
Chapter 31

❤️❤️❤️ Willow and Jay (Part 4) ❤️❤️❤️

A knock interrupted their heavy make out.

"Who is that?"

"Your father, open the door." King Henry's voice was heard behind the closed door.

"The door is opened."

King Henry walked in and one look at Willow and Aurora, he knew what they were doing.

"Do not touch her is not not your soulmate."

"I will do whatever so that please me with my mate father, now what are you doing in my room?" Willow demanded with a heated glare.

"Came to take Aurora to her own room so that you won't defile your brother Mate Willow." King Henry answered with a matching glare.

"She won't be going anywhere, she stays here because she is my Mate, my property." Willow told his father with a deep growl.

"I know you won't agree," King Henry said and yelled out the next word. "Guards!!"

About twenty dragon guards entered Willow's room with swords in their hands.