
Wimpish son-in-law

Lin Xingwen applied for a job at the teahouse and caught the eye of a wealthy matron, who took him as a live-in son-in-law. To his surprise, the matron was involved with another man; originally, he planned to endure it for the sake of money, but he didn't expect that the matron was genuinely trying to help him. To defend his home and protect his manly dignity, Lin Xingwen had to develop his own power, grow reluctantly, and protect the wealthy matron.

Pillow Wind 1 · Urban
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230 Chs

Chapter 117: Opening a Barbecue Stall

Translator: 549690339

Mei and I came to a newly opened barbecue stand, after all, no other type of shop could trump the deliciousness of such a snack stand.

Mei and I ordered quite a few skewers and two crates of beer. The owner was a chubby young man, looked to be in his thirties, running the whole show by himself, both as the owner and the waiter, bustling about energetically.

The owner soon brought us our skewers and beer, and as Mei and I ate and drank, time slipped into the evening. The crowd at the barbecue stand thinned, and, at last, the owner had a chance to sit down and take a break.

Having drunk several bottles of beer already, I felt the alcohol go to my head, and my mouth seemed to act on its own. I turned to the owner, who was wiping sweat off his brow sitting on a stool, "Hey boss, what made you want to get into the barbecue business?"

Hearing my question, Mei also lifted her head to look at the owner.