
WISDOM: Battles & Survival (Arc Zero/ Rebellious Phase Arc)

A story of hardships, showing the cruel, unhandled realities of the world. Just like any other kid, Hanuzuki Hanzaki was once a playful, cheerful, energetic and a loving child. Yet as time passed by, he began to slowly change due to the influences that surround him, being in a place and living a life full of shaming and adversities. One night, on his 11th grade, the Hanuzuki Residence was being quite rowdy. Hanzaki suddenly went rushing out of the house. Followed by his exit, his father was yelling while pointing a finger to him at the door. Alone in the night, he wandered around in hoping to find a solution to his long decade miseries, but little did he know there were serious complications awaiting him. From one major obstacle to another, he broke through against all odds and faced a life life-changing event that may change the whole world at the end. Whatever lies ahead, the future would vary depending on his decisions. Note: *Original cover picture not mine. Credits to the rightful owner. *Will be changing it.

LaYa · Realistic
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45 Chs

Chapter 18 - Breakingout through odds

"It's the Military! They're here!"

As I was looking at my watch, knowing that about almost half an hour has passed since we started hiding ourselves in this sequestered place and room, we keenly noticed a faint shout from a distance, someone seeming to have seen the government forces.

From locking our gazes to each other for a second while sitting on the floor, having a mixed feeling of joy and doubt from being notified about the good--- or maybe a false news, probably a trap set by the rebels to bait us, I then slowly crawled over to the windows to take a peek outside in order to be rest assured.

Slightly bending to the left with my whole body concealed at the side of the wall, only a small portion of my face exposed, I gladly saw and happily came to conclude that it was indeed true. With their coloured green uniforms and helmets on their heads, the number of soldiers were marching towards every civilians buried in the shadows, escorting everyone of them out, including to the three of us for the rescue operation shortly after.

On the other hand, without having to notice it at first, it seems that the sounds of gunshots have been lessened lately, and together with the woman and her daughter, we were in the process of being brought over to the evacuation area.


After a while from being rescued, the place was already a massacre and the people were filled with negativity. Their cries and screams coming from the pain and from the loss of either family or friends had still enveloped the whole, temporary evacuation area.

Hearing gossips from the soldiers, it looks like the military is currently investigating the entire place to ensure the people's safety while they were preparing measures to evacuate us to the city, and meanwhile in my side, I was sitting down on the ground with my back laying on a concrete wall, trying to rest while looking plainly at my recently treated hand.

"Thank you so much!" A voice was coming from behind, and when I turned, it was the woman and her daughter whom I saved and helped not a while ago. She came and spoke to me with tears.

"I can't thank you enough for saving me and my daughter"

"No problem. At least the two of you are safe now." Deep inside, I was truly glad that nothing extremely bad had happened to her and to her daughter, yet I replied with just a poker-face. The reason is because of my mental state that was greatly enervated from realizing what I have just gone through together with the bloody, terrifying scenes flashing back inside my mind.


Catching a glimpse, I jumply jumped up from the ground as there was another 3 consecutive explosion, yet its sound was quite faint, coming from a very far distance.

"What is that?"

"Sir! Terrorists sighted at the area."

"Give me the details, and back up the men posting there!" I heard the loud conversation between the soldiers, and one seemed to be a commanding officer.

At first, I didn't mind the recent explosions just now, but when I turned to see its direction, I was greatly frightened to where it was truly coming from as large smokes were clearly running through up the sky.

"No way. That's where--- Rosalie, Bob and the others are." My eyes widen as a scary possibility was thought out in mind.

Getting panickly worried, I then sneaked out from my spot and have gone running secretly quiet, making light steps in trying to go back to the farm to not get notice.

"Hey, where are you going kid? HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

Good grief. Despite being in stealth mode, the soldiers have noticed me heading towards the dangerous direction. Spotting me in the act of sneaking out, they immediately went for the chase as I also instinctively exploded in running.

Scampering through my way without any soldiers ahead, I saw a motorcycle from a distance, and luckily I noticed that there was a key on it as I was closing in. I then jumped on on the vehicle, twisted the key, and have started driving my way back while leaving the soldiers who were chasing me behind with a smoke coming out from this ride's muffler.


"Sir! There is a loose civilian heading towards the war zone." The soldiers' loud voice has even reached me as I was slowly speeding up.

Meanwhile, without really having the experience in driving a motorcycle once in my life before, I was tensedly yelling out the nervousness as I was getting out of balance from my head start, forcing me to have started slowing down when I got a bit further away to let myself get used to it, and with several minutes of rushed practice, I once again have stepped the gas to speed up.

I managed to calm and put my tensed and stiff shoulders to ease and good condition by just imagining how to ride a bicycle, because that is what everybody who had experience the same has said so, and it was quite effective actually. Though it was a risky thing to do, there was no other choice and idea but to do so.

On the other hand, it's quite a few kilometres away from the farm to get there, so I switched the gear to maximum level.


On my way, I caught a glimpse of another explosion from a far. As I was quickly nearing to its place, I heard multiple gunshots coming from the area.

Damn it. Even the terrorists have also stormed this place. I guess the military is currently having their encounter in this area as well. Should I go back? But what about the people at the farm--- GAAAAAH! There's no backing out now! I've already started this, and now I'll be pushing my way through!

Dropping the gear by one, I was still zooming off with the motorcycle at an insane speed, but this fact hasn't bothered me at all as I began to enter the place. It is a do or die now.


"What was that!? Are there hostiles on vehicle?" I slightly heard a voice from up ahead of the firing.

Not just its speed, but the motorcycle's sound was thunderous in which it had likely caught some, or maybe all of the armed people's attentions that were from a distance.

Keeping my head low in order to be in a minimum safety level to prepare myself, the encounter was swiftly closing in up ahead on the road as I didn't hesitate to continue despite the deafening noises of gunshots around, and it looks like I'll be passing by them in no time.


"Is it an enemy? No--- a civilian sir! A kid is riding a motorcycle!" the loud voice of a complaining soldier has reached me as I passed by them.

Yikes~ If this horrible event will come to an end, would I become some wanted guy after? Tch. But even so, there's no guarantee for me to be still alive at the end of the straw.

Despite inserting in between the scene, I continued with my driving.

After a while, I safely got through and farther away from the firing with no signs of hits to either my ride or me. On the other hand, the noises of gunshots have gone faint, and I was driving on a straight pathway with some building structures on both sides.

"I'm close. I'm going close. Just a few more kilometres and I wi---"

While I was busy with my desperation, a man suddenly came out from up ahead on the side of the road, and his appearance has gotten me alerted.

"A civilian? Why does he have a bag with him? He needs to be---"

With too much positivity in my mind, I haven't considered the other way around. On the man's other hand, he was holding a rocket launcher. Likely preparing himself, he put his bag on the ground, opened it, and took one rocket missile inside. He reloaded, balanced his position, and has likely aimed at me.

"WHAAAA—" The tension from seeing a probable death has got me holding my breath for being frightened.


The rocket then was fired, heading at an insane speed towards me.

I tried turning direction, but my hands won't move, and my body has gone frozen still.


As the rocket missile was about a four meters near, I forcedly turned the motorcycle away from it.





My heard hurts, and my surroundings were spinning a bit as I opened my eyes.

"What has happened again? Oh right… that one."

While lying on the floor, my mind was a bit hazy, but I can clearly recall what happened.

Luckily the rocket missed, but before it could even hit the ground, I carelessly turned the steering wheel quickly and have lost my balance, and not to mention the rocket missile's force that sent me flying inside this damaged building.

As I looked around, the motorcycle that I was riding was inside here too. It seems that all of its parts were still intact despite the impact, unlike me, but here I am again in this kind of situation.

As I tried standing up, most of my upper body parts were hurting badly, so I have just kneeled back down to not let things get worse.

I grab my head that was hurting a lot, but there was something sticky when I touched it.

As I put my hand away, there was blood on it.

I'm not surprised anymore, and with that kind of a scene not a while ago, one should probably have been dead now.

But even so, I tried resting myself.

Oh wait. How long was I passed out anyway? Crap. I couldn't tell with this cracked watch of mine---

While I was wondering about it, there were sudden sounds of footsteps outside that were getting louder and louder as the seconds go by.

I quickly hid behind a somewhat furniture, and have secretly and carefully took a peek.

Alas, it wasn't clear enough for me to check on the man's face that fired the missile back then, but I can surely tell that he is that person who recently showed himself and is standing outside.

"You sure that brat could still be alive?"

And it wasn't just him who showed up, there were also two--- or maybe three companions on his side.

Tsk. I couldn't see everything out there from this position of mine, but setting that aside, it looks like they are on the move to find me.

Yikes. I better move my ass now or else I'll be caught in no time.

I looked behind of me, and gladly there was a door. Walking like a duck, I was being careful not to bump into some things that could produce noise while heading towards it. I then grabbed the doorknob as soon as I reached it, and slowly I started twisting it around to open.

Slowly, slowly, slowly... and with a little push--- Yes! The door has successfully been opened stilly, and now time to---


"What in the world---"

Taking a look outside behind the door, it seems that there were bottles from behind that have fallen down when I even just slightly pushed it over.

"Hey! What's that!?"

"Over there! Quick!"

Oh crap. This is really bad. My stealth mode has gone wrong once again.

As they started dashing over here at this side of the establishment, I immediately rushed outside as well with my sandals making noises from running.

"I told you guys that the kid may still be alive!"

"There's no use in arguing you two! Let's just kill him when we get to catch him!"

Despite their chase for me, they managed in holding a conversation while on the way, and it got me creep out when they said of killing me.



When they got visual of me, they fired their guns with no hesitation.

I continued running with a lot of zigzagging and drifting in trying to lose them behind, yet this time, I ran out of breath and got quickly exhausted in the process.

At some point, I wasn't feeling my legs anymore, resulting for me to accidentally get tripped down along my way.

"UWAAAA! Ooooww! Damn it! This is not good."

Slowly I tried getting up, but when I held my head high, with a look of disbelief for being petrified of the result, I was already completely surrounded by the guys chasing me.

"Wait! He's mine." A random guy suddenly spoke in the middle of the scene, delaying my demise. "Well, well, well. It's you, you damn brat!" The random man added as he stepped forward closer to me with a grinning face.


Hey hey, who's this guy? It looks like he knows me for some reason.

"Remember the guy you chased and charged into by sometime ago?"

"Charged into by sometime ago? I don't know what you are talking abo---"

Having to realize what he was talking about, I completely got shocked about it.

"Yooouuu! I see. That crazy guy with a helmet on his head. So you guys already started this plan not long ago, eh. So that incident makes sense now."

"You're right on track brat."

As I was just kneeling on the ground helplessly, the rebel made no waste of their time and has aimed his gun at me.

"The situation has been reversed! Now, you're the one being chased and nearing death! SAY GOODBYE!"

With the words that he said quickly sunk into my mind, I lowered my head, indicating the surrender of my life.