
Wind from the past

Fay sells her baby and goes into prostitution just so she could save enough money and leave the country. Backstabbed by her best friend, she starts life afresh believing she was paying for all her past mistakes but little did she know that her past was coming to haunt her. In the midst of her troubles, she meets and falls in love with Chris a prince in disguise and in search for true love. In the twist of events, Fay and Chris take off on journey to find love and redemption.

Ejaes_Victory · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter Seven

Excitement filled the palace as the announcement that Prince Christopher had returned after a month-long search for a wife spread throughout the kingdom. The anticipation was palpable as everyone eagerly awaited his arrival.

As he stepped onto the red carpet that led all the way to the palace, Prince Christopher couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over him. He had missed the comfortable life he had at home and most importantly, he had missed his daughter Clarissa. The thought of being reunited with his beloved daughter filled him with joy.

However, as he walked towards the palace, he couldn't help but reflect on the stark contrast between his life in Nuru and Asuma. He thought of the hardworking staff at the guest house who received meagre pay for their tireless efforts. It was a stark reminder that life wasn't always fair and that he was fortunate to be born into a royal family.

King Walken Amanze's face lit up with joy as he saw his heir approaching, embodying the regal bearing befitting a future king. Seeing Chris, the king was reassured of the safety and prosperity of Nuru.

"Long live the king," Chris greeted, bowing gracefully before his father.

King Walken raised his staff, gently touching Chris's back, and replied, "Rise, my son."

"Thank you, father," Chris responded with gratitude.

"It is good to have you back," King Walken said warmly, draping his arm affectionately across Chris's shoulder.

Just as they embraced, Queen Nora and Princess Clarissa emerged from the palace. Although they were some distance away when Prince Chris arrived, their excitement couldn't be contained.

"My son!" Queen Dora exclaimed.

"Mother!" Chris's voice resounded even louder.

The embrace was brief, as Clarissa, unable to contain her excitement, eagerly awaited her father's arms.

"My princess!" Chris exclaimed with a smile, lifting Clarissa into his arms. Her beautiful smile was all the response he needed.

"I have missed you so much, my princess," Chris added, overwhelmed by the emotions of seeing his daughter again after a month, the longest time they had been apart.

As they stood there, basking in the warmth of their reunion, Alex appeared in his princely attire, exuding an air of elegance and regality that belied his previous indiscretions. Welcoming Chris, he extended his hand for a handshake. Chris, still holding Clarissa, shook Alex's hand gracefully.

"How was your journey?" Alex inquired.

"It was fine. Although I could use some rest," Chris replied.

They were escorted into a lavishly prepared conference room, reminiscent of a grand event, solely dedicated to celebrating Chris's return.

"All of this for me?" Chris asked, slightly taken aback by the extravagant display.

"Yes, my son. I noticed you haven't been eating well since your departure a month ago. I thought it was necessary to ensure you are properly nourished. You seem to have lost some muscle tone," Queen Dora observed with concern.

"Oh, mother, there's no need to worry. I have been eating well. In fact, I had a special Jollof rice that tasted unlike anything I've ever had before," Chris replied, eliciting laughter from all present. Chris understood his mother's propensity to worry about him, forgetting that he was now 28 years old and no longer the young prince she had known.

Queen Dora's demeanor contrasted with King Walken's. His Majesty was known for his strict and disciplined nature, believing that men should be treated as such from a young age. Growing up under King Walken's influence was akin to dwelling on the precipice of a volcano primed to erupt. From a very early age, Chris had imbibed 70% of the royal family's etiquette standards.

Yet, there was an incident from over sixteen years ago that Chris could never forget. It happened during Alex's tenth birthday celebration. The night before, King Walken had instructed Chris to study the history of the Nuru Empire, specifically memorizing the names, reigns, achievements, and errors of the first six kings.

After King Walken dropped the history book on the table, twelve-year-old Chris opened his bible and studied Romans. He was so happy to know that there was no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. He was engrossed in the epistle that he slept off and didn't open the history book that his father had dropped.

At the time, Chris was just getting to know about Jesus and had managed to smuggle a bible into his room, which Rev. Gregory had given to him. Although King Walken wasn't an atheist, he never liked anything related to religion. He believed that religion was the reason why the blacks were not advancing. "The blacks are too religious, that's why they're poor," he would always say. For that reason, he forbade any religious book in his house. The princes were allowed to go to church or mosque, but only for services. He banned the use of any religious book in the palace, but somehow, Chris managed to smuggle one inside, which he read every night.

As the sun rose on the day of the ceremony, Prince Chris woke up with a sense of excitement and anticipation but little did he know that the day would turn out to be one of the most challenging days of his life. With preparations for the celebration in full swing, Chris never found the opportunity to open the book. He assumed he could read it afterward, unaware that his father would call him to the stage to present the history of the Nuru Empire and the accomplishments of its monarchs.

When his father called his name, a ripple of panic surged through Chris. He knew immediately that he was in trouble. As per royal etiquette, he couldn't offer any excuses. The weight of shame bore down on him, threatening to unhinge his composure.

"I am proud to introduce Prince Christopher Walken Amanze, the son of whom I am most proud," King Walken proclaimed.

As he walked towards the stage, he could feel the eyes of the entire congregation on him. He could hear the whispers and murmurs of the people around him. He felt like he was walking towards his own execution.

For the first five minutes, Prince Chris struggled to find his voice, leaving him feeling utterly lost. With all eyes fixed upon him, he faced the dilemma of salvaging the situation or succumbing to the shame before him.

"Greetings, esteemed people of Nuru Kingdom," he began, projecting confidence as if delivering a keynote speech at a seminar.

"Long live the prince!" the crowd chorused.

Shortly afterward, however, his words ceased, leaving him mute and unable to continue. Though he longed to weep, he knew he could not afford such vulnerability, as the consequences would be twice as harsh.

King Walken, witnessing his son's disgrace, shook his head in disappointment. Prince Christopher had embarrassed him in front of esteemed dignitaries and nobles assembled for the occasion.

"The kingdom of Nuru was founded in 1832 by the great Emperor Sowone who pioneered the revolution to split the kingdom of Danko into two. Emperor Yada, then ruler of Danko, epitomized tyranny, while the people of Nuru aspired for freedom. Amidst a fervent battle, King Sowone lost his father and brother but emerged victorious, paving the way for the creation of the Nuru Kingdom.

"After King Sowone, his eldest son King Dante ascended the throne, followed by King Alani, King Alaba, our revered great-grandfather King Raheem, and then my own grandfather, King Amanze, before my father, King Walken," ten-year-old Prince Alex confidently recited, attempting to salvage the situation.

As Chris walked off the stage, he could feel the disappointment in his father's eyes. He knew that he had failed to live up to his expectations. He felt like he had let down his entire family and the entire kingdom of Nuru. While his father found solace in Alex's display of knowledge, his disappointment in Chris only deepened. The crowd, encouraged by Alex's actions, burst into applause. Chris, mired in shame, retreated to his room, where he faced a month-long suspension of his royal privileges along with the added responsibility of serving his younger brother. Bitterness threatened to consume him, but he found solace in Reverend Gregory's teachings, that hatred was not in alignment with God's principles.

Looking back, Chris realized that this was a turning point in his life. It was the moment when he realized that there was more to life than just following rules and regulations. It was the moment when he discovered the power of faith and the freedom that comes with it. And although King Walken may have been a strict ruler, Chris knew that he had a lot to thank him for, including the discipline and knowledge that he had instilled in him from a young age.

As he stood in the conference room that day, the capricious nature of life seized his thoughts. The last time he had lost his royal privileges, it had been a punishment. Now, his return was celebrated. Nevertheless, he decided to bask in the festivities before retiring to be with his beloved daughter, Clarissa.

"My prince, it perplexes us to witness your brother enjoying all the glory while you remain on the sidelines," Jeje, a friend of Prince Alex, commented as they sat together, savoring their drinks.

"I concur, my prince. You possess more handsomeness, intelligence, and wit than your brother, the crowned prince," Deji added.

Jeje interjected, "You need to fight for your rightful place. You are more deserving of the crown than your brother."

"What do you mean?" Alex inquired.

"I'm not sure you are fully aware of the customs and traditions of Nuru. If you were, you would understand the game your father and brother are playing," Jeje explained.

"What game?" Alex's curiosity piqued.

"Let me tell you a secret," Jeje began, leaning in closer to Alex. "In Nuru Kingdom, the king's successor isn't just chosen based on birthright. Oh no, it's much more complicated than that. You see, it all comes down to who gets married first."

Alex's eyes widened in surprise. "What do you mean?" he asked, intrigued.

"My father told me that if the king has two qualified sons, the one who ties the knot first is the one who will take over the throne," Jeje explained.

"This is why your father is so determined to ensure your brother marries before you. They are not concerned about your own plans for marriage, assuming with certainty that if you were to wed tomorrow, it would be effortless for you. Your brother has been searching for a wife for over three years now, without success. Even the chiefs are contemplating finding a wife for him if he fails to do so by the year's end. They argue that he is more suitable for the crown and should be crowned as soon as possible. Hence, despite lacking an incoming queen, he was already made the crowned prince," Jeje divulged

Deji chimed in, "But here's the thing, Alex. You're the better candidate for the throne. You've got the brains, the charisma, and the heart to lead Nuru Kingdom into a new era. Remember when you saved the day on your tenth birthday? You know the history of this kingdom like the back of your hand. It's time for you to step up and claim what's rightfully yours."

Alex was astonished. He couldn't believe his own parents had kept this crucial piece of information from him. But now that he knew the truth, he was determined to fight for his place on the throne. "I'll do it," he declared.

The revelation ignited a fire within him, kindling a determination to take matters into his own hands. He resolved to be intentional in finding a wife, firmly believing that he, rather than his brother, was the rightful heir to the throne. The key was marrying the woman he had met and paid 300k to that fateful night. It was time for him to depart Nuru in pursuit of his own wife, securing his place on the throne.

"I'll find a wife and secure my place as the next king of Nuru.

And with that, Alex set off on a journey to find the woman he had paid 300k to that fateful night. He was ready to take charge of his destiny and claim his rightful place as the leader of his people.