
Wimpish son-in-law

Lin Xingwen applied for a job at the teahouse and caught the eye of a wealthy matron, who took him as a live-in son-in-law. To his surprise, the matron was involved with another man; originally, he planned to endure it for the sake of money, but he didn't expect that the matron was genuinely trying to help him. To defend his home and protect his manly dignity, Lin Xingwen had to develop his own power, grow reluctantly, and protect the wealthy matron.

Pillow Wind 1 · Urban
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230 Chs

Chapter 141 The Agony of the Flesh

Translator: 549690339

Zheng Qishan heard some noise outside and had already walked out of his office when he came face to face with me, dragging someone his way.

Shock was evident in his eyes as he briskly approached me, "Lin, what wind blew you here?"

As he looked down, he saw Li Xiao in my grip, his expression instantly unpredictable as he furrowed his brow and asked, "What's going on here?"

I threw Li Xiao to his feet with a sneer, "I'd like to ask Cousin what he means by this."

In an instant, silent gunpowder filled the space between us, and after a long pause, Zheng Qishan patted me on the shoulder with a smile, "Brother-in-law, why so serious? What did one of my employees do to make you this angry?"

I looked around at the crowd of onlookers and said to Zheng Qishan, "Let's talk inside."

Zheng Qishan nodded, then looked at the crowd around us, "What's the matter, you all finished with work?" With that call, everyone scattered.