
Winter Learns To Love

What is love? How can a person tell he is in love? Is it different from lust? The former I don't understand the latter I know all too well. I am Winter, a person who has never experienced love. But I want to know what is this confusing, elusive but wonderful feeling people talk about. Who knows aybe someday I will experience it for myself.

SAC12345 · Urban
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3 Chs

No attachments

After hearing my words Hunters gaze turned fiery. He catches my wandering hand and uses it to pull me closer to him and with one last grind of our hips, he leads me out of the dance floor. He pays for our drinks at the bar, waves to his companions at his table before striding out of the club, holding my hand all the while.

The tension or rather sexual frustration is thick in the air. Neither of us take the iniative to speak but I let him take the lead. He flags down a cab and then open the back door and ushers me in. He gets inside and sits close to me, placing his hand on my thigh, caressing it ever so slowly. enjoying the moment, i place my head on his shoulder and was about to reciprocate his touches when the driver interrupts us with a cough.

"Ahem... So where are you guys headed to?"

We looked at each other, startled as we realize we did not discuss this part of the plan. He whispers in my ear "My place or yours?"

"Neither. I prefer places with no attachments."

"Fair enough." He then tells the driver to bring us to the best hotel nearby. I was about to protest but he gives me a look that said I shouldn't worry.

Once we arrive at the hotel, he once again takes the lead. He pays the driver before taking my hand to go down the cab and walk inside the lobby. I have to say his assertive attitude is making him more charismatic.

I survey the lobby as I wait for him to finish booking us a room. It was not super luxurious but it was not bad either. Maybe a 3-star hotel, which was an upgrade from the motel I had my first round with.

I feel someone hold my hand, and look up to see Hunter showing me the room key. He leads me to the elevators, he releases my hand as we step into it but pinches my butt cheek.

The tension became thicker because there was only the two of us inside. Hunters hand remained in my buttocks, which he gives little massages to which I also enjoyed.

The elevator dings as it stops to our floor. He leads me out and we hurriedly walked to our room. Once we arrive, he hastily opens the door and pull me in.

Here's to another night with no strings attached…