
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

 Mythical Hunting

Outside the Hundred Orchards, looking at the place shrouded in the power of time, Fintan paused in his tracks.

That rolling torrent of time is just daunting.

So how could he not understand why someone would want to go in there and steal time and authority?

In this half-month, a total of 16 illegal Transcendents have been arrested, and this includes many high-ranking Sequencers.

By all rights, being in the High Order Sequence, one should have a better understanding of how terrifying those uncontrollable forces were.

But those people were like fools, going in and making a break for it knowing they might die.

The intricacies of this Fintan did not understand, but only vaguely heard from the acolytes that it seemed as if they had interrogated a few deliverers who had received unknown commissions.

A raft slowly paddled through the river outside the Hundred Fruit Garden.

Looking at the gathering place that seemed to be unprotected, the boatman's face was calm.

"So it's already committed to the Church, no wonder..."

Suddenly, the raft going down the water stopped, and first, a light toe appeared out of nowhere, followed by a whole holy body.

"Caught another one~"

Qishi smiled faintly and closed his five fingers together, in a burst of light, that terrified boatman was covered in transcendental equipment all disabled, and all kinds of escape transcendental ability could not be exerted, and finally was bound into a dumpling by the silk thread constructed by the light.

Collapsing into the raft, the boatman tilted his head back in resignation.

"The Holy Virgin of the Church is fishing for little shrimps here!"

"The peripheral members aren't considered shrimps anymore~"

Qishi smiled faintly, "Why don't you give me your contact and I'll mercifully let you run for ten minutes?"

"... Ten hours!!!"

"Too much, 5 hours max~"


I can't imagine that the boatman of the Bright Remnant sold the contract on the spot.

Feeling the teleportation scroll in his arms that could still be used 2 times, he closed his eyes and said a name and location.

Qishi narrowed his eyes, and then his lips flicked open and closed a few times wordlessly, conveying a message to the acolyte who was standing by somewhere.

"I said, let me go!"

Qishi lowers his head and smiles slightly.

"Well, you can start running~"

"You lied to me!?"

The boatman looked incredulously at the rays strung around his neck, held in the other man's hand like a dog leash.

"Huh? Aren't you going to run?"

"Bitch! White sow, I'll die before I let you go!!!"

Rebinding the hated member of the Council's periphery and tossing him to the arriving acolyte behind him, Qishi sighed:

"It's been a long time since I've met a council member that naive and cute~"

She then walked into Bacchus with her arms folded and went to the rental house.

Pushing open the door that had been pried open so long ago, and grabbing the stunned black cat in one hand, she picked it up and gently stroked its back.

"Little boy, where is your master~"

Faithfully and idly making his way to the second floor, Qishi kicked in the bedroom door.

Inside, an acolyte who had been on duty for half a month looked up at the sound.

"Why are you free to come over?"

Cuddling the black cat, Qishi casually glanced at the bedroom's furnishings.

"The power of time is already gathering outside, which means the man is about to wake up."

Hearing this explanation for going AWOL, Shua frowned.

Then he saw Her Highness crouching in front of the Witcher whose eyes were closed tightly.

"Do, do you think he will take the first person he sees when he opens his eyes as his master?"

Shua said in shock.

Qishi inclined his head and looked at him strangely.

"What are you daydreaming about?"

Shua opened his mouth, then only closed it.

This woman who was known within the church as the dark saint was not at all elusive to him.

Suddenly, an intense bronze-colored glow burst through the room!


Qishi exclaimed and took a step backward.

Swept up in the power of time, she suddenly began to experience a reversal phenomenon!

In Shua's shocked eyes, the saint's body began to shrink violently.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, she quickly shrank from her adult form to that of a child of about 10 years old.


Lifting the sleeve of his shirt that was hiked down, that collar crooked one shoulder, cocking his head like a little girl over an ill-fitting gown.

Shua couldn't care less anymore, forcing his way into the River of Time and carrying out the little saintly girl who was still slowly shrinking.

The two acolytes who had forced their way back to childhood then looked at each other in disbelief, and at their feet, a cat the size of a newborn mold shivered.

"Do time magic potions still have this effect?"

Qishi shrugged off his sleeve, then rolled his head.

The power of time was making its final collection, and then they saw that a bronze-colored eye with a rapidly reversing hour hand slowly opened.



"So that's your reason for trespassing?"

Witcher, narrowing his eyes, sat cross-legged on the ground and looked at the two small children who were no taller than himself even when he stood up.

"Well, the Archbishop asked me to come and watch the source of the vision, and in the meantime to replenish the cursed armor of the Merlin family with holy light before it eats you."

Shua held his chin full of maturity, "While I don't mind, please take the power of time away from me, I'm quite busy and don't have time to slowly wait for this power to subside."

Eleazar nods, then reaches out to press a hand against the other man's shoulder.

Divine Punisher-Shua is well on his way back to being as good as new.

Then there was the black cat that had also been affected by the power of time and shrunk to a juvenile state.

"As for you..."

Eleazar slowly rises to his feet and looks down on the saintly woman from above.

Qishi subconsciously bites his fingertips, looking all innocent.

"What's the point of pretending."

Eleazar skims his lips in disdain and suddenly kicks out hard.


Shua watched in shock as Witcher flew backward, blasting a human-sized hole through the ceiling.

"If you have something to do, go ahead and do it~" Qishi smiled, sucking on her fingertips.

Shua nodded heavily, then relayed the Archbishop's admonition.

"There is a fixed number of times per day that the flashback ability can be used, how many depends on the progress of the time ritual, you have to control the intensity..."

After saying that, he was ready to leave, but both of them suddenly turned their heads at the same time.

Someone out there has activated the parasitic ability...

The Shadow Council!

A resident of the Hundred Fruit Garden who ran over to check on the situation suddenly had his face twisted and wriggled, and the seed of darkness that had been parasitized in his body for an unknown period erupted, and a middle-aged man with an ordinary face replaced his body.

[Forbidden Spell - Secondary Time Stasis]

[Forbidden Spell - Twilight of the Gods]

[Forbidden Spell - Dark Canopy]

Three more scrolls then ripped open, and a pitch-black, lightless field enveloped the entire Hundred Fruit Garden.

Holy light is ineffective!

Mythic traits are invalid!

Time stands still!

The Shadow Warrior lifted the Eternal Essence Gold Short Sword with an expressionless face.

When the two acolytes hurried out, they saw that the Shadow Council member had jumped into a spatial rift, carrying Witcher's head.