
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
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29 Chs


The two walked outside to meet a monster on top of another monster. The monster on top was like a knight and the one beneath was like their steed.

The monster on top looked like a bipedal stag beetle. They had four arms and a black carapace. His carapace, and his whole body for that matter, was like steel armor. He had four weapons on his back. A sword, a hammer, an axe, and a halbert.

The monster beneath him was a large, bipedal, dinosaur-like creature: almost theropod-like. Its eyes were horizontal and yellow, feeling like they could cut someone's soul in half with one glance. It had red scales with white, diamond-and-triangle-shaped markings all over its body. It has a thick, large purple mane covering its arms and back. It has two small forelimbs with three white-clawed and two powerful light blue hind legs. And it had one long, thick, spiky tail behind it.

The stag beetle creatures jumped from off of the theropod's back.

"Thought I smelled human."

The beetle's level was 25 while the dinosaur's level was 29. Meanwhile, he and Midro were both only level 13.

"State your business human, before we execute you."

"You can talk?!"

"Yes, I can talk. Now, I won't repeat myself."

[Some monsters are born with the ability to talk.]

"We... we're just hanging around."

The monster grabbed his weapons from his back.

"You are in my territory, human. Meaning your-"

The theropod begins sniffing the air like it was completely lost.

"What is it, boy?"

The dinosaur-like creature ran up to my house and tried to fit inside the door, but couldn't. He continued to smell deeper in my house. Midro ran up to him and headbutted him, making him take his head out of the door. The two beasts growled at each other.

"Wait, what is that smell?"

"Oh, uh... I was cooking lunch for me and Midro."

"I've killed a few human camps in my lifetime and I've never understood those campfire meals they have. Why would you burn perfectly good meat?"

"I could show you. Would you like to eat with us?"

"You'd invited monster to eat with you? Is this a trap?"

"No, not in the slightest. I don't discriminate."

The beetle looked down at Midro, who ran back to Wisp's side after being scared off by the theropod.

"Are you a beast tamer, by any chance?"

"Yes, but I've actually never met other humans before."

The theropod walked over to Wisp and sniffed him all over. He was worried it was going to take a bite out of him. He then stood back up, towering over Wisp with its 12-foot frame. It then shook its head.

"Seems you don't smell of human, though you clearly are. Were you born in the forest?"

"It's a long story."

"Never mind then. I won't submit to you, beast tamer, though my partner here does want your food, so we'll take you up on that offer to eat."

Wisp went inside his house and brought out his food. They were meat kabobs he made from bunnies Midro killed earlier that day. They all took a bite of the food. Midro cooed happily and the theropod's eyes widened.

"T-This is really good."


"It's so sweet and savory."

"It's from sweet slimes that attacked me and Midro."

"Smart. A rogue beast tamer that can cook and lives in the middle of nowhere. You humans are really interesting."

"Do you two have names?"

"No, we don't. Usually, only monster officials or direct servants of the demon king get names. They're an honor and-"

"Watch out!"

Wisp tackled the beetle to the ground and five arrows flew above his head. The two of them looked up. Midro and the dinosaur were growling at something. It was four adventurers. A swordsman, a mage, a cleric, and an archer. They were all level 15 and 16.

The swordsman ran up to them. He tried to slash the beetle, but Wisp blocked it.


The swordsman jumped back. He looked bewildered and angry.

"Why are you defending this creature?!"

"We were sharing a meal together."

The beetle looked surprisingly at Wisp's words. He got up and started hysterically laughing. He slapped Wisp on the back.

"You're quite the interesting human!"


"These humans are weaklings. I'll deal with them. I can have my new favorite food getting damaged."

The beetle and the theropod walked up to the adventurers.

Just a few minutes later, the two of them had defeated the full party. None of their attacks could pierce the beetle and none of them could land a hit on the agile dinosaur. They were beaten and bruised. They had to run away.

"This isn't the last you've seen of us." The swordsman yelled while running with his party.

"They were what. Low D rank. They should have known better than to take on C rank monsters like us."

"Wow. Thanks... uh... Mr. Beetle."

"I'm a cavernous."

[Cavernoid and Cephlorod.]

As a few more months had passed, every 5 days, the two would pass by again. Wisp would make a meal for them and they'd talk together. The cavernous told him that they were kicked out of the demon king's army because the cavernoid was commanded to kill his wife, but refused. So, the demon king murdered her in front of him and then beat him senseless and kicked him out of the kingdom.

On his journey, meet the cephlorod, though he doesn't go into detail about it. On the note of the cephlorod, he and Midro have formed a healthy, not so healthy, rivalry.

Eventually, Wisp told him about his story as well. Usually, he feared to talk about it. Most of the time, he was laughed at and called weak or being told he was being dramatic. And after a while, he started to believe it. He already told Midro, but being able to open up to someone who could actually respond was nice.

"I see. So this... she-devil was your ex-wife. That must have been awful."

"And it must have been horrible to lose your wife whom you had loved so much. I guess we're to sides of the same coin."


"Oh, it's a saying back in my world... so, you really just believe me when I said that?"

"I've seen stranger. Plus, there have been other humans who have come from other worlds."


"Yeah, several centuries ago."


Wisp was hoping maybe my parents, Pedro, and maybe even Mizo were here. But guess not. That was too optimistic.

"I thought they were just fairytales, but I suppose anything is possible."

They continued to interact like this for about 3 months. Wisp and Midro have started to build our house more. They installed a bedroom on the second floor, a kitchen, a bathroom, and have a fourth empty room all on the first floor. It wasn't much, but it was home for the two of them. In fact, Wisp enjoyed this.

His last life was hectic, dramatic, and horrifying. Having a peaceful, quiet, somewhat boring life was perfect for him. He needed this. He now had a new goal. Keep this life for him and Midro.