/A

Level: 50 (EXP 25%)

Race: [Human]

HP: 122/122

SP: 133/133

MP: N/A (Current world does not have mana)

STR: 80

END: 82

DEX: 102

INT: 107

WIS: 96

CHA: ∞

LUK: ???

Regen Rate: 410 (Per Min)

Stat Points: 250


This is good, her INT and DEX have gone above the 100 mark. Now she can probably help me more with training [Dexterity Enhancement] to a higher level.

"Holy fuck, what's with your stats?"

Masashi realizes that Mai started looking at his stats after a while of exploring the mini-map.

"Oh that, I crossed level 100 so I became a [High Human]. It's a higher class of human as I see it. There's not really much information even after using [Obeserve] though.

"So that's why you smelled so much better than usual when I hugged you."

"I guess."

After exploring each other's stats for a while and making plans for future training, they fell asleep together.

2475 words

A longer chapter since this boring ass arc's over.

Some constructive criticism would be helpful. If I made any mistakes please let me know, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

I finally started a Patréon account guys. I post some exclusive R-18 scenes along with early access chapters there. You guys can check it out if you want.


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