
This is me

Average... is what most would call me. I don't stand out, just one boring normal life. But one thing a girl can't help to have is their dark fantasies. I know most of you would be relating, those that don't you're probably living a life of happiness, fitting in with the crowd, standing out while fitting in, people like you I flat out am jealous of.

My whole life striving for adventure, or for something exciting to happen to me. But... what happened is far from what I bargained for. My deepest darkest fantasy came true; thing is it would be impossible for it to happen in this reality... but it did.

Living all by myself in the modern world to day as a 16 year old woman has its own struggles, but I think I manage ok. I make my income as a manga comic artist (Yes that includes author as well), so it's alot for my age compared to other teens.

My first comic I ever made is pretty popular, I've sold 3Million coppies just this year and it came out two years ago. The comic is about a vampire popstar that is in a blood contract with a unsuspecting woman. Will their encounter be for the best or the worst.

My appearance is less ordinary than everybody else, except people still won't except me in highschool. I have diamond blue eyes, light brown hair that flows all down my back... honestly what's not to like. I literally look like a supermodel, but according to highschool logic I'm ugly. Any ways off that depressing rant of mine... my life changes... drastically.

Character intro:

Major story mentioned characters

Ash: male lead

Vea (V-ee-uh): Female lead

Mia: Best friend of female lead

Erick: Mia's boyfriend

Avery: Vea's rival in highschool

Grace: Literally like a sister to Vea.

Vea: The protagonist, light brown hair, blue eyes, freckles, 6' 2" (litteral supermodel, honestly as the author I'm jealous... girl can wish Lol). Lives by herself because her parents are living abord in Asia for two or three years.

Ash: He's to much of a cinnamon roll to spoil his back story... but I can describe how he looks like (A girl has to look out for you, *cough... cough*, Guy reading awkwardly behind me: did you hear something) So he looks like he'd kill you... and could kill you... that doesn't mean we can't soften that wall of his. From gorgeous emerald green eyes, to handsomely styled dark brown hair, Ash is one of a kind (Don't tell him tho he can be mean...)

Guys are tall we all get it, but he's 6' 8" with the intelligence of something unimaginably smart. (spoiler he is a musician too!)

Mia: Oh... where to start? Ah I see, you know that one girl in the club that's to confident... the one that's dancing and just being herself, well then I'm so sorry that Mia ruined your spot light. (Pulls Mia lecturing: We agreed to not go drinking!, Mia: Oh..., Mia breaks out into a Fortnight dance.) Curls of natural beauty her jet black hair shines, as her brownish eyes with some little specks of a soft green in them pears at everyone. She may say she's short, but it doesn't bother her... (Mia sobs in corner : Why did you tell them I was short, come on Vea you're like a giant! Throws object at the camera)

Erick: ( Author: So Erick introduce yourself!, Erick: Uhhhhhh... Mia's my girlfriend! Author: And... what do you do? Erick: I play video games. Author:Ok cool which ones?, Erick: All of them! Erick dabs and storms off. Author and camera crew: ..., ... ok that was odd.) He may not be that extraverted, but he's still a cool guy. Tanned with gorgeous black hair in a flipped waved to the side, usually wearing a galaxy or trendy slogan sweatshirt, Erick appears and identifies to be a soft Emo-hypster. On the average spectrum of the height scale for guys he lies to be: 5' 9", usually tends to blame Vea for stealing his true height... it's quite funny actually.

Grace: Hands run down the piano; elegant, beautiful and intelligent she stands straight and proper. She's the kind of girl the other student's would call perfect. ( Standing awkwardly staring at the author... Grace shouts: Don't say that! I'm not perfect! Author: You have a black belt in taekwondo, aced almost every test, your point... Grace huddles realizing the evidence: Not true...) Filled with a book she curls her blonde long hair in a pony tail, as her light shiny green eyes lean from page to page like an elegant swan. Average height Grace fits in better than anything in the world.

Avery: (Author: Hey what do you think of Vea? Avery: Ugh Lamo, I hate that girl! Fanclub of Vea: I'm going to RIP that Bi$#@ to shreds!)

Your typical highschool princess, the posse too! Pink clothes to lattes... designer bags, blonde hair, brown eyes, skinny as a twig (Basically the stereotype of a doll... Author: No! Sorry twig you aren't worthy to be a doll with that attitude of yours! Lol look at me bullying fictional characters.)

With this life ahead of Vea what are the outcomes of her choice, or is the future unintentional... read to find out.