
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

The Shura (II)

Late that night, Evelea arrived at the appointed place.

It's a small hill far outside of town, perfect for burying bodies.

Standing on the hillside and looking around, then up at the bright moon high in the night sky, Evelea smiled.

"I'm coming!"

Fina, who had been waiting here for a long time, stepped quietly out of the shadows.

A long, dark robe, his face hidden in a deep hood, revealing only his bare chin.

"Hmm? Does it need to be so formal?"

Evelea looked down at what she was wearing.

A plain black uniform with a slightly raised skirt.

Just as she was gagging, an ethereal voice floated in on the wind.

"Stay away from him, Witch..."

Evelea looked up at the sound and laughed, "Him? Who?"

"You can't even call his name, so if you're that scared, why don't you just let me have him."

The face in the cloak slowly lifted.

"Then you can go to hell..."

"Boom ----"

A blinding ball of fire shot up into the sky, instantly reddening the dark night sky.

The hill was directly flattened by the raging flames, and a charred crater covered in shining crystals surfaced, with fiery molten magma flowing uncontrollably.

Dragging a pitch-black cloak that looked like the plume of a black phoenix, the warlock standing in mid-air had blood-colored lines appearing on his cheeks as he slightly lowered his sight.

"Do you only dare to disguise yourself as the Hightower Sequence."

The unharmed witch slowly emerged from the raging tongues of fire and raised her head.

"Think it's strange do you, because I finished the disaster ritual."

She smiled slightly, "He helped me~"

The bright full moon was slowly enveloped in dark clouds.

"Phew ----"

The crimson flame instantly turned ghostly purple, and the withering power representing the end of life erupted, the flowers, plants and trees within a radius of more than a dozen kilometers instantly withered, and the insects, ants, snakes and beasts that lived therein were killed on the spot.

A corrupt land rises with countless dead souls.

Even after completing the Legendary Ritual, the Witch still went up in smoke from the terrifying power.

"Angry, angry, scary!"

But it didn't take long for her to remake her body nearby, and while her language continued to provoke, she waved her hand and summoned a sheet of ice to shoot out into the sky.

With a cold wave of his cloak, the warlock set the ice cream ablaze.

This witch... Can't be killed by conventional means anymore.

After a moment's slight contemplation, she conjured up a spread of magical hands to claw downward, flooding the witch.

Evelea smiled again, pulled an intricately patterned double-barreled shotgun from under her skirt, held it to her chin, and shot herself to death.

The overwhelming hand of magic swooped down.

The warlock looked down with an expressionless face and suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

"Snap!" The colors faded wildly with the sound of the finger, and time was momentarily suspended throughout the area.

The magical girl who had just been revived was frozen in time and space.

"Run away... Cry..."

This time, the magical hand lifted the opponent up quite easily.

Hanging in the air in a criss-cross pattern, uncountable arms didn't make it into the opponent's chest.

"I warned you..."

"If you do it again, your soul will be drawn out..."

Evelea lifted her head with difficulty, the corners of her mouth moving slightly.

"It's a lie..."

The time spell instantly dissipated, the magical hand annihilated, and the witch hanging high in the air fell headfirst to her death on the spot.

It didn't take long for her to congeal a new body once more, and standing next to her own corpse, the witch rubbed her neck and scoffed once more:

"No wonder you're going to study Astronomy, ha, do you think your sequence can still be turned around, even if the High Tower is willing to accept you, will the people of the Shadow Council let you go, and the Church graciously disregard the past? Most importantly..."

"Will he, uh, forgive you?"

She had a mouth like a knife, and her sentences went to the heart of others, when she wanted to make them mad.

The face in the cloak slowly lifted up, and the space around her began to crumble, with horrific cracks spreading out in all directions, shattering everything it touched.

Seeing that the horrible forbidden spell was about to descend...

Suddenly, the majestic spell energy dispersed, and the two women in the sky and on the ground, who had already torn themselves apart, simply turned around and ran.

The silent night sky slowly cracked open with two slits, like the feathers of an angel...

Seemingly slow, but so catching, the feathers unfurl in a flash like day, and everything loses its color!

The two Darkness Sequencers who simply couldn't outrun the light annihilated their forms inch by inch in the sea of stirring light on the spot, and in the end, not even a bit of dregs remained.

Qishi floated down on the fading halo of light, his silver eyes looking around faintly.

"Evil, shall perish!"

The sky shone as if it were day for a moment, and then the spirit of the entire city instantly evaporated!

Eleazar, who was meditating silently in his bedchamber, suddenly convulsed, and then his body lurched, planting himself off the bed and rolling on the floor in agony, clutching his head.

"It's burning, it's burning!"

His ears, nose, mouth, and pores all over his body all overflowed with faint points of light until the power of the holy light was exhausted, and only then did this purification stop.

Eleazar climbs to his feet with a face full of pain and props his body up against the window, looking into the distance of the sky.

"Who's messing with the church?"

"Which unlucky person has been purified by the holy light again?"

This night, I don't know how many hidden Transcendents were trembling under the might of the holy light.

In the abandoned dormitory building of the academy, the resentment was unresolved, and the immortal demonic spirit was struggling to coalesce its form. But then, in a flash of white light, the energy evaporated, and its several years of efforts were torched on the spot, and it fell back into the abyss with a wail.


The next day, Eleazar, who was a little pale, went to his morning class as usual.

The classroom was normal, and the students seemed extraordinarily friendly without the provocative witch.

Eleazar breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed the witch had taken his warning to heart.

That scalp-scrambling scene yesterday had scared the hell out of him.

Fina also, for the first time, didn't even give a chance to explain, and just turned her head and walked away.

I'm going to make sure I talk to her today.

After his morning class, he walked straight to the door of the astronomy department's classroom, intending to block people.

Lingyin came out clutching her books, and before she could even look outside, she was ripped away by a pair of large hands.

"Oops, what are you doing?"

She straightened her somewhat crooked blouse and gave Eleazar a nonchalant glare.

"Where's Fina, not with you today?"

"I don't know!"

Lingyin skimmed his head in great anger.

"Oi oi!"

Eleazar glanced around in the afterglow and had no choice but to come over and whisper, "How about I buy you an ice cream?"

"Che, I'm not as gullible as Fina!"

"So... Buy you a Ruin seafood dinner?"


Lingyin wiped off the drool from the corner of her mouth and quickly said, "Fina is sick and didn't come in today on leave."

Ah this...

A feeling of being duped came over her, and Eleazar gave her a vicious glare.

"You tricked me! The Loon Feast is gone!"

Lingyin hugged his arms with an air of anticipation and sighed, "Hey, man..."

"Please eat, please eat, and be careful not to get propped up."

Eleazar ground his teeth, gave her a hard stare, and turned away.