
One Million

Marissa pulled her hands from Blake. She was just trying to brain everything that Blake told her earlier. "So, you are telling me that you and Tony never…" She stopped, couldn't get her word out.

"Yes…" He answered. His eyes were searching in hers, trying to read her mind.


The chair was pushed back when Marissa stood up all of sudden.

"I didn't mean to lie…but-" Blake tried to explain but Marissa went to his back and pushed him towards the door.

"Get out! Now!" Her woman's energy was not enough to make Blake move.

"Babe…listen first…" He turned and tried to persuade her.

"Who is your babe? Get out…get out…" She said while pushing him hard on the chest.

"I didn't lie! You misunderstand everything!" His voice got louder when she didn't want to listen.

"You have freaking ten years!" Her voice filled the whole corner of the house.

Both of them were staring at each other in silence.

Marissa suddenly sneered, breaking the silence that was filling the air. "I guess I am really that stupid. Micky is right…" She looked down and turned after a few seconds, "Can you leave now. I need a moment alone to be mad at my stupidity."

Blake looked at Marissa who was walking weakly to her room. Closing the door, the house turned quiet once again. He could only stand there staring at the door that was working as a wall between them.

After thinking for a few minutes, Blake decided to let her have her time alone. He would come back later to persuade her. The moment his hand was at the knob of the door, it opened from outside suddenly.

"Well well well, who is this?" Henry cocked his right brow seeing an unfamiliar man inside his house.

The man Blake was searching was now in front of his eyes. Like being served something he was craving for, Blake grabbed Henry's collar right away. "Why are you here?"

Snapping his finger, Henry laughed a bit, "I guess you are lost…this is my house? Who are you and why are you here? That is the question that you are the one who is supposed to answer?" Henry pulled Blake's hand from his shirt.

Blake didn't manage to answer when he was pushed aside by Henry.

"Where are all these bitches?!" He yelled the moment he stepped into the house. "You all are so brave bringing another man the moment I am not in the house anymore huh?" Henry didn't stop, he was waiting for Wanda and Marissa to come out.

The noise that Henry created made Marissa open the door on the spot. She spotted him right away then saw Blake who was standing at the front door.

"So, it is you. Showing your true colour now?" Henry slapped lightly on Marissa's head a few times. "You and your mom are the same…cheap." He smirked but it was not long because Blake rushed hearing that and gave him a direct punch on his cheek.

"You better take great care of your mouth, or I will sew it to make sure you wouldn't be able to utter any word." Blake stood in front of Marissa as a sense of protecting her.

"Ohh…so sweet." He sarcastically said those words. "How much did he pay you for a night?" Henry took a peek behind Blake to send the question to Marissa. "But I don't think you can pay her for her service anymore…"

Blake's fist was clenched hard ready for another throw of punch when Marissa gently held onto his hand. "Stop…" Marissa said, half whispered.

"Uwekkk…I feel like throwing up. I don't think I subscribe to any soap operas." Henry faking to puke. "Let me tell you something, you will not be able to buy her anymore because I already sold her to someone else."

"What are you talking about?!" Both of Blake's hands were now grabbing onto his shirt neck.

Marissa at the back felt like she couldn't breath. 'What did she just hear?'

"You are quite valuable…" Henry laughed, tilting his head looking at Marissa who had already lost her mind.

She staggered back, thinking about what she should do. Marissa was so sure Henry was not the type to scare her just because he was annoyed. She held onto Blake's sleeve and looked up at him the moment he turned, "What should I do?" She was on the edge of tearing up.

"It's okay. I'm sure he is lying." Blake tried to calm her down by holding her shoulders and rubbed them gently.

"Nope! I am not. See this?" Henry pulled out his phone from his pocket and tapped something on the screen for a minute before showing it to them after he was done. "Half a million." He smiled widely. "Oh actually, she is worth a million but another half is already used to pay my debt." He happily explained like there was nothing wrong with his action.

This time, Blake couldn't hold his fist. It landed two times on Henry's face.

Henry was pushed backward because of the punches. Another punch that came after, made him fall on the floor.

Blake took a chance and sat on his stomach. He was already thinking of killing Henry at that moment when Henry's words stopped him.

"Let me offer a deal…" Henry said while covering his face with his arm. He was afraid when his lips were bleeding.

"I didn't make a deal with your type." Blake was ready to swing for another punch.

"Stop stop stop. I am not actually selling her…" Henry trembled, started to explain the truth. Frightened he would die, beaten by Blake.

"Spill it!" Blake slightly shouted and his hand still formed a fist, ready to swing it any moment.

"I was approached by a lady a few days ago saying that she wanted to see me." Henry started to tell the story but his face wrinkled in pain. "Can you move first? It is hard for me to tell the story…" He was referring to Blake who was still on him.

Blake glared at him, he didn't move right away. "I will kill you the moment you lie." He then moved and pulled Henry up by the collar. "Now, tell me everything."

Henry who was already considered old, taking a deep breath. He was nervous and in pain because of a few punches that landed on his face.

"Now!" Blake yelled when he got impatient.

"It was a lady. Her assistant brought me somewhere. The moment I sat at the table and met her eyes, she asked me how much she should pay me just to cut my relationship with my daughter." Henry was curious himself but seeing the money that was offered, he agreed right away.

"How old?" Blake asked, trying to confirm doubt.

There were wrinkles appearing on Henry's forehead the moment he tried to guess the age of that person. "I think in the middle of seventy." He paused and inhaled a deep breath before continuing, "Ah, I remember now! Her assistant called her Ruby."

As I promised, the picture is in the comment. Thanks and sorry for the late update again. I couldn't write lately, perhaps it is stress. Heee....

fyayacreators' thoughts