
Will of the Strongest!

"The ONE PIECE does exist!!" These were the final words of White Beard the man who was titled the Strongest Human. A boy who wished to be the strongest is now setting sail into the world of pirates, thieves and so much more. Watch his journey not to become the pirate king but to become the strongest!

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Auxiliary chapter


Everyone Tobi here once again with a new story. This story is not related to Tobi's first one this story is mainly made so Tobi can try different writing styles, character development, and romance scenarios. This will probably have inconsistent updates and is mainly there to help Tobi's writing skills.

The story will be about the boy who wishes to become the strongest in the world of ONE PIECE. The boy in question will become a pirate and will have only one devil fruit with powers. the fruit in question will be detailed in the prologue or the first chapter.

Even if it is Tobi's practice story Tobi will try to make it as entertaining as possible with a consistent plot. As Tobi has stated everything written here is for criticism and practice so feel free to do it without using too many swear words.

Tobi's first story: PATH OF NOTHINGNESS