
Wind from the past

Fay sells her baby and goes into prostitution just so she could save enough money and leave the country. Backstabbed by her best friend, she starts life afresh believing she was paying for all her past mistakes but little did she know that her past was coming to haunt her. In the midst of her troubles, she meets and falls in love with Chris a prince in disguise and in search for true love. In the twist of events, Fay and Chris take off on journey to find love and redemption.

Ejaes_Victory · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter Six

The sun dawned upon a fateful Saturday morning, casting its gentle rays across a world awakening to a new day. The chirping birds greeted the dawn with their melodious song, as if in celebration of life's resilience. It had been exactly one week since Fay had encountered the depths of despair, an encounter with her own mortality that had left her shaken to the core. With cautious steps, she emerged from her humble abode to tackle the mundane task of laundry, a routine that had grounded her for years.

Saturdays and Sundays were her designated days off at Richmond's guest house, a longstanding agreement with Mr. Sam who had granted her these treasured respite days. This particular week, her return to work on the Thursday and Friday before had been met with an unexpected warmth. Surrounded by her colleagues, their sincere concern and welcoming gestures touched her deeply. It was a departure from the usual hustle and bustle of the establishment, a testament to the enigmatic influence of Chris.

"Welcome back, Fay," Edna, a fellow worker, exclaimed, enveloping her in a warm embrace.

"Are you feeling much better now? Sir Chris informed us that you were not well. I hope you are on the path to full recovery," Edna inquired, concern etched on her face.

"Yes, I am. Thank you," Fay responded, her voice carrying a veil of gratitude that was difficult to express merely through words.

Each colleague approached her, one by one, expressing their relief at her return and their genuine interest in her well-being. Fay found herself caught in a web of emotions. How could Chris manage to convince everyone that she had been unwell, when, in truth, it was she who had teetered on the precipice of utter despair? Overwhelmed with happiness, she smiled radiantly, unable to contain her burgeoning joy. Yet, amidst this newfound sense of connection, she longed for a glimpse of Chris, the orchestrator of this unexpected display of kindness.

"He is calling for you," Bola whispered, tapping Fay on the shoulder, a sparkle of anticipation in her eyes.

Suppressing her infectious smile, Fay excused herself politely, following Bola's guiding steps towards Chris's office. As the door swung open, she entered, her demeanor mirroring a professional's approach to a guarded sanctuary.

"Good morning, sir," Fay greeted, her voice tinged with a mix of respect and eagerness.

"Good morning, Fay. How are you now?" Chris inquired, his eyes reflecting a genuine concern.

"I am doing much better, sir. Thank you for everything," Fay replied, her gratitude flowing effortlessly.

"No need for thanks, Fay. I simply want you to understand that life is a tapestry of exquisite blessings, each one worthy of our appreciation. Never forget that," Chris imparted, his words carrying the weight of wisdom.

"I will always keep that in my heart," Fay affirmed, her voice resonating with newfound conviction.

A momentary pause hung in the air, pregnant with anticipation. Chris leaned forward, his gaze unwavering. "I was wondering if you would be free this Saturday. I have something planned, somewhere I would like to take you," he revealed, a faint smile playing on his lips.

Fay's mind whirled with curiosity, painting vivid possibilities of potential destinations in Asuma. Yet, she found solace in the mystery of the forthcoming adventure, entrusting Chris to guide her into uncharted territory. With measured breaths, she responded, "I will be available, sir. What time shall I prepare myself?"

"Let us meet at 10 a.m. Does that suit you?" Chris proposed, his voice carrying a hint of excitement.

"Yes, sir. It is perfect," Fay confirmed, awash with a sense of anticipation. She bid him farewell, returning to her duties for the day. Her steps were light, buoyed by the palpable excitement coursing through her veins. Saturday couldn't come soon enough.

As Fay concluded her morning chores, she yearned for Chris to experience her culinary prowess before venturing out into the unknown. A delicate dance of preparations ensued as she meticulously orchestrated her kitchen symphony. The alluring aroma of Jollof rice filled the air, teasing her taste buds with its tantalizing promise. With a few final touches, the house was transformed, an oasis of serenity exuding an ambiance that embraced her newfound lease on life.

Within moments, Chris arrived in his weathered Benz, a gentle tap on her door heralding his presence. "Good morning, Fay," he greeted, his voice filled with warmth.

"Good morning, sir. Please, come in," Fay welcomed with grace, inviting him into her sanctuary.

The house, once steeped in the fragrance of despair, now exuded an inviting atmosphere that beckoned him to linger. Chris settled on the solitary sofa, his gaze unintentionally drawn towards a whimsical cartoon flickering on the screen. An unexpected wave of nostalgia washed over him, as memories of Clarissa and their shared love for animated tales tugged at his heartstrings.

"Have you had your meal? I prepared Jollof rice this morning, hoping you might indulge in my cooking. I have yet to express my gratitude for saving my life," Fay confessed, her voice a gentle melody.

"Wow! Jollof rice. I wouldn't dare refuse such an offer. I must admit, I hope it lives up to your self-professed culinary talents," Chris responded, his eyes alight with anticipation.

Fay smiled warmly, a sparkle of determination in her eyes. "I leave that judgment to you. I trust you to provide an honest assessment."

Chris chuckled in response, his laughter embracing the room. "Alright, Fay. To be honest with you it has been a while since I have relished a home-cooked Jollof rice meal."

Fay disappeared into the kitchen, only to return moments later, bearing a plate adorned with a delectable serving of Jollof rice and a succulent piece of chicken. The presentation was impeccable, a feast for both the eyes and the senses. A chilled glass of five alive accompanied the meal, complementing the flavors that awaited Chris.

He marveled at Fay, captivated by her multifaceted nature. Her beauty radiated like that of an ethereal being, but her virtues extended far beyond her physical allure. Her commitment to excellence, her tireless work ethic, and now, her culinary finesse, further endeared her to him. In that moment, he desired nothing more than to embark on a journey alongside her, to discover where their connection would ultimately lead them.

After savoring each bite, Chris stared at Fay, a gleam of sincerity shining in his eyes. "Did you truly prepare this meal?" he inquired, his voice tinged with incredulity.

"Yes, sir. Why do you ask?" Fay responded, her voice carrying a hint of modesty.

"This is, without a doubt, the best Jollof rice I have ever tasted in all my years. Fay, you possess a culinary prowess that rivals the finest restaurants in Asuma." Chris replied, his face adorned with a smile that revealed his dimples capturing Fay's attention.

Fay blushed, a soft hue washing over her cheeks. "You certainly have a way with words, sir. But what of your wife, or perhaps your fiancée? Her cooking will definitely be much better than mine?" she inquired with a gentle smile. Curiosity had long whispered its presence within her, urging her to unravel the complex tapestry of Chris's personal life.

"I am neither married nor engaged," Chris confessed, his voice filled with sincerity.

Fay's surprise was tempered by an inexplicable sense of ease, a realization that defied logic. With grace, she continued the conversation, clearing away their remnants of the culinary triumph that had transpired. The hour struck, and anticipation coursed through their veins as they embarked on a journey led by Chris's enigmatic plans.

They drove for what seemed like an eternity, racing against time to unveil the hidden gem nestled within Asuma's landscape. Finally, their path led them to the majestic cathedral, its awe-inspiring presence demanding reverence.

"The cathedral?" Fay queried, perplexed by their chosen destination.

Chris smiled, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Yes, my dear. Just wait, and you shall soon discover the purpose behind our visit."

They strolled through the hallowed halls, their footsteps echoing against the cold marble floors. Finally, they settled in the front pew, facing the captivating altar, adorned with intricate artwork and symbols of divine devotion. A sacred silence enveloped them as they prepared to embark on a new chapter of their journey.

"Do you understand why I brought you here?" Chris began, his voice filled with profound purpose.

Curiosity glimmered in Fay's eyes, her heart open to receiving the wisdom Chris longed to impart. "No, sir. I am eager to know," she replied, her voice laced with anticipation.

"I felt compelled to share my own spiritual journey with you," Chris revealed, his words infused with authenticity.

Fay listened intently as Chris unraveled the intricate layers of his past, recounting moments of doubt, disillusionment, and the transformative power of faith. The weight of his words left an indelible impact on Fay, her soul resonating with the raw honesty of his narrative. She considered the profound implications, contemplating her own relationship with spirituality. The depths of her despair gradually unravelled, and with newfound clarity, she began to understand Chris's role in her life—an emissary of hope and redemption.

"When I witnessed you teetering on the edge of darkness," Chris continued, his voice filled with compassion, "I was overcome with a profound fear. Imagine the tragic gravity of your loss, rendering the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross futile. I have walked that path before, plagued by feelings of inadequacy and a sense of divine abandonment. However, through sacred connections and contemplation, I learned that we hold the power to shape our own lives. We need not succumb to the expectations thrust upon us. I, too, have found solace in the embrace of faith, understanding that my existence has purpose."

A rush of emotions flooded Fay's being, her heart caught between gratitude and a profound sense of unworthiness. As Chris clasped her hand in his, their eyes locked in an unspoken understanding.

"You see, Fay, Jesus loves you," Chris professed, his voice brimming with conviction. "He was not content with the notion of your life ending prematurely, surrendering to despair. That is why he guided you to forget your food in my car on that fateful day, ensuring my return to save you. It was Jesus who intervened, recognizing your inherent worth. I am uncertain of the depth of your spiritual connection, but Jesus yearns for you to know that his love knows no bounds."

Fay, rendered speechless, could only muster a silent nod. Memories of her childhood faith washed over her, the echoes of a distant time when she accompanied her mother to church every Sunday. Yet, as the years wore on, the darkness that enveloped her life eroded that faith. She questioned why, as a tender-hearted child, her life had been marred by cruelty and heartache, her dreams shattered by the relentless waves of adversity.

"Why did Jesus not warn me of Gina's betrayal? Why did he allow my efforts to amount to nothing?" Fay questioned, her voice trembling with vulnerability.

Chris reached into his pocket, retrieving his phone and illuminating its screen. He spoke with intention, his voice regaling her with the ancient wisdom inscribed in the scripture. "Let me share with you Jeremiah 29:11—God's plan for you, Fay. God permitted Gina to abscond with everything, for he harbors a greater design for your life. Instead of perceiving her actions as betrayal, see them as the stepping stones toward a future replete with divine blessings," Chris gently encouraged, his words permeating through the air, filling the cathedral with hope.

Fay's tears flowed freely, a tender cascade of emotions pouring forth. Gripping onto Chris's shoulder, she sought solace in his embrace. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice laced with gratitude and newfound purpose.

As they journeyed back home, Fay found herself immersed in a whirlwind of thoughts. Her heart brimmed with the possibility of atoning for her past transgressions, of rewriting the narrative that had plagued her for too long. She felt alive, more alive than ever, and in her heart, she recognized Chris as the celestial being whom fate had guided into her life. She yearned for the day she could bare her soul before him, revealing the depths of her past, for she knew that their connection was destined to transform their lives forever...