

Hello guys this is my first story and yes its original (means that i made the univers) it probably has many inspiration's but I'm just trying to have fun comment stuff and yea enjoy (koji is MC)

Lons · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


() = explanation

"" = talking

'' = thinking

** = sound

Hi everyone my name is Lons this is a story that i made up so tell me what is trash and whats good and if nothing is goos then tell me what to change

(Koji is MC)


Everybody is born with some kind of superpower; it could be as little as having one extra finger or being able to breathe fire.

we are in the middle of the portuguese revolution spain has held control over portugal until a vicious killer driven by death and destruction

arrived in the town hall in one off the biggest prisons

"I will free this country"

said the killer as he raised his arm then he slammed it down throwing a small ball the ball bounced 2 times then a big boom then another one and another one, sirens and panicked prisoners running around, jets came flying gun shots could be heard, a guard was about to shoot a prisoner suddenly he grew twice the size and the bullets just bounced off the prisoner

"a this will be fun"

said the giants prisoner standing before the shocked guard he slams his fist only to hear a metal noise before getting electrocuted and fell unconscious it was the the brawler hero zap (he can rub his metal hands together to create electricity to the shoot it out off his fingers)

"Shook em and cook em"

said the proud hero, 'that makes no sense' thinks the guard. on the other side off the prison can we see a water creature and hear "water army" its the water hero tsunami (tsunami is the nr.,4 hero in spain he is 100% water and can control it freely) u pesky heros said the mystery man in the sky "take this" he shouted

then a blinding light is the only thing u can see a giant fireball is falling down as big as a little moon

"we are done for" "hehe not to worry, "DISINTEGRATING SLASH"

shing as the fireball gets cut clean in two and slowly disappears to make a silhouette of a man looking like a samurai visible

"it's the number one hero Slasher"

(slasher the nr.1 hero with his sword he can cut through anything" the villain laughed uncontrollably as he did a swift chop motion which left red water raining down it seems like but then half a body landed in front of tsunami

"what no this can't be"

he said crying holding on to the shining armor off the once living nr.1 hero u heros are too by the book as hellish looking wolves were dropped down. all the heros got in


"this may be the last battle we ever fight but don't let it be in vaine"

as all the heros charged the hell hounds. every single hero suddenly got decapitated even before they took one step as a hellhound was breathing heavy with all the heros heads in its mouth

"all off you who grew in size are worthy off staying alive i shot a power increasing gas at all of u but only the people with great will to destroy grew the more u grew the more will power do u have the once who didn't... KILL THEM"

as the villain known only as CRUSHER for he crushes the things he doesn't like.

**clap** as the book closed

"no one more story please mom''

said a little boy with white hair

"no it's late i still don't know how u arent scared off these stories''

said the mom who also has white hair

"ok good night mom" "good night Koji"

said the mom as she stood up and turned off the lights and closed the door

"sleep well"

she said. the next day Koji woke up and was on a boat?

"where am i"

said the little boy in a confused tone

"hi there little one ur on the sea.''