
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

 She died a long time ago?

"Sorry ..."

There was darkness in front of him, and Eleazar, who was sitting on the steps, looked up to see Fintan standing in front of him with a numb face.

"Just now, the acolytes went to my place to clean up the monster corpses, only to realize that there was an accident on your side as well, I'm sorry ----- that I blamed you with that tone before ----"

In the end, it's still a lack of strength in yourself.

If he had been strong enough at the time, he might not have had to plead for someone to come to his rescue in a moment of despair.

Eleazar asked, dropping his eyes, full of calm:

"Did you find any useful clues?"


Fintan sat down beside him and took a sheaf of letters from his arms.

"Six months ago, Finnian was in contact with a man named Professor Arcady!"

"They discussed various experimental data with each other by writing letters, until they broke off the correspondence a few months later when Finnian complained that the experimental subjects were becoming more difficult to obtain, and the other party sent over an assistant..."

Eleazar took the letters and flipped them to the back to read the address to which they were sent.

[P.O. Box 0-77, Becklen Street]

Fintan followed up with, "I just went to check, this street belongs to the next-door city of Starbreeze, and that place has an airport, could they ------ have already left ------"

"Don't worry, the Church has stopped all airships leaving the country."

Eleazar murmured, then stood up.

"Come on, let's go over there now!"

"Where do you want to go?"

A low voice suddenly came from the front.

A carriage drew up in front of the church, and Eleazar's face was struck by the sight of the Earl of Motley stepping out of the carriage with his cane and striding over to him.

"Tell me, where did Luna go and what happened to her?"

Eleazar calmed his face and said, "Luna has gotten very sick and I've temporarily sent her to a faraway place to heal for a while."

"What place? What exactly did you get? Why didn't you tell us in advance? In the evening, there was a fire at the place where you live, and the whole Bacchus Garden disappeared, so it's not like those enemies you've gotten into with your work got her involved or not!"

Perhaps he wouldn't have had the question at all if the Church hadn't unleashed the Cognitive Barrier spell, forcing the entire city to ignore the dragon that flew over their heads.

Eleazar returned flatly, "No, don't overthink about it, I'll bring her back to see you guys in a little while."

The Earl of Motley was so angry at once that he raised his cane and struck him.

"Don't take that tone you take at work, tell me the truth!" Eleazar tapped his cane away faintly, "Mr. Motley, go back in peace and wait for news."

"You asshole! I trusted you with my daughter so much at the time, and now you're saying this to me?"

Fintan, standing on the sidelines, listens silently to their quarrel with his head down.

When the Earl of Motley, whose cane was all busted up, had stormed off, he turned his head and saw Witcher still looking calm.

"Be as angry and disappointed as he wants, it's better than losing your life anyway."

Eleazar slowly patted the dust from his clothes.

Fintan lonely asked him, "Why are you ----- always so calm ------"

Eleazar inclined his head.

"If Tears and Crying Can Solve Difficulties ..."

"Then I must be the rain god."


After reporting back to the Bishop of the Church about their findings, the two set off directly for Starwind City.

With that silence in mind, and one man carrying a sacred badge inspired in case of emergency, they sat down in the train car.

Fintan bowed his head, lost in thought, and looked at his hands.

"Finnian why would he do that, he promised me before ------"

Eleazar, with his eyes closed, said slowly:

"He who is unwilling to give up anything can change nothing."

Fintan, who had been clenching his fists, slowly raised his head.

"Did you already know?"

Eleazar tosses him the report on <Bloodborne Mannequins>.

"Instead of ruminating here, why don't you read the enemy's message."

Fintan silently picks up the report and reads it for a moment.

"Just a ghoul?"


"Although it's only a ghoul, the other party has already separated from the fae and regained the thinking and intelligence of being a human in the first place, so there's no need to dwell on its species, just think of it as a Legendary Sequencer."

"Legend ------"

Fintan was silent as he gripped his newly allotted silver sword.

Eleazar likewise receives a silver weapon, along with a holy crystal for free action.


It was slowly getting light, and the two men, who had already reached Starbreeze, stood by the mailboxes on Beckley Street.

Fintan looked around at the people coming and going, his face grave.

"If the other side is still hiding in this street, then a fight will happen later ----"

"Well, it's expected that the people in this area will be drained of their blood in an instant and become the other side's helpers."

Eleazar silently thought back to all of the residents of the Hundred Orchards who had died horribly.

"But don't worry, the Acolytes have been investigating here for a long time -----"

Eleazar saw dozens of people with white light emanating from their bodies scattered throughout the streets.

It was assumed that all the acolytes in this district had been mobilized since they had reported on the letter.

The two men went over to butt heads with people.

Handing over the letters for one of the acolytes to take back to the occult-savvy inmates to investigate, they then talked to the captain of the operation.

"Professor Arkady is a pseudonym, there's no such person in all of Starbreeze."

"The night watchman ventured to infiltrate every house in this street last night, but found nothing unexpected."

Upon hearing this, Eleazar frowned.

"That means the other side is either gone, or they came from somewhere else to drop a letter."

While they were thinking, it happened that a servant of the mansion, who had come out to make purchases, casually put letters into 0-77 the mailbox.

The Knight, the Witcher, and the Acolyte, all at once looked at each other.

"If it's just a side trip to drop a letter here ----"

"There are a couple of good quality preserved meat stores on Becklen Street, where many middle-class families in the neighborhood come to buy, but if it's someone like the professor, I'd think it's more likely to be ------ the University of Toledo!"

The acolyte spoke with some doubt about his terrible suspicions.

"He teaches at our side of the university?"


They were divided into three directions: a street survey, a letter survey, and a university survey.

Eleazar, who had stayed in the street to check for signs of the Transcendence, silently turned on his senses to survey the surrounding area.

The more than two thousand meters long street was quickly checked by him and no suspicious traces were found, it seemed that it was indeed the same as what the Acolyte Captain had guessed, that Professor Arcadia was just stopping by to drop off a letter here.

Looking in the direction of the university and thinking about it, Eleazar pulls out the Legendary Ghoul's file again.

After walking to a remote alley and making sure no one was around, the power of time surged out frantically.

[Rewind: 6/9]

Under the influence of the three portions of the power of time, the contents of the vanished pages emerged very vaguely in the form of an illusion.

Eleazar squinted, having a hard time making out the written words.

[Mission Failed! All God's Punishment Squad members have been killed in action.

[List of sacrifices: Qishi, Campayne, Darci, Carrie, Rockefeller ...]