
Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

A college student reincarnates in the world of HP with the power to cast Lore of Magics from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe(Total War: Warhammer 3). It is going to be a weak to strong story. In time, I am thinking of expanding on all of the magical world rather than only focusing on Magical England. Disclaimer: I do not own any of this other than my OCs; anything else belongs to its respective author. A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is a grammar issue, please tell me in the comments, and I will fix it. I will try to release three chapters a week. If you want to read 35 chapters ahead or donate, you can visit p-a-tre-on/kurowashi

KuroWashi1903 · Book&Literature
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75 Chs


A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them. I'm always open to constructive criticism. 

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.



"Elmi, could you explain that again?" Harry asked, sitting on a fallen log in the heart of the dense woodland behind the estate. The trees shielded them from the outside world, providing an ideal spot for their secret lessons, and Elmi could sense the centaurs pacing around them and protecting them against other beasts.

Elmi, ever the patient teacher, nodded and smiled at his friend. "Of course, Harry. Let me break it down for you. You see, magic is like a river flowing all around us. Witches and wizards harness this magic, shape it, and make it do amazing things."

Harry squinted, his brow furrowing in concentration. "So, it's like a stream of energy, and we use wands to control it, right?"

Elmi grinned, impressed. "Exactly! But not all magic needs a wand. There are some forms of magic that can be channeled through your thoughts, intent, or even the flick of a finger. It's about understanding the principles and tapping into your own inner magic."

Their woodland lessons often consisted of these discussions. Elmi, the older soul, introduced Harry to the basics of magical theory, potions, alchemy, and various magical creatures. While Elmi couldn't teach Harry how to perform spells since he didn't have a wand and wasn't ready yet, he provided him with a deeper understanding of the magic that fascinated Harry.

"Take alchemy, for example," Elmi continued. "It's all about understanding the essence of substances, the hidden properties, and how they interact. It's like a puzzle, and you're trying to unlock the secrets of the universe. I like alchemy, but I can't convince Mum to buy me a real potion-making set. She only buys me this kind of toy sets." he pointed to his potion-making set.

Harry nodded, intrigued. "And you've read all this in books?"

Elmi chuckled. "You could say that. I've been quite the bookworm since I was four years old."

Harry was shocked,

"You learned how to read at 4?"

"Yes, but enough about me; it's your turn. What have you been reading in your own spare time? Let's talk about that."

As the two friends delved deeper into their basic magical discussions, their foundations started taking shape more sturdily.


Elmi and Harry sat across from each other on top of a rock formation in the woodland behind his estate. Both of them were reading a book while lying on the rocks. Byakko, Elmi's mischievous Kneazle, was sprawled out contentedly by them on top of the rocks, too, her eyes half-closed.

As they began discussing the intricacies of magical intent, the deep voice of the woodland animals could be heard from the distance. Harry's brows were furrowed in concentration as he attempted to grasp the concept Elmi was explaining, while Elmi himself was utterly absorbed in the subject. 

Just as they started delving deeper into the theory, Byakko leaped to her feet with a mischievous glint in her eyes. With a spirited jump, she landed on top of Elmi's stack of books, scattering them in all directions. Then, she proceeded to hop onto Elmi's shoulder, nuzzling him and swatting at the pages he held.

Elmi chuckled as Byakko disrupted his reading,

"Stop it, Byakko. No, bad girl!"

her fluffy tail flicking across his face and pages, she would swing her tail like a whip. 

"Byakko, you're a little attention-seeker, aren't you?"

She then looked at Harry and jumped towards him, shattering all his book stacks, too. Harry was trying to shoo the playful kneazle away from the books. Byakko was having none of it, insisting on being the center of attention. She playfully pawed at the parchment and ripped some of it, too. 

"Okay, okay, you spoiled little brat! We will play with you." Elmi conceded, giving in to Byakko's demands. He set the books aside, and Byakko immediately hopped onto his lap, purring contentedly. Harry, amused by the kneazle's antics, asked, "Is she always like this?"

Elmi nodded, scratching behind Byakko's tufted ears. "Absolutely. Her Highness has a knack for knowing when we're trying to concentrate, and she will demand to be the center of attention. She is sometimes an annoying asshole."

When Elmi called her asshole, she stopped purring and swatted at Elmi's head. He dodged and continued,

"But she's family, and we can't say no to family." He started scratching her. With Byakko now content, they exchanged a knowing look and went back to their magical theory, picking up right where they left off. Despite the interruption, they were making steady progress.


 The day of the graduation ceremony at St. Grogory's Primary School was filled with excitement, laughter, and a sense of accomplishment. Families gathered to celebrate this significant milestone in their children's lives, capturing memories through photographs and cheers of pride. Among the crowd, Elizabeth and all of Elmi's relatives were there. The Fawley family stood together, wearing proud smiles and joy in their eyes as they watched Elmi receive his diploma. 

The ceremony proceeded with speeches, music, and the presentation of certificates. Among the parents and family members, there was one lone figure who sat in the audience: Harry Potter. Harry's aunt, Petunia Dursley, was nowhere to be found. Since her son was repeating a year, he didn't graduate this year, and she still blamed Harry for his suspension.

However, the Fawley family proved once again that family extended beyond blood. Elizabeth, seeing Harry sitting alone, decided to take matters into her own hands. She signaled to Harry, inviting him to join their group. Harry hesitated for a moment, not used to such warmth; even though he had been coming to their home for the last four years, he still had a hard time accepting familial warmth. 

As the ceremony continued, the Fawleys embraced Harry as one of their own, with Grim and Sullivan excitedly taking photographs of Harry and Elmi. They spent a good day together, and Harry had a content smile on his face.


The Fawley Estate was bathed in the golden light of a summer evening as Elizabeth approached the mailbox. Her elegant hand reached in and retrieved the day's mail, a collection of mundane letters mixed with a highly expected letter. Among them, her fingers brushed against the texture of a parchment envelope bearing the distinctive Hogwarts insignia.

Elmi took the envelope and savored the moment. This was his own letter; it was not a movie prop or a merc; it was his real invitation to Hogwarts. He opened up the envelope without ripping it since he was going to encase it and save it as a memento. Inside the envelope, there was a letter and a list.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Fredrick Elminster Fawley,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress