
Chapter 32

❤️❤️❤️ Willow and Jay (Part 5) ❤️❤️❤️

"I will do just that my Lady." Oracle said bowing slightly at the old woman who started humming, her white curly hair blocking her entire face.

"You must bring her for me to unlock the powers she possesses before it becomes too late." The old lady spoke briefly as she stopped her humming.

"Yes my Lady, will you tell her who she is to you or should I do the honours by telling her myself?" Oracle asked.

"I will tell her myself when you bring her to me Oracle, you have done well by telling me about her." The old lady answered.

"She looks so much like Jade my Lady." Oracle told the older lady. "I was surprised when I didn't notice that first."

"Really?" The old lady asked and stared at her right palm. "No." She whispered, still staring at her hand, shaking her head sideways.

Oracle moved closer to take a look at what the old lady saw in her palm but didn't see anything.