

Hello guys this is my first story and yes its original (means that i made the univers) it probably has many inspiration's but I'm just trying to have fun comment stuff and yea enjoy (koji is MC)

Lons · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Hardship,Relief,A new Life?

() = explanation

"" = talking

'' = thinking

** = sound


It has been 3 months since Koji's town was raided and burned.

The only reason koji survived was because his father used his super strength and threw koji on what he thought was a military boat but turned out it was a pirate ship..

"ahahaha u little RUNT"

a big one legged pirate said as he kicked koji across the deck

"u big dumb dumb"

koji shouted as he coughed up blood, for the 3 moths koji had been on the ship he had to carry bags off food that was twice his size across the deck from the storge room to the kitchen and while he walked across he got kicked without stop for multiple minutes

"dont slack off u snowflake"

the pirat shouted to the bloody little boy

koji stood up and lifted the big sack of potatoes he diddent dare to look cus if he ever dared too look in the bag the pirates would suspect him off stealing and beat and cut him ruthlessly,

a week with the same hell passed as half the crew had gotten sick little koji had seven times the responsibilities as he had a week ago.

he had too treat the sick as well as making all the food setting the sails and fishing he had tried to jump off the boat as well as been thrown off the boat by the crew but somehow he just flew back up again almost as he was destined to be the crews slave.

5 years passed as we see a tall for his age 7 year old boy with long white hair and so many scars it's impossible to count and well developed muscles all over his body,

this boy was Koji he had gotten ripped over the five years off incredibly heavy lifting and the non stop punches thrown at him,

he has gotten pretty good at dodging the multiple punches and kicks he would receive everyday.

"hey capitan where are we headed now"

one off the crew said,

"we will be going to america to sell the goods we have"

the captain shouted.

"now what are u standing around for angle the sails, Koji that damn bra't"

koji did as told angeling the sails north up from chile where they had just raided a big village

(koji had become quite the fighter he had two knives in a knife hold on his back he was forced to go in first as a spy then shoot a flame arrow to signal all clear ever since he could jump and climb, he had killed more than he could count for there was often some guard standing in the border he was a master at fast eliminations so he didn't hear the screams off the one he is killing, he also had

some kind of wind powers he could only create small winds perfect for giving the boat a faster speed by shooting wind at the sails).

weeeewooooweeeewooo everybody is woken up by a siren

"this is the US marines show yourselves"

a voice could be heard screaming koji ran to the front and jumped on to the marine ship

"dont come closer"

an officer said, koji dashed forwards knocking 3 officers to the ground before getting pinned to the ground by several other soldiers

"hey u identify yourself"

a man said with a musket pointed to koji s head

he help koji said very quietly

"hey speak up kid"

koji just collapsed as the marines picked him up and placed him in a bed.

koji woke up in a new t-shirt and new pants

"Where and what is this?"

he said to himself. he opened the door and got tackled immediately by a marine officer

"i see ur finally awake brat"

koji just stared coldly in to the marines eyes and simply said

"get off me or you'll regret it"

"haha u think ur in the winning place here i'm on top off u with ur arms pinned to the floor"

the marine said with a cocky grin on his face

"i warned you"

koji said before kicking the ground creating a ever so little bump in the ground making the marine stumble forwards before he knew it he was in a choke hold as other marines rushed over trying to take koji off the officer

"hey hey calm down"

a tall man old man slowly walked to koji and the 5 marines on the floor holding onto their stomachs and a panting koji standing in a fighting stance

"Hey kid, I'm sorry for my officer.."

he ducked under a punch from koji

"hey kid i just want to talk"

koji passed out due to starvation he woke up again chained to a chair in an interrogation room as the same old man walked in handing koji food witch koji just inhaled

"wow kid slow down ur gonna choke"

the man said laughing

"what do u want with me" koji said angrily

"i want to ask some questions''

koji signaled for the man to continue

"ok first question how did we end up on that pirate ship"

the man said while having a kind smile on his face

"i i got kidnapped five years ago and enslaved to do their dirty work" koji began to cry then continued "i had to lift every pack off food since the age of 3 and one week the crew got sick i had to do everything and after that they said i did so good i had to do everything all the time

i got kicked, pushed and cut everyday"koji said trying to stop crying.

"ok im very sorry

for you. Now the second question: do you have any abilities?" the man asked

"yes i can create small winds and recently cover things in a wind barrier to enforce it" koji replied

"hmm intriguing" the man said nodding his head up and down

"well we will get u to shore and try and find u a new family"

koji stopped crying and looked up at the man

"u would do that for me" koji asked shakely,

"yes of course also the 5 officers u beat was very impressive just don't hurt anybody else"

the man said the kind smile never leaving his face

"boss we have


"ok get the boy out off the chair and send him to the police and say he is getting set up for adoption"

the man said in his radio,

"ok boss"

Koji stepped on land and got into a car and got driven to the police.

"Ok kid just go in there"

koji nods as he leaves the vehicle.

when he was about to open the door he stopped and heard a scream "help!!!" koji turns around and runs to a building and climbed on top off it as he sees a young girl being held hostage by 6 guys with a bag full of jewelry

they all had guns and one off them was on fire there was a couple off heros there but they couldn't do anything for they didn't have the right powers.

koji leaped in to action a hero grabbed koji's arm koji just stared the hero in the eye with a murderous glare and he let go off his arm in shock

"a i see a boy with a death wi…"

before the villian could finish the sentence koji ran up and knocked him and the 4 other criminals leaving only the flaming man left.


the man said shooting fire at koji.

koji took both his hands in front of him and shot wind at the big flame that was headed right for him he held it off but the flame got hotter and hotter

"i'm impressed a little boy can hold my attack for so long"

koji got a dirty burn on his hand, right before koji was about to pass out becous all the pain and heat was too much a blue figure appeared standing in front off koji and said

"thanks for the assist kid but u can rest now"

as lightning struck the villain

"who the hell are u" said the blazing villain

" I AM SHINING" the tall blue man said before punishing the villain but his hand just went right through the fire person

"hahah u cant hit me i am a living flame"

the villan said menacingly as he covered Shinings arm with fire and slowly his entire body

"noooo u dont"

shouted the flying heroine "valkyrie" as she slammed her wings together creating a strong airflow taming the flames

"thank u valkyrie i was sure i was going home in a dust bag"

"don't worry about it just get this blazing bastard in a cell Already"

valkyrie said as she began flapping her wings together creating constant air pressure

as the villains flames are slowly extinguishing

"NOOOO whats happening to my body I CANNOT DIE I AM THE IMMORTAL FLAME!!!"

the once blazing villain screams as he gets a uppercut to the stomach sending him flying in a wall behind him.

the police get the thieves in handcuffs and put them in cars as valkyrie is doing interviews meanwhile Shining is sitting with koji

"hey where is your parents"

he asked

"i don't have parents" koji answered

"hmm i see"

as koji turned and is now facing Shining

"o wow u need to go the hospital those burns seem bad"

the blue hero said before picking koji up and rushing to the hospital

"doctor get this boy the treatment he needs"

Shining said before laying koji on a hospital bed. a

"he needs immediate cooling treatment the boy has burns on his entire left arm and on his eye"

a doctor said as he orders other doctors around

koji got sat in a freezing room to cool down all the burns.

after treatment koji woke up in a hospital room

'how many times am i gonna wake somewhere else then where i was before'

koji Thought to himself as a doctor came in sitting beside him

"hi there kid" the doctor said calmly"

"How long have I been asleep for?" Koji asked .

"1 week the doctor said"

. Valkyrie stood by the door looking in from the little window. valkyrie had felt so bad for the kid and had visited every day she wanted to take koji in and not get him in the system.

After u turn 5 u wont get adopted she was in the system and it was terrible. she knew she had to do something but didn't know what

"ok this happens everyday it's the sad part of the business but u signed up to be a hero u cant take in every kid that has no parents"

valkyrie said to herself as she walked out and flew away

after getting off al the wires koji ran away and found himself in an ally where he sat down crying.

as a we see a woman named Rose walking down the road she then stopped walking and turned to the right where she sees a little boy crying she went over to the boy as she lifted him up

"hi there little boy what's your name"

koji just continued cried as the rose just hugged him close and walked to her house she layed koji on the couch and he just slumped and was out cold.

rose sat down on a chair crying and holding a picture off her dead husband saying

"look we have a son after all these years we have a son"

rose and her husband had tried to have a child for a long time but nothing worked as rose and boa

was walking home from the hospital one day some robbers came up and tried to rob them but boa was not gonna let that happen as he tied to tackle one off them but got shot in the back by the other thief.

rose survived and now that this child was sleeping

on the couch she was not going to let the opportunity to be a mother slip out off her hands

the next morning rose took koji to the town hall and asked if she could adopt the boy as koji had no records he only needed to be measured weighed and then rose only had to write on the adoption papers Koji Ross as her surname was Ross

"there we go"

Rose said, staring down at koji who was smiling up at her saying

"are u my mom now?"

Rose nodded happily and said "yes I am, now what do you want for dinner koji?"

"food" koji said cheerfully

"haha yes we will have food for dinner " rose said chuckling.