
Windows of The Heart

Beautiful, outspoken, woman in her twenties with a slim figure, an alluring, young, charming whose goal is to succeed in the corporate world; only finds herself falling in love with a foreign boss, a Korean CEO of an Industrial company. This CEO is a man in his thirties, an eligible unmarried person but surrounded by women enamored by his handsome, stunning good look, regal because of his high-and-mighty manner. Confident but overbearing - he demands compliance from everyone; his word is his law; his decision shall not be broken. But this woman is about to change that. She falls in love but only to find herself caught in a web of loving two men who happened to have blood relations and another man whom she thought would be her lasting love. Will their love bloom and flourish within the test of time? And so, the story begins.

Ma_Teresa_Llacar · Urban
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71 Chs

A Love Ending

Chapter Fifty-Five

"Who said Rielle is coming with me, huh? Didn't I say I could not stand this place anymore?"

Hwan Chul knocked on Hyun-Ki's bedroom door. "Reporting for duty, Sir," he chirped, trying to put a cheerful mood for Hyun-Ki, despite the bad news he would convey to his brother.

Hyun-Ki was lying on his bed and asked for Rielle first. "Where is she?" Hwan Chul returned his question, "who is she, Hyeong?" Hyun-Ki frowned and said, "I am asking for my wife, fool!" Hwan Chul felt slighted but let it slide.

"Was it hard to mention Rielle's name, Hyun?" asked Hwan sarcastically. Hyun-Ki changed the subject quickly. "What was your report? Make it quick." Hyun-Ki was very anxious to find out.

"All the Board Members were present and wished to convey their sympathy for you and wished you well, too. The sad part was that the Members could not decide about the building's rehabilitation. Their reason was that rebuilding was too expensive at this time because each of them was facing some crises too, that they cannot give their full support." Reported Hwan Chul.

"So, that means they would leave me on my own, and when I succeeded in rebuilding it, that's the time they will return and give their full support, is that it, Hwan?" Hyun-Ki was very mad and fuming in dismay.

"My advice is, let the burned building out of the picture in the meantime, Hyeong, and why not concentrate on our two subsidiaries out of town and let us make these bigger, and you choose which of the two subsidiaries you can turn into the head office. And then, when good fortune comes, let us rebuild the building. We still have two options; besides, we are already known in the business world and the market. Don't you think this is a good idea, Hyun-Ki?" suggested Hwan positively.

"It is easy to say because you are NOT blind and paralyzed! Look at me, Hwan. Do you think this is easy, huh?" Hyun-Ki felt frustrated again.

"I want to go home, Hwan," Hyun-Ki said. Hwan Chul was of thought.

"This IS home, Hyeong. What are you talking about?" asked Hwan, confused.

"Bring me back to Korea. I could not stand this place anymore. I don't need their pity, and I DON'T need their compassion, either! And I don't want to be laughed at my back, seeing me like this? No, Hwan, I want to go home!" demanded Hyun-Ki.

"All right, I'll tell Rielle to prepare your passports—" Hyun-Ki cut him.

"Who said Rielle is coming with me, huh? Didn't I say I could not stand this place anymore?" Hyun-Ki stressed. Rielle, who was standing by the door, heard it all. She felt sick, and her head seemingly spun, wanting to shout and cry at Hyun-Ki. She ran away to calm herself, pretending that she heard nothing.

"I want to be alone and be treated there. And I do not know if I would still want to come back." Hyun-Ki said in a low tone.

"I could feel your pain, disappointment, and frustration, Hyeong, but leaving Rielle out of your life? I could not believe what I heard from you, Hyeong. You married her, In sickness and in health, in richer---" cut in Hyun-Ki, continuing Hwan's phrases, "in richer and in poorer, til death do us part, right, Hwan? I AM good as dead, man! Just look at me; I AM useless; I cannot even make her happy anymore!" Hyun-Ki was shouting defensively.

"So, just like that, in a flick of a finger, you would leave Rielle, YOUR wife? And how do you know that she's not happy anymore, ha? Have you asked her that? Did she say she's not happy anymore?" Hwan Chul was fuming in anger and dismay.

"Just bring me back home, Hwan, soon!" insisted Hyun-Ki. Hwan was crying in anger and frustration, and he could not discourage his brother, as determined as his decision. Hwan Chul left Hyun-Ki in his room and looked for Rielle.

He found Rielle standing in the garden, looking at the sky as if counting stars. Hwan Chul came near her, and Rielle turned around and smiled dryly.

"What have you discussed, Hwan?" pretending to be unaware of their conversation a while ago. "Was he all right about your report?" added Rielle. Hwan Chul was silent, still thinking about what to say.

"Hyun-Ki suggested returning home, Rielle," said Hwan in a sad tone.

"Back to the condo?" asked Rielle, hoping Hyun-Ki get back what he said a while ago. Hwan Chul was on the verge of crying but held his tears.

"Rielle, Hyun-Ki would like to return to Korea." Rielle turned her face and looked at Hwan Chul. "I don't want to live there, Hwan." Pretending not to know. Hwan Chul was thinking the right word not to hurt Rielle, but Rielle filled in his words, "He'll go home to Korea to get the best treatment, right, Hwan Chul? Anyway, his sight will be regular again after three months, as Dr. Chen said, and next week will be his second month if my counting is correct. To his paralysis, he'll get by as soon as he gets the best physical therapy there, and I believe he will walk normally again." Rielle said with confidence.

"I can wait for him; even if it would take him a year or so, I will wait," Rielle said encouragingly. Hwan Chul could not say another word and was very hurt, as if dying inside. How could she tell Rielle the truth? Hwan Chul faced Rielle and looked at her sadly. "I wish I could hold you in my arms to thank you for your patience and love for my brother, Rielle," waiting for her permission.

"Why, sure, Hwan. Come on; you are like my brother now." And Rielle embraced Hwan; both were controlling their emotions.

"When are you leaving?" asked Rielle. "A day after tomorrow." Answered Hwan Chul. Rielle went back inside to see how Hyun-Ki was doing.

"Are you hungry, Love? Do you want to join us at the table, or would you want me to bring your meal here?" asked Rielle, pretending to be cheerful. Hyun-Ki remained silent, gazing at Rielle's face, then he muttered, "I will join you." Removing his gaze from Rielle.

The three of them were on the table, Hyun-Ki, and Rielle facing each other, while Hwan Chul was watching them both. Hwan Chul broke the silence and spoke: "In the meantime that we're in Korea, Rielle, what are your plans, if any?" asked Hwan Chul, hoping to bother Hyun-Ki's conscience.

"I don't have plans yet, but I'll work on it. Oh, yes, maybe I'll look for a job suitable to my work experience." Rielle said, staring at Hyun-Ki. Hyun-Ki stared back at her with no emotions, then suddenly, he stopped eating, dropped his spoon and fork, wiped his mouth with the table napkin, and stirred his wheelchair going to the living room, facing the garden. Rielle was stunned, wondering what irritated him. She was about to stand, but Hwan Chul stopped her.

"Let him be, Rielle. He'd come to his senses later." Advised Hwan Chul. Rielle approached Hyun-Ki, stood behind his wheelchair, and hugged him for a while.

"Can we be just friends while you are still with me, Hyun-Ki? You will be returning to Korea; at least we could remain friendly than civil, please?" begged Rielle. She moved in front of him and stared at Hyun-Ki longer. Hyun-Ki bent his face, refusing to look at her, stirred his wheelchair at a back pace, and moved away from Rielle. She was left standing there as if embarrassed of Hyun-Ki's attitude towards her, crossed her arms around her, and brushed them with her hands as if warming herself from chills. She walked around the garden, thinking deeply about her life and how her life would be without Hyun-Ki. There was too much pain and hurt inflicted on her by Hyun-Ki's harshness toward her, and despite his unbearable attitude, she tried so hard to understand him, be patient with him, and still felt loving him. She went to their bedroom, watched Hyun-Ki, then sleeping, took a pillow, and laid herself on the couch.

Hyun-Ki was endlessly hurting Rielle, and despite it, Rielle remained patient, understanding, and caring and continued to love him. A pure love, is it? Let us see how long Rielle can hold that love for Hyun-Ki.

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