
With a Bunny in the Multiverse [Hiatus]

A guy wakes up in a new world with a gamer system to support him through his journey to find meaning and some kind of purpose in life. The gamer system has limitless potential for growth but as it turns out things are not so simple... ============================================= I decided to write my own take on this concept, cause why not? I'm bored. I will try a balance between wish-fulfilling, actual character development, and some slice of life. I've never actually written anything besides some college papers so some constructive criticism would be helpful. ============================================= [First World]: [Bunny Girl Senpai] [Second World]: [Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest] [Third World]: ??? Tags: [Action] [Romance] [Gamer] [Gray MC] [Mature] [Multiverse] [R-18] [Strong MC] [World Hopping] [Slice of Life] [Omniverse] [Power Couple] Join my discord, you can give me suggestions and communicate with me regularly to get updates. If you want to support me and read some early access chapters check out my Patréon. I also post some exclusive R-18 content there. www.patrèon.com/addyctive (Replace the è with e) ============================================= Also, the art is not mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator sees this and wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the original characters.

Addyctive7 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Beach Date (4/4) [R-18]

After he feels that she's rested enough, he asks, "Let's go a bit further shall we?"


Masashi doesn't reply as he brings out some earbuds and fixes them inside Mai's ears.

Mai now can't hear or see anything and clings very tightly to Masashi.


'Don't worry bunny. I'm here.' Masashi replies to her telepathically.

Masashi frees his side of the [Soul Connection] that suppresses the sharing of feelings.

Mai suddenly gets startled by Masashi's feelings of overwhelming love and lust. Her senses are blocked and she starts to focus on those feelings.

Masashi starts kissing Mai who's holding him tightly and pushing her chest toward his. He can feel the cold metal of the clamps that are biting her nipples.

Mai also opened the [Soul Connection] and Masashi feels the floodgates open. He can feel her love for him, her lust, and her obsession with him.

Masashi finally pushes his cock into her pussy and almost cums instantly due to the euphoric feeling that he gets.

Due to the feelings of the soul connection being shared between the two, they form a kind of loop where their feelings just keep getting more and more intense.

Mai feels it especially more, with two of her senses blocked, all she can focus on is the feeling of Masashi's cock inside her and his warmth. The feelings that she's receiving from Masashi are so much more amplified due to the sensory deprivation and the extra stimulation that she feels in her ass and nipples.

The moment that he pushes his cock inside her, she can't help but almost cum like crazy, tightening up on Masashi's cock with a vice-like grip.

She desperately asks him telepathically, 'I need to cum~ Please~ I can't hold it~'

At this point asking for permission before cumming has become an instinct for her.

No matter how desperate she is to cum, her first instinct is to ask Masashi.

And Masashi can feel her desperation and the overwhelming feelings of submission that she has toward him.

'Cum for me Mai' he replies telepathically as they don't pull back from the kiss.

Mai just cums like crazy and screams into his mouth.


She arches her back and pulls away from the kiss as the orgasm almost consumes her.

"I'm cumminggg~ Daddy~

Masashi is only able to hold on for a few seconds before Mai's overwhelming feelings of lust affect him and he also starts to cum like crazy.

He fills up Mai who's squirting on his dick and tightening up, holding to his dick in a vice-like grip.

The loop of feelings that they're sharing gets stronger and stronger.

They have the longest shared orgasm they've ever had.

They keep going for a while as neither of them has had enough.

They keep going for what felt like a few seconds but was actually an entire hour.

Masashi at one point starts to toy with the clamps on Mai's nipples and turns on the vibrations of the butt plug.

"Ahhhh~ Daddy~" She screams crazily due to the extra stimulation that she's getting.

As he pulls the clamps off she can't hold back and asks again telepathically since it's faster and she doesn't have the capacity to use words, 'Please daddy~ I can't hold it~ Please~'

'Cum for me baby.' Masashi replies telepathically for the same reasons.

"Ahhhh~ I'm Cumminggg~" She screams while slurring.

Masashi gets those feelings from her and feels himself getting harder than it would be possible while cumming inside her.

Masashi feels Mai's entire existence almost become one with him and she feels the same way as they finally come down from their orgasmic high.

They finally calm down when Masashi pulls his dick out of Mai's pussy.

The moment he does that, his cum mixed with Mai's juices falls to the floor as Mai still has her legs wrapped around him with her hands still bound in the air.

At this point, they're both drenched in sweat and have lost count of how many times each of them orgasmed.

Masashi opens the cuffs that bind Mai's hands to the ceiling as she basically falls down into him.

He carries her to the bed and falls down with her in his arms.

He looks at her blindfolded face with tear stains and drool on it and kisses her on the lips lightly.

"Huff~ God, Huff~ That felt, Huff~ Good," Masashi says catching his breath.

Mai doesn't reply as she's too mentally exhausted to say anything and can't actually hear him due to the plugs in her ears.

"Oops." Masashi quickly takes out the plugs from her ears and takes off the blindfold that's damp from her tears.

Her eyes are closed with tear stains around her eyes and on her face.

"Fuck, you look so sexy." He can feel that none of those tears were of sadness. Mai was just overwhelmed by the pleasure and she got teary.

Mai then opens her eyes with a flutter, trying to get used to the light in the room after being blindfolded for so long.

'Wipe my face.' She conveys telepathically, too tired to actually speak.

Masahi obliges and brings out a damp warm towel from his inventory. He wipes her face gently and cleans her body up too.

He feels her contentment at being cared for like this after rough sex and continues to wipe the rest of her body.

He does the same to himself and hugs her again.

They cuddle with Mai pressing her face into his chest and holding on to him tightly.

Masashi looks at her lovingly and hugs her tightly.

They fall asleep like that.

The next day Masashi wakes up with a softness enveloping his morning wood.

He takes off the blanket and sees Mai sucking on his cock. While giving him a gentle look.

He can feel Mai's happiness and lust due to the connection.

He feels increased pleasure as Mai's feelings are conveyed to him.

Mai also moans while bringing his cock into her throat, vibrating her throat and giving him heavenly pleasure.

All this gets conveyed to Mai and they both keep amplifying each other's feelings in a loop as Masashi finally cums into Mai's mouth and Mai also cums simultaneously.

Mai drinks everything and shows Masashi her clean tongue.

"Damn my pet is slutty, she can cum with just sucking my cock and nothing else." Masashi teases her while rubbing his thumb on her lips.

Mai gets red-faced at this accusation and punches him in the chest lightly since she doesn't want to break the bed.

Then she just climbs onto him and hugs his chest while his cock is rubbing on her pussy.

She just contently lays her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"It's surprising that we've never tried to have sex without suppressing the [Soul Connection]"

"Not really, I figured that once we do it like this we won't be able to go back to sex without this. Sharing feelings while sex like this was bound to be amazing." Mai says with a loving look in her eyes as she looks at Masashi.

"Yeah, I guess," Masashi says and continues.

"I don't really want to suppress the connection again. Especially after last night. Sharing your feelings makes me feel like a part of me is with you at all times. What do you think?"

"You're right, After last night I don't think I want to stop feeling like I'm one with you either."

Masashi just smiles and looks into Mai's eyes, giving her a light kiss.

"Another thing. You're fucking amazing. I love you so much. Even when you were about to orgasm uncontrollably and overstimulated, you still asked for permission."

"I can't really let you win now, can I?" She tries to mask it behind her competitiveness but Masashi can completely understand her feelings.

Masashi just smiles gently at her and says, "It seems that I really own your orgasms, don't you think?"

"Yeah. I guess."

That night they return from the beach house and that's the day that Sakuta brings Kaede to their house for dinner.

Mai even cooks dinner for everyone to celebrate Kaede coming to their home for the first time.


November 16th

Sakuta was going to take Kaede to the beach and invited Masashi and Mai.

With that Nodoka also joined in and the group of 5 went to the beach, taking the train.

Kaede was shy and holding on to Sakuta's arm like a koala.

When Kaede saw the ocean, she gave the purest child-like reaction that could be humanly possible.

They took a secluded area of the beach with relatively fewer people and had their picnic there.

They spent the day at the beach enjoying the water and picnic.

At some point, Masashi noticed Sakuta being absent-minded.

So, when Kaede was playing with Mai and Nodoka, he pulled Sakuta to the side and asked, "What's on your mind?"


"Tell me, I have my ways to get information out of you." Masashi threatens Sakuta.

"Fine. Fine senpai. I was just thinking about Kaede's situation."

"Like the thing about her memories?"


After this, it's done, guys. No more R-18. I promise. Just normal chapters and a normal story with some slice of life.

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