
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
350 Chs


"She's dead?"

Eleazar's face filled with alienation.

"Qishi died a long time ago, and his body even fell into the hands of ghouls, which means that the person I saw yesterday was real, so who is that holy woman ---- who bullies me every day!"

The eyes continued to look again.

But the information that followed was even vaguer; the holy light was violently moving through the forces of time, interfering in a way he had never seen before.

The words began to break off and could not be pieced together to be complete.


[Requiem Failure...]

[... Error...]

[Yingling ...?]

[Ancient relics awaken!]


[... Crowned with Saints ....]

[... Walking the Earth...]


Eleazar wanted to continue reading, but the pages made of the power of time exploded all at once.

The Acolyte who sensed the transcendent power dodged and appeared at the entrance of the alley in a flash, but saw Witcher inside and asked hesitantly:

"What happened?"

"It's nothing ------" Eleazar silently collected the file and headed out the door.

Qishi died a long time ago, and even his body was taken from him during a mission.

The church ended up collecting only some of the remnants of the souls, all of which were already in the process of performing the requiem ceremony, but something unexpected happened.

The souls of those who do not wish to rest in peace merge with a certain holy relic of the Church...


Eleazar muttered to himself and touched his chest.

That guy who keeps kicking himself with his feet is one of those things?


"We found it!"

Fintan strides down the end of the street.

"That professor did teach at the university under an assumed name..."

"Also, most of the letters had tulip flower scents left on them from a certain origin, and that place was very close to the address we found out!"

Eleazar immediately collects himself and asks, "Has he not left yet?"

"No, he was still teaching yesterday when things went wrong on our end!"


An estate surrounded by purple tulips outside the city's suburbs.

Surrounded by clusters of flowers, Professor Arcady, with his mature and composed air, sat in a booth.

"Gargoyle revival? It's quite interesting."

Suddenly, all the flowers around them turned their heads as if they were alive.

Prof. Arkady looked up, pondered for a moment, and turned his head to ask:

"You didn't burn those letters from before?"

Finnian smiled slightly, "No oh, I've been saving it."

"That's naughty, looks like you haven't been up to any good."

Professor Arkady slowly put on a pair of black gloves.

"Is the Church willing to part with the Chaos Sequencers now?"

"It's not the church oh, it's all just my action for dear brother~"

Sitting in a wicker chair, Finnian smiles broadly.

Around them, a roiling purple mist began to rise through the sea of flowers.

Half crouching in a sea of flowers Eleazar patted the dirt and stood up.

"There's no need to hide, we've been discovered."

Feeling the slight tingling sensation on his skin, he inhaled the flowery mist and analyzed it silently:

"It's highly toxic..."


Turning his head, Eleazar saw a group of people flying up and assembling.

The holy light barrier on their bodies was all black and purple from this terrifying toxin, and as they continued to fight against it, they stood together.

The hazy, dreamy sea of flowers was illuminated.

The light gathered together, a sea of pure white light, the sacred power was vast and infinite, spreading forward layer by layer as if it were broken.

The poison, the mist, the miasma, and all the obstacles in front of him were all purified by the light that stirred heaven and earth.

Also within the Purge are Witcher and Knight.

That's why it's said that Acolytes generally don't team up with other Sequencers on missions.

Eleazar summoned his cursed armor, and in the midst of barely fighting it off, incidentally shielded the knight who was crouching with his head in his hands, letting out constant screams of agony.

By the time the dazzling light was extinguished, the purple mist had likewise dissipated.

Amid the rising rain of light in the sky, a middle-aged man with a slim figure was suspended in midair, with purple crystals suspended all around his body.

Eleazar froze, looking at the patch of soul energy in the sky.

"Soul Crystals, a Warlock ..."

The sky slowly darkened, and endless clouds gathered to completely block out the sunlight.

The earth slowly fell into darkness, and when the rain of light dissipated, all that remained was the ghostly flames ruffling up.

They were in the middle of it, and they only felt a sharp pain-like tearing coming from their souls.

Among the dozens of people emitting a hazy glow, Arkady caught a glimpse of Witcher.

He used his hand as a gun and aimed it at Witcher, his mouth shaped to match the mime.


A dark bolt of lightning burst from his fingers at the sound of his voice, hitting his opponent's trajectory in the blink of an eye, silently tearing through the space along the way.

Dozens of eyes cast around him, and Eleazar slowly lowered his head to see a charred blackness on his chest, instantly vaporized in cursed armor that looked like shattered flesh and blood blasted by a giant hammer.


A mouthful of blood couldn't help but spurt out, and Eleazar covered his chest in severe pain.


Looking down at the re-lit barrier of holy light, Arkady sighed regretfully.

Death Lightning was weakened a bit by Holy Light, while the target's spell resistance was also ridiculously high, so it was still a bit difficult to take the souls away in a surprise hit.

"Better clean up your little star first."

The warlock's flight trajectory quickly drew up, dodging that radiant glow, his palms clasped and closed, the three soul crystals around him shattered at the sound, and at once another terrifying destructive forbidden spell was unleashed.

Three huge shadowy substances instantly broke out of the ground, and that amazingly huge energy slowly gathered -----


With a shocking shaking sound, the entire sea of flowers below was instantly torn apart by the violent dark shadow storm, the earth cracked, space exploded, a mass of sniffing blood mist exploded, and countless silhouettes were lifted out of the sky, and the destructive flames of destruction rose to the heavens.

"Well, it's another peaceful day."

Satisfied with the light that went out in an instant, Arkady's Eye of Truth locked on to the black figure that was hurtling toward him in the wave of air, and was about to ride it out when he jerked his head up.

A door of light opened overhead.

"You're having fun na."

A holy figure crossed out of the light door.

Arkady froze, and in the sight of the Eye of Truth, he saw a figure with wings of light unfurled descending into the endless darkness.


Behind that holy figure, two silent cracks burst into light, instantly spreading across the entire sky.

Those silver eyes slowly opened in a silent pronouncement.

"God Strike."

It was like a pair of pure white feathers unfolding, and in an instant, everything lost its color. In that endless glow, the Witcher rushing from below instantly went up in smoke.