
WISDOM: Battles & Survival (Arc Zero/ Rebellious Phase Arc)

A story of hardships, showing the cruel, unhandled realities of the world. Just like any other kid, Hanuzuki Hanzaki was once a playful, cheerful, energetic and a loving child. Yet as time passed by, he began to slowly change due to the influences that surround him, being in a place and living a life full of shaming and adversities. One night, on his 11th grade, the Hanuzuki Residence was being quite rowdy. Hanzaki suddenly went rushing out of the house. Followed by his exit, his father was yelling while pointing a finger to him at the door. Alone in the night, he wandered around in hoping to find a solution to his long decade miseries, but little did he know there were serious complications awaiting him. From one major obstacle to another, he broke through against all odds and faced a life life-changing event that may change the whole world at the end. Whatever lies ahead, the future would vary depending on his decisions. Note: *Original cover picture not mine. Credits to the rightful owner. *Will be changing it.

LaYa · Realistic
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45 Chs

Chapter 17 - A bloody storm

"Mmmmm-- Hu-huh?" My eyelids barely lifting itself up, only for me to have a blurry image of my nose's figure, I let out a groan as I was slowly regaining consciousness. "W-Wha-What happened?" I wondered, my eyes still looking half asleep, yet I was already having awareness of myself on being in such a daze shape.

Attempting to know my current state, I did a little moving from head to toe to check myself up, trying to feel the muscles on every part of my body inside as the numb sensation was taking its time to evaporate from my every flesh.

Oh c-crap~ Ugh~ My head~

My head was feeling unsettlingly heavy as if it was being weighed down by a giant boulder, and there was a bit of swelling pain in it that I was feeling. And my face, the left side of my face--- has gone numb? Hasn't- the numbness faded out yet? And, why only the left side of my face?

Being able to moderately move as I recovered a bit of energy from a while of pondering and waiting, technically resting, I forcedly pushed myself up using the both of my hands with my eyes closed from straining in exerting my strength towards the ground and with my knees supporting me from below. After a series of panting, I opened my eyes to see and know that the solid surface, the ground, where I was lying on for an unknown time was actually the reason for this numbness, obviously. It took me a while to realize from such state. I then put my right foot up forward kneeling.

While I was still a bit giddy, I carefully took my time in catching my breath, and while not minding the surroundings yet around me.

Noticing somewhat odd, I held my ears and have made circling patterns using my fingertips to study it as I---- can't seem to hear anything.

I was dumbstrucked of my situation. The only thing inside my mind was to rest myself so I could get up, my somehow wearied body sprinkled with dust all over made me muzzy. Continuing to unwind, my mind was stung by a strange smell as I suddenly inhaled through my nose a scent of a somewhat burned coal, and accordingly I started to hear faint to slowly increasing volume of noises from the nearby distance, as if the sensation that I was feeling in my ears was like swimming underwater.




"....Nnnnn.... Nnnnn.... Noooooo!"


"Quick! Quick! Get some water!"

"Ambulance! Call the ambulance!"

'Huuh? Just... what in the heck has happened recently?' I thought in a weak tone in mind.

"Hey kid! Are you fine?" Out of nowhere, a man concernedly approached me, but without still having the energy to talk, I just gave him a nod in response. "Give me your hand!" The good man added as he lent out his hand for me, and I took it and have readied to put my weight on my right leg to rise up.

From standing up, I was able to get a hold of my senses in an instant. Succeedingly, my eyes wandering from left to right and vice versa in seeing the situation, a horrifying scene is displayed in front of--- no, is around me.

The once lively and busy supermarket is now deformed into a shattered and wrecked place full of negativity. Gazing further, there were small to medium size of fires engulfing in some of the places that was the only thing that gave illumination to the entire area, the lights together with the power source were gone out as I noticed.

Bringing back my gaze to my nearby surroundings, the people's faces were dirtied and in which a number of them were badly injured; a few had some of their body parts gone missing, some of them have gone crazy likely due to trauma, and the worst, some of them were already lying dead. Moreover, establishments near the explosion took heavy damage, and the stalls and other minor properties were completely taken down and blown into smithereens.

Realizing the likely cause, with the obvious evidence present in front of me, a sudden explosion has occurred in the place of the flickering light, and the area was then being enveloped by cries of pain.

How strong was that explosion anyway? Even from a distance, I was brought down on the ground, and it has also caused me to pass out for a moment.

I was standing speechless while looking at the panicking and screaming people, and my heart was palpitating even more when the situation around me has sunk into my mind.

"Okay? What in the world should I---"


"Good grief! What is it now!?" I quickly ducked, trying to cover myself as I was hearing the sound of explosions.


Without a minute, the explosions stopped.

"Is it done? Are those the last?"

Thankfully the consecutive explosion was coming from different locations, far out of this place, but this wasn't good news even from the start.

"Everybody please take cover!" A yell from a distance, and it looks like guards and officers are taking action.

On the other hand, large smokes are currently running through the sky coming from the different directions and places where the explosions occurred.

Examining the area around one more time, the people were looking terrified and tormented.

"All units present at the area, standby and prepare!" A rattling, scrappy voice of an officer reached through my ears, seeming to have come from a walky-talky in a nearby distance.

"This is an evacuation! Please remain calm and follow our instructions!" Then an officer with a megaphone desperately called out, trying to make the people heed his call.

As soon as the officials have made their presence, the people around started to move for the evacuation, and while the injured were being helped up to move as well.

I then quietly, confusedly, and worriedly walk along with the mass.

Just what in the world is happening exactly?

My mind has gone blank and I don't know what to think, and at the current moment, my eyes was just wandering around, feeling uneasy in seeing this unexpected, horrible happening.

"EXCUSE ME SIR!? Are there people behind the bushes!?"

While patiently moving along the crowd at the back, I noticed an officer on the road that was somewhat trying to call some people out.

Well that is weird, yet also a wise decision. Straying away from the possible locations where it would likely explode again is a good idea, but wouldn't it happen again the second time around? I mean, if one blew up, I'm pretty sure that the nearby ones would follow as they would likely be affected by its strong explosive force.

"We are currently evacuating everyone away, so please go wi---"

Startled by a sudden hostile appearance, the officer and I were struck in daze because of a shocking revelation as a man swiftly appeared from the bush and has pulled out a heavy machine gun, directly put to aim at the officer.



The good officer went down, and everyone quickly ducked and has hid their selves from the series of gunshots abruptly occurring in the middle of the evacuation, and while the other officers began to retaliate against the hostility.

Without even thinking at first, some of the citizens began to involuntarily run away from the place in which some of them have been shot dead as they stood up.

Currently, the firing continues, and the number of officers was being outnumbered by the invading group of rebels. With the equipment that they have, only having hand-guns with them in their hands, they were outmatched and were also forced to hide and cover, yet still they tried resisting the attack.

Meanwhile, without further ado, I too have started moving away from the scene of encounter and have safely gone along with a mass of people but not without having to go through a couple of close call hits from the insanely moving piercing bullets.

I was panting, and legs were terribly shaking while haring off. Having the most likely same thoughts together with the citizens, we were trying to find a safe place and shelter.

We ran, ran, and ran until most of us got exhausted.

Mostly the children and women were slowing down and have now taken a quick rest, but some of the men have continued to flee on their own.


Another sound of gunshot was coming from up ahead. The person on the lead got shot, and the rebels have started popping out even here in this location of ours.

With just a second from the first shot, I, and together with all of the people have gone yelling as we were rushing back to our way, avoiding and escaping from the murderers.

But on the other hand, some of the citizens had scrambled and were shot as the rebels have started again to fire their weapons while showing no mercy.

I put my focused on my escape again, and have accidentally isolated myself away from the mass. Yet on my route, I noticed an establishment that seemed perfect for hiding and wasn't damaged. Having a sense of compassion, I hurriedly went back to any nearby people in the area.

"OVER HERE! EVERYONE! GET OVER HERE FOR COVER!" I yelled, my chest ridiculously beating fast as it was likely exploding itself as well from making a brave yet self-dangering decision, and the people started heading towards my direction as soon as they noticed me calling out.

Meanwhile, screams and gunshots continued to envelope the area.

"FASTER!" I shouted out to the last people who were left behind, a woman together with a little girl who were running as fast as they could.

My eyes were worriedly fixed at them as they were nearing with haste, but then I noticed a swishing sound coming from the same direction of the scooting mother and daughter. As I looked closely behind the two, a rocket missile was fast approaching towards the them.

"LOOK O---"


Everybody behind me having to notice the approaching missile as well, they immediately duck-covered themselves from the incoming explosion, and without having to finish what I was trying to say, the rocket landed incredibly, causing a destructive force which destroyed the ground and has covered the entire area with smoke.

From covering down, I slowly stood up and have carefully took a peek as the smoke has started to lift up, yet still I could barely see any clear visual of the surroundings.

I tried looking around again with my eyes wide open, and not for long I spotted a person's figure that was formed out of the smoke from a distance.

When most of the smoke has lifted up already, I was glad to see that the mother and her daughter were just fine, but it seemed that they were thrown hardly away by the impact.

Thankfully she was still conscious together with her daughter, yet they were on the ground and behind a wall taking cover fire.

"HELP!! PLEASE HELP US!!!" The woman cried out.

Luckily the rocket missed, yet still their situation was in pinch.

I wanted to help, but I was greatly frightened. My body got frozen, and I was unable to think.

I continue hearing the woman shouting out for help while her daughter was also loudly crying beside her.

"This isn't the time to be a coward! I need to---" As I was hesitating, I noticed a broken glass on the floor.

Without thinking any further, I grabbed and have used it to injure the palm of my hand, making my sense of fear to be locked away from the gushing blood.

I then mustered up my courage and confidence, and have quickly dashed outside to the scene while the people were throwing their concerns at me as they noticed me in the act.

I ran towards the cornered woman and girl, and now shots were being focused fired towards me as I was likely spotted from a distance. I feel like crying of what I'm currently doing, but I didn't bother and have continued running. With just seconds have passed by, I hear another swishing sound from my right direction.


My head turned to see it, there was another rocket heading and was probably aimed target at me.

"This is not good! With this pace, I won't be able to break free from it!"

Without giving it much of a thinking, I instinctively went running as fast as I could and have jumped forward at some point in a short span of time.



Scrutinizing myself, I succeeded in evading a direct hit, but I have been thrown hard into the wall that was covering the woman and her daughter.

As I was lying flat on the ground, the woman began to grab and pull me over to them. Trying to get a hold of myself, I was coughing from the impact while being dragged to their spot, and my face was dirtied by dusts.

"Are you okay?" The woman addressed her concern.

"There is no time to waste. Let's go Ma'am! Come on." I exclaimed, and then smiled at the young girl, trying to cheer her up, but her frightened face remained.

I lifted the woman with an injured leg and put her arms around me, and we have started in walking carefully to the other side, going through behind the walls to not get detected by the hostile subjects.

As we found a safe establishment to hide, I busted down the door and we went inside to take shelter, and carefully and slowly I put down the injured woman.

"Just what in the world could happen next?" I wondered, laying low while taking a peek through a window.

On the other hand, my two companions were hugging each other tightly while shaking in fear from this deadly situation. The three of us then stayed hidden inside a secluded room, waiting for a miracle to happen.