
Will of chaos

The Mc reincarnates in a world of magic and adventure as a Leech, follow his adventure in this mysterious and exciting world as he goes from the weakest creature to the shadow being that everyone is afraid of. Will he pursue the path of strength alone? Or without realizing it he will become the king of the greatest empire that ever lived. ----------------------------------------------‐---------------‐-------------------------------------- This is my first story and English is not my native language, I am using Google translator to translate the story for me, I accept opinions and questions in the comments for this week's chapter.-------‐--------‐----------------------------------------------------------------- I intend to make this a long story so all the development of the Mc and the world will be slow for a proper construction, be warned. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know the first few chapters have some errors, but I've improved my writing as I progressed through the story, after 10 chapters there won't be that many errors. ----------------------‐------------------------------------------------------------------------------‐--‐---- Please vote for the tags. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: Male protagonist, non-human protagonist, evolution, adventure, action, harém, fantasy.

Pendragon_DNT · Fantasy
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1584 Chs

Cap 311: City of Moros part 2

Pov Kira: 

After leaving the port me, Elsaris and Samira started walking through the stream of people walking down the street to lose those who are watching us, so I start following Elsaris who enters a side alley and starts walking through the alleys quickly before entering through a window of a small house while pulling his sister Samira. 

"Looks like you know everything around here."  (I) 

"I said I already knew this town, this is an abandoned house without an owner, we can stay here for a few minutes but we'd better leave before others come through."  (Elsaris) 

"Why did we come here? Wouldn't it be better to keep walking along the main road?"  (Samira) 

"We've had people watching us since we arrived at the port, probably from the Black Market, Assassin's Guild, and maybe some workers who sell information to bandits."  (Elsaris) 

"Why did you have so many eyes on us?"  (Samira)