
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

Time Magic Potion

With the re-amendment of the bill by the National Assembly, the movement, which had spread so vigorously from the North to the whole country, it has subsided completely.

It seemed like there was some change in life, and it slowly went back to normal after a while.


A calm-faced Witcher prepares to configure a magic potion in the Hundred Fruit Garden.

Repeating history: completed

Reach: Nationwide

Impact: sensational

That power of time, which is full of special significance, has finally blossomed and it's time to harvest.

He took out the candles and set them in the four corners of the room and was about to drop the incense, but a sudden knock came from downstairs.

The echoes were clear, closely spaced, a woman, and full of excitement within... ...Eleazar's heart fluttered, and he then blew out the candle, drew back the curtains, and peeked out of the window.

Downstairs, Luna, dressed in a hunting power suit that emphasized the curves of her beautiful body, was leading a horse with shiny fur behind her.

Eleazar laughed, "You made it out?"

"Haha, my dad's so freaked out, he won't dare ground me now!"

Seeing the figure peeking out of the window, Luna waved her hand with equal joy.

It seems protests do work.

Eleazar muses as he walks down the stairs, opens the door, and catches the dragons who can't wait to pounce on him.

He was warned by the church after doing it just once for robbing the nobleman's daughter that day, and after that, they didn't even have a chance to visit him through the door.

Luna said sullenly, burying her head deep in her lover's shoulder:

"I missed you so much~"

Eleazar laughed and patted her on the back, first going out to lead the horses out into the yard and tethering them before walking into the house.

"Are you free to go now?"

"Well, not yet, only to a joint afternoon tea party, outdoor activities with worldly friends the family knows, or relaxing at a club the family participates in, but you have to be home before dark."

Eleazar closed the door thoughtfully, "You're having a hard time with this vacation, then."

It would seem that the daughter of a nobleman doesn't have nearly as much room to move around as she does when she's in school.

Luna pouted, "Yeah, hurry up and start school, why do you need a 2-month vacation."

Eleazar patted her on the ass, "What about that marriage contract of yours, does Mr. Count still force you?"

"Che, that one I wouldn't have agreed to even if there hadn't been a parade."

Luna replied with a carefree look, looking like she was already prepared to resist the end in her heart.

Eleazar's footsteps faltered, and he suddenly set her down, then pressed her against the wall and kissed her heavily.

Luna's eyes instantly widened and her hands pouted and flapped helplessly, only to be similarly pressed against the wall, and eventually, she didn't even have the strength to stand still.

"Don't, I have to go to Winnie's later for the horse race, just taking the time to see you..."

Feeling the taut and vaguely trembling body pressed against the wall, Eleazar narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, yeah?"

Witcher, who had excellent senses, pressed his palm against that taut belly kiri and slowly invaded downward to the forest that had been dead shut and then finally shuddered and slowly parted, feeling the gully that was spitting hot air and realizing that it had long ago been covered with slick mucus and had become as muddy as a swamp.

Looking at the incriminating hand, she instantly returned with a sob, "No..."

Immediately after the corridor, gear fell, and vests, belts, linings, and all manner of clothing spilled down the stairs and into the second-floor corridor.

In the bedroom, the mortified dragoness lay on the bed like an ostrich, covering her head with a pillow.

Then, when the smoky aroma and spirituality of the herb spread out, the exposed legs tensed up at once.

Coming up behind her, Witcher slowly explored the overlapping forest tunnel.

The snow-white mound was slowly flattened and fitted without a gap to that toned belly and waist.

Luna flopped back on her pillow with her eyes lost in thought.

At times, he threw back his head like a broken breath, at times he sobbed and turned his face sideways, or screamed and leaned back to meet it, feeling the tingling electric current splashing in all directions in the valley of the flower as if a bolt of lightning had exploded in his head.



At the racetrack on the outskirts of the city, Winnie looked to see that it was already ringing noon and let out a grumble, "Why isn't Luna here yet?"

In the stable, a youth riding a white stallion suddenly raised his head as if he felt something.

"What a dense power of time!!!"

"Frank, I just heard that you guys are planning to join the Osiris family, huh? When will you send us an invitation?"

Two rich boys, teasingly, caught up with the burgundy-haired youth from behind.

Three stallions with oiled coats drove in unison.

"But I heard that that fiancée of yours is fooling around with a wild boy. And was grounded by Mr. Earl some time ago?"

"That won't do, even though you're the second son without inheritance and can't call on the family's power, if you squeak out a word, the brothers can still give you a hand."

"By the way, what do you think of Sinking Sea?"

Frank withdrew his gaze and smiled faintly, "That kind of thing, whatever... Just listen to your family's arrangements anyway."

"Hey, this is your lifelong matter, how can you still be at the mercy of others as before."

"That's right, how about a burial?"


In the office, Qishi stood by the window with a bemused expression, quietly looking at the sky.

In the transcendental vision, the sky at some point cast down bronze ribbons of color as brilliant as the aurora borealis.

Celine, all the Transcendents looked up.

Whether they were illegal, legal, in hiding, or on a mission, they all looked up with shocked eyes.

Even Loran cast a glance.

"Who's holding the Time Ritual!?"

The piece seemed to have endless power of time, tilting down like an hourglass towards one place, making countless people's eyes red.

"Steal, appropriate, replace!!!"

In this barren transcendental era, I don't know how many people looked up to the sky and let out roars of anger, raising their arms in the air, itching to replace that meaningful fruit with their own.

Looking at the transcendent vision of the amazing power, Qishi turned back and said faintly:

"It's the mythical ability that represents 'regret' then."

"Reverse time and space, flashy hair is reborn, broken mirrors can be reunited, overflowing water can be reclaimed, defy all laws and common sense, and bring all tragedies back to the beginning."

The nun stared blankly at the sky, "That's too much commotion, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's about time those guys at Tundra realized they're screwed."

"Well, Shua's side is ready for action."

Qishi mused, coming to the telegraph.


In the evening, Luna returned to the mansion with a worried look on her face.

And the Earl of Motley sat in the hall with the same grim face.

"Winnie called and said you weren't at the track at all, and it's fine if you lied to me, but can you inform your friends so they don't worry about you?"

"For you to care!!!"

Luna flung herself into her mother's arms and made a face at her exasperated father.