
Wish Breaker: The Battlemage Academy

Everyone has a magical ability called a wish, some use them for everyday things, others use them for glorious battle in the arenas. Kaos has long had a dream of fighting in the arenas, but the only problem is his wish is a support ability. Surrounded by legends in the making, Kaos will have to surpass the limits of his wish, or break it in the process.

Malyjax · Fantasy
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30 Chs


Dael'Jun walked through the hallway that led to two great doors, he had rehearsed his speech to give for this year's first Arena game at least ten times on his walk to the office.

Although he had made this speech many times before, he knew how important it would be for the students to see strength from their instructors. After all, he had acquired the title of Jun, a powerful lord who had the right to oversee not only Wirewood, but many cities around it.

Instead of governing land or workers, he put his efforts into governing the students at Wondant. Apart from the few times he was called to battle, he spent almost every moment of his life attempting to help the students as a school overseer.

He took a moment to make sure his uniform was impeccable, and then knocked on the doors.

After a few seconds the doors flung themselves open in a nasty jerking motion, causing a few papers to flutter in the air before settling back onto the floor.

It took a moment before he spotted the man he was looking for in the cluttered office, and at the same time, the man noticed him.

"Ah, headmaster, there you are," Dael'Jun said, cursing himself for sounding so off guard.

 "Please," replied the man slowly, picking up a few of the scattered papers, "the only title that describes me perfectly is my name."

"Then, Finch" Dael'Jun said, stressing the name that the headmaster insisted on going by, "to what occasion do I owe the pleasure of being called to your office amidst the scramble to prepare for the first Arena game of this school's year?"

Dael'Jun knew that he didn't have the time to be talking about formalities directly before the first arena games of the year, but all the same, he could not refuse a summons from the headmaster.

Knowing Finch, though, there was no chance he was summoned for some formality.

"I have made a decision regarding the first game this year" Finch replied smoothly, ignoring the slight annoyance in the principal's tone. "the first game will not be in the team format, instead it will be a battle royale."

For just a moment, Dael'jun stared at him as if waiting for him to change his mind.

They stood in silence for almost five seconds before Dael'Jun realized that Finch was serious about this.

 "Surely not! Everyone has already been told that the arena game will be held in the format of Team Battles, imagine the work that they have put-" 

"All the same" Finch replied, cutting him off, "I have found it necessary and have made the decision."

Dael started to argue, but quickly realized there would be no winning an argument with Finch.

"I will…" Dael paused his sentence, "Make the announcement in my speech"

"Much appreciated" Finch said monotonously before bending over to clean up the papers scattered about the room.

Dael just stared for a moment before realizing Finch was done talking. He made a quick, awkward bow and then strode out of the room feeling just as confused as any time he had talked to the headmaster previously.

"I can't tell if this is a scheme or a whim" he mumbled to himself, "honestly the line between the two is getting more blurred with Finch by the day."

Ummm... thanks for reading :)

Any kind of feedback is appreciated to help me learn how to write!

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