
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

The Shura

The sunlight, long gone, cast down from the sky.

The day after the rain stopped, sheets of all colors were floating in all dormitory buildings.

Eleazar is also hanging out the laundry on the balcony.

He would even like to tan the somewhat damp herbs if he could.

Whenever you can take fire magic potions, you won't have to go through so much trouble.

After lamenting for a while, he gathered his things and went downstairs.

The roads outside are still wet, but at least the standing water has faded.

Thinking of the witch who caused all this, Eleazar mused silently.

With that amazing magic potion ritual, how powerful would the strength become after promotion?

Hmmm, time to grab a promotion myself.

Picking up her pace and arriving at the classroom, Eleazar, who was ready to hurry up and finish the lesson and go for a stroll, noticed the odd looks in everyone's eyes.

A somewhat familiar and unfamiliar figure sits in the seat he always sits in.

She had shed those fancy outfits of the past, and was merely wearing a very common black uniform, her pitch-black hair tied with a red ribbon and hanging down from her left shoulder, her face full of smiles and smiles, and her diagonal, flush bangs, blocking out one of her scarlet eyes.

That indescribable fatal attraction that stole the attention of the entire class as soon as it appeared, and the boys were always intentionally or unintentionally walking around her in an attempt to make something happen.

The corner where he always sat was very amusingly filled.

Eleazar stood in the doorway, looking faintly, and simply took a random seat in the front row.

Evelea immediately grabbed her things and trotted all the way over to him, leaning in to take a seat next to him to the eyes of countless heartbroken people, smoothing her skirt over her thighs and turning her head to smile brightly.

"Good morning, Mr. Prince~"

To be able to shout out that kind of name in public so shamelessly, it's worthy of being a witch.

With an afterglow of gnashing teeth over in the corner, Eleazar gave a very calm nod.

She's changed a lot.

Before, she could barely perceive some hidden spiritual fluctuations, but now, nothing could be perceived, and she now seemed no different from a normal person.

Eleazar sucked in a dark, cold breath.

This was already classified as equal-order crushing.

"No need to be bitter."

The scarlet pupils of the eyes beside him seemed to see right through him.

"I know a way to tie our destinies together so that there will be no separation between the two sides."

Evelea grabbed his hand and seemed to be just about ready to take him wherever he was to perform the ritual.

"No thanks." Eleazar jerked her hand back hard.


"Your hands are cold~"

"All sit down, class is starting."

At that moment, the teacher walks in and saves Witcher, who is being harassed by the witch, just in time.

After a good morning class, Eleazar quickly got up and left.

Evelea caught up with a smile on her face, clutching her books.

Eleazar sighed hopelessly.

"Don't you have anything else to do?"

"Yes, it's my major later."

"So you're not going back?"

"Mr. Prince, would you like to come and sit at my place as well?"

"Not available."

"Well then, I'll see you at noon."

At this point, Eleazar doesn't realize what he's about to endure at noon.

At lunchtime, holding his cutlery, he found the two Fina's.

But there was no room at her table, and across from her sat the youngest Jemmington, who had been beaten with his own amnesia once.

Eleazar bristled and took a seat at the table next to them.

While eating his meal, he listened to the young master beside him constantly hinting at how rich he was, what kind of luxuries he could enjoy if he was with him, and how sought after he would become.

Well, it's a guy who can't read people's faces at all.

Fina was still full of coldness, but Lingyin beside her was listening to the incomparable yearning, full of the expression of wanting to marry into a rich family and become a rich wife. Unfortunately, Mr. Jamington was very exclusive.

At that moment, a junior pulled him.

Jemington turned his head, finally, to spot Eleazar beside him, and a wave of disdainful arrogance erupted from his nostrils.

"Ms. Fina, I'm short a date for the Mayor's birthday party tomorrow night, think about it."

As he spoke, he straightened the tie on his chest, slipping the cuffs to reveal a very expensive looking watch that was as extravagant as could be.

"You're not going to have a good time with a poor guy like that, we're not the same clueless kids we were in high school anymore, and it's time for you to grow up."

Fina eats her meal lightly.

Full of enthusiasm pasted on a cold face, the eldest young master still did not care, as if the more cold others, the more he would try to get his hands on it.

"Tomorrow after school, a special car will be waiting for you at the school gates."

Feeling that he had hinted about as much as he could, Jemmington lifted his collar and stood up with his followers.

Glancing at Eleazar, who was plainly dressed and shabby all over next to him, he slanted a disdainful glance.


But suddenly, his foot slipped and he planted his hand in the air.


Eleazar, who was eating, looked up in some surprise.

Only to see that the unrivaled young master beside him was currently lying on the ground with five bodies, as if he was performing a worshipful rite to himself.

Fina's face is a little taken aback, and Eleazar is looking up and around.

At the same time the large and bustling dining hall had no idea how many hidden eyes were cast over.

Someone just cast a spell!

At that moment, a smiling Evelea appeared holding cutlery.

She walked in style, as if she didn't see the path beneath her feet, and stomped on the palm of the hand that kept trying to hold up her body.

"Ah!" Master Jemmington cried out in pain.

Evelea, surprised, rushed to ask with concern, "I'm so sorry, are you alright."

Pain-filled and grim, Jemmington lifted his head hard and growled at his side.

"You guys hurry up and help me up!"

Something seems to be wrong with the Grand Master's knee, he can't walk.

Watching the group scramble to assist the youngest to the hospital, Eleazar asked the witch before him:

"What the hell?"

"Huh?" Evelea cocked her head, full of innocence.

"You'd be better off staying hidden like that."

Eleazar gave the other man a deep look and continued to bury his head in his food.

A pair of chopsticks appeared in front of him, not giving him a chance to react, and gently put down a pill.

"I'll buy you meatballs~"

The meal in his mouth instantly lost its flavor, and Eleazar lifted his head stiffly, glancing to his side.

Fina wasn't eating anymore, she was clasping her hands and looking at her side with an expressionless face.

Those eyes, icy cold.

Lingyin's eyes were equally surprised as she looked at herself in shock, then at the woman across from him, and finally turned her head to sneak a look at Fina.

"Ahem... Well, I'm full, so I'll go back to bed first haha."

Seeing the situation, Lingyin quickly scrambled for his feet.