
Windows of The Heart

Beautiful, outspoken, woman in her twenties with a slim figure, an alluring, young, charming whose goal is to succeed in the corporate world; only finds herself falling in love with a foreign boss, a Korean CEO of an Industrial company. This CEO is a man in his thirties, an eligible unmarried person but surrounded by women enamored by his handsome, stunning good look, regal because of his high-and-mighty manner. Confident but overbearing - he demands compliance from everyone; his word is his law; his decision shall not be broken. But this woman is about to change that. She falls in love but only to find herself caught in a web of loving two men who happened to have blood relations and another man whom she thought would be her lasting love. Will their love bloom and flourish within the test of time? And so, the story begins.

Ma_Teresa_Llacar · Urban
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71 Chs

Blinded and Paralyzed

Chapter Fifty-Four

Mr. Han got a traumatic corneal abrasion due to the fire spark that hit his eyes and paralyzed him due to the shaft that fell on his body.

Rielle was impatient for the Surgeon to come out from that Operating Room door. The more it took hours for her waiting the more she became nervous and restless. At the same time, she was whispering a prayer for Hyun-Ki's safety.

After a few more grueling hours of impatient waiting, the Surgeon came out, asking for the wife or a family member.

"I am the wife, doctor. How is he?" anxiously asked Rielle.

"I am Dr. Wesley Chen. I treated his eyes. He got a traumatic corneal abrasion due to the fire spark that hit his eyes. The scarring will result in blurred vision, which will take three months to heal. And about his paralysis, Dr. Monterro will explain his condition to you. He's coming out in a few minutes, so please wait for him here." Said Dr. Chen.

A few minutes later, Dr. Monteiro, a neurologist, asked for Mr. Han's wife.

"Doctor, I am Mrs. Han Gabrielle. What is the present condition of my husband?"

"I'm Dr. Richard Monteiro, a neurologist. Mr. Han because of the shaft that fell paralyzed his body. He may experience difficulty in controlling his muscles. I diagnosed his paralysis as Monoplegia, an incomplete spinal cord injury, but his condition is partial paralysis. One area of his body paralyzed his left leg, wherein he could not move or feel sensations in the affected limb. It is temporary, and his prognosis depends on his physical therapy." Explained the doctor.

Rielle was very grateful that her husband's condition was not worsening and that he could return to his usual routine once healed. Hyun-Ki was brought to his hospital suite, still heavily sedated, and Rielle sat by his bedside, waiting for him to wake up. After knowing that Hyun-Ki was fine, her family left Rielle by his bedside.

Upon waking up from his sedation, his eyes covered with bandages stunned him, and he could not move his left leg. He called out loud for Rielle, and she responded by touching his hand.

"I am here, Love. I've been waiting for you to wake up." Rielle talked in a soft voice.

"What happened to me, Rielle? Why are my eyes wrapped with bandages, am I blind?" Hyun-Ki felt more stressed when he felt his left leg could not move. "Am I paralyzed too, Rielle?" Hyun-Ki felt a low-esteem of himself, thinking he was useless.

"Don't fret, Hyun; all these are but temporary. You'd be able to see after three months with the ongoing treatment of your eyes, and you can walk again through physical therapy." Assured Rielle.

"What happens now, Rielle? What will happen to us both and the company? How was it?" Hyun-Ki asked, filled with anxiety.

"I will find out tomorrow after the investigation and the audit report of our Auditors under Shin Dae's supervision. Do not think about the company, Hyun; you have to rest." Advised Rielle to comfort him. "How can I rest with this condition? It only made me feel unrest and depressed! Look, look at me, Rielle. Can this help me rest? Can it help my mind stop thinking? I feel useless; I want to die, Rielle!" Hyun-Ki cried in desperation. Rielle felt helpless and could only embrace her husband to comfort him.

The following day, Hyun-Ki had subsided from his frustration. He doesn't want to let go of Rielle's hands.

"Please stay by me, Rielle, don't leave me." Hyun-Ki felt fear and insecurity. Rielle felt Hyun-Ki's emotions when she hugged him, hushing him while comforting him.

"I will always be by your side, Hyun; I won't leave you. I am preparing your meal; you must eat to keep yourself strong so that we can return to our home, and there I can take care of you without these nurses touching you." Rielle made him feel she was jealous of these nurses coming to him, checking his vitals.

"Are they more beautiful than you, Sweetheart? No one can be more beautiful than you. Okay then, I'll keep myself strong for you, Sweetheart." Hyun-Ki chirped.

During midday, Shin Dae paid a visit to Hyun-Ki. With him were a fire and arson investigator who examined and analyzed the cause of the fire and two company auditors. The investigator explained that the fire came from faulty wiring in the storage room on the second floor of the building, so it was accidental. The damage was significant because the fire was rapid. It destroyed almost the electrical system of the building, burned every room, and the explosion came from the central air conditioning units of the building and the gas from the kitchen of their cafeteria. Hyun-Ki was silent, banging his left hand on his paralyzed leg; Rielle hugged and tried to stop him. She felt Hyun-Ki was grieving and how much she would want to carry that burden for him; it couldn't match his low emotions.

"I'm sorry for giving you this report, sir, but you must know." I apologize for the outcome. Hyun-Ki accepted and signed the report then the investigator left. Shin Dae and the Auditors were hesitant to give Hyun-Ki information on the company's financial status, so Shin Dae decided to leave and return when he was stable, but Hyun-Ki stopped them from going.

"If you have to report our standing, then go ahead; I'm listening. Don't worry about me." Hyun-Ki insisted.

"Based on our studies, our financial status was somehow less affected because our growth earnings were stable based on our banks' report although our building and everything in it was entirely damaged and if we are to rehabilitate our facility, it will cost us much, and at this point, we have to look after our employees, meaning, retrenching those who chose, and others would want to transfer to our subsidiaries. I need to know about your decision, Hyun, before we receive unrest from our employees." Shin Dae was hopeful that Hyun-Ki would face this problem with a sound mind and understanding.

Hyun-Ki was silent once more, trying to balance his thought and decision, then clasping Rielle's hand, gave his sentiment about the whole problem that surrounded everything he had worked for, then told Rielle to look into the report and read everything to him so he can make a well-balanced decision.

"Submit every process that you made surrounding the arrangements you made with the employees, and I suggest you call the head office to inform them of our predicament. I guess it was Hwan Chul who was running the head office, so talk to him to get some suggestions or assistance on how to find a solution to this problem we are facing now, then perhaps convene a meeting with the Board Members." Suggested Hyun-Ki.

"Then who will preside over this meeting?" Asked Shin Dae with hesitance.

"I am appointing you with the presence of my wife. You cannot expect me to talk with these people when you see my present condition, do you, Shin?" asked Hyun-Ki sarcastically.

"All right, I'll hold the closed-door meeting in a restaurant since our building is in ruins," replied Shin Dae.

Two weeks had passed, and Hyun-Ki returned home. They removed the bandages around his eyes, and he was in an electric wheelchair so he could independently move fast without bothering Rielle from her chores. Junie was there to assist, too, since he cannot be helpful in his driving task at most. But then, Hyun-Ki was beginning to show boredom and irritation. He was always in a bad mood, making it difficult for Rielle and Junie to stabilize him.

Sometimes, he doesn't want to eat, and his feeling of depression is all over him. He threw his meal, broke his drinking glasses, and looked grim and angry. He wanted to be alone most of the time, always silent and barely speaking. And when he could not hold his anger about his condition, he yelled and cried loudly, always shouting his desperation, wanting to end his life.

Rielle felt so helpless and cried in silence. She cannot help seeing her husband frustrated and desperate, but what can she do? She cannot hold him, touch him, or even get close to hug him because he always pushes her away, and there was one time that Hyun-Ki pushed her so hard that she almost fell back in pain and could not move for a moment. Good thing Junie was there in handy to help.

"Mrs. Rielle, allow me to take care of Sir Hyun. I can take every pain he might inflict because I am strong, you see," showing his sturdy muscles. "and whatever he threw, I can easily dodge." He chuckled, trying to make Rielle feel light about their situation.

"It was so good of you to spend time with us, Junie. You are so kind and sympathetic, and it was a huge help for me that you are here." Rielle wept.

One early morning, Hyun-Ki was resting on the balcony in his wheelchair to make him bask in the early morning sun rays when the doorbell rang. When Junie opened the door, he was surprised; Hwan Chul had come. Rielle greeted him fondly, almost in controlled tears.

Hwan Chul saw a sad, lonely face on Rielle and could feel her agony. He felt pity for her and wanted to embrace her tight to comfort her, but he was hesitant. Then Rielle gave her a sweet fond smile and showed him to the balcony where Hyun-Ki was resting.

Hwan Chul felt sorrowful for his brother's condition. He was looking at him in a wheelchair, blind, so quiet and alone to himself. He was almost in tears, but he dried his eyes quickly and touched his brother's shoulder. Hyun-Ki was shaking when he heard his brother's greeting.

"Hwan Chul, is that you?" Hyun-Ki was excited as he held his brother's arms. Hwan Chul gave a cheerful voice so Hyun-Ki won't feel disturbed if he felt that Hwan Chul was sad.

"How's my Hyeong? Shin Dae called me and told me about what happened, so I am here to help." Hwan Chul chirped.

"You've come at the right time, namdongsaeng. I ordered Shin Dae to recall our Board Members for an emergency meeting, and it's good you're here. You are the one to preside over the meeting and have Rielle represent me, and I want to know firsthand about their reactions and solutions to the company's crisis." Hyun-Ki explained.

"I suggest you and Rielle should move to our mansion, Hyun. The place is bigger, so you can move freely there and get more sunshine and fresh air, and the maids can assist Rielle in looking to your needs. It was good for Junie having around here, but then it would be best to live there, Hyeong." Suggested Hwan Chul.

"Okay, I think it's a good idea, so how soon can we move out of here? It's driving me crazy living here, crampy, and I can't breathe." Complained Hyun-Ki.

"Then do this now. All you have to bring are your clothes and your medications, anyway." Cheerfully added Hwan.

And so the couple moved into the Han mansion. Rielle suggested they take the guest room near the garden and easy access for Hyun, so there is no need to take the stairs since Hyun's in a wheelchair, and it would be easier to move around. The first two days of Hyun-Ki in the mansion made him in a contented and lively mood, and Rielle could easily approach him and engage in a few casual chats and have him watch movies on teevee.

There is one incident, though, that left Rielle heartbroken and devastated. He brought Hyun-Ki into the bathtub to bathe him after washing him; while Rielle was lifting him back to bed from his wheelchair, Hyun-Ki stared at his wife, held her face, and started kissing Rielle.

"Make love to me, Sweetheart," whispered Hyun. Rielle gave back his kisses, and she felt how she missed her husband, feeling a hot sensation creeping into her senses when suddenly Hyun-Ki stopped and pushed Rielle away. He was silent; his face looked grim and hateful, and then he spoke:

"Leave the room, Rielle, now!" Hyun-Ki's anger made Rielle fidget, confused. "I said, leave!" Hyun-Ki demanded angrily. Rielle felt so bad and tearful as she left their bedroom. She coiled herself by the door and could not stop her hurt emotions. She kept crying, asking herself why these things were happening to them. She cannot fathom why Hyun-Ki would suddenly deprive her of that feeling of closeness when he was not fully paralyzed or impotent. It was as if he was enjoying playing with her, making her suffer in agony; could it be blaming her for what happened to him? Was he putting the burden of his frustrations and failures on her to see her agonize in pain and heartbreak? Rielle wanted to give up, yet she could not because she loved Hyun-Ki as much as she loved herself. But her question running in her mind was, how long could she take these sacrifices? How long could she hold on and be strong? She kept crying and felt so bad because no one could comfort or console her when she needed this badly.

Hwan Chul came home that night from the meeting with the Board Members. He happened to Rielle sitting alone by the garden swing, fresh from crying. Hwan Chul felt like his heart would break to pieces seeing as how Rielle was suffering from Hyun-Ki's inexplicable mood swings.

He came to her and said in comforting words, "Rielle, please hold on. I feel how you feel, and it was hurting; though I could not do anything to alleviate nor comfort your aching heart, I feel you, Rielle. Don't give up; stay strong, for Hyun-Ki's sake." Rielle was sniffling, controlling her emotions while clasping her hands. She does not want to cry or add more pain to her heart.

She touched Hwan Chul by the hand and clasped it tightly, telling him, "I'll be all right, Hwan; I am just releasing this hurt to lighten my burden." She smiled abruptly and said, "don't worry."

Everything that has been happening between the couple could be said ‘normal’ in a marriage. But was it standard with the kind of crises they were facing? Was it intense? Tell me, give me your comment.

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