

In a world where werewolf packs are ruled by ruthless alphas, Hazel, an omega slave, suffers unimaginable torment at the hands of Alpha Levi after losing her pack to his cruelty. When she defiantly resists Levi's advances, he knocks her down. But upon waking, Hazel discovers Levi dead, and she's framed for his murder, facing certain death. In her darkest moment, a latent power awakens within her – a potent Eyes Blessing granting her the ability to perceive strengths and weaknesses, weave illusions, instill fear, and even copy the blessing of others. With this newfound power, she ascends from the depths of oppression to the pinnacle of authority, shattering the shackles of her werewolf status and ascending as queen. Yet, as she navigates the treacherous political landscape of werewolf society and her world, Hazel draws the attention of male shifters vying for her hand in marriage, igniting a dangerous game of desire, power, and survival. Will Hazel's newfound abilities secure her reign, or will they become her downfall in a world where strength is revered and weakness is punished. Prophecy, werewolf, romance, demons, monster, drama, chaos, alphas, vampire, super powers, badass Female lead. This are things you should look forward to as you read the book. Warning: The story is totally different from what you're used to. It isn't overly complicated but it is intriguing. Give a read and see.

DoubleHush · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Her Body

"Your life. It's important if we want to assassinate Malcolm."

"Assassinate?!" Everly mouthed, her heartbeat racing rapidly.

'The rogues were after the beta, obviously because he was next in line, but why were they after me? Goddammit... I messed up.'

No, her pack had messed up. They had made a mistake by allying with a pack that was a target for rogues. If a rogue could easily infiltrate the territory without the pack members noticing, then the pack was done for, and Everly refused to go down with them.

She needed to escape, alerting everyone, and then convince her mother to stay away from the Nightshade pack and seek alliances with other packs.

But how was she going to escape the female in front of her?

From the strength of Selena's kick, she could tell the rogue was much stronger than her, and Everly wasn't much of a fighter.

As Everly retreated she spotted a nearby window to her left

'If I can shift and jump out the glass, then I can escape.'

Everly thought, meanwhile Selena oblivious to what was going on in Everly head, received a message from her partner, who was also a rogue hidden within the Nightshade pack.

"Lupin!" Selena's eyes sparkled as she squealed excitedly. Though they were partners Lupin barely contacted her.

"Are you done with the mission?" He asked.

"Why...are you waiting for me?"

"I can't hold the minds of the guards for much longer, so you better hurry."

Lewis had the ability to freeze his target's mind for a couple of minutes, and he had used it on the guards who were just outside Everly quarters. They were about to enter after they had heard a noise but Lupin had stopped them.

Selena cheek flushed and she placed her hands on it.

"Oh Lupin...so you do care about me."

"No...you can die for all I care." Lupin replied coldly.

"I've been dead once, darling, it's not that scary."

Selena said as she turned away from her Every, who had figured Selena was talking to someone through a mind link.

Hearing Selena's conversation had made her even more scared to carry out her escape plan.

Especially the part when she said she had been dead once... that was definitely true.

But Selena was distracted, with her back turned to her. If she didn't take the chance now, it would be her end.

Everly rose to her feet, noting Selena was still distracted, and hurried to the window, but she hadn't even taken a couple of steps before Selena appeared in front of her.

Everly not wanting to stop, unsheathe her claws, and scratched at Selena throat, but she swerved, casually evading the attack and caught Everly's wrist in the process

"That was a dumb thing to do."

Selena shook her head and then twisted Everly's wrist, dislocating it.

Everly's face contorted into an expression of pain, and she screamed, but Selena sunk her teeth into Everly's throat, silencing her.

Everly felt something leaving her as her legs felt weak. She tried to struggle, but she found she didn't even have the strength to raise her arms. Everly fell to her knees, and Selena followed, grasping her neck tightly as she sucked her blood like a starved beast.

Everly's body began to lose color and wither as blood left her body. There was no strength left in her to do anything.

This was the end of her journey.

"I'm... I'm sorry I failed... mother."


A few minutes later, Everly's body had been reduced to a dry husk.

Selena withdrew her fangs and moaned in satisfaction, red staining her lips. She rose to her feet and wiped the blood off.

Everly's drained body fell to the ground, her eyes void of life, and her body shriveled to the point her bones poked out.

Selena then activated her blessing, and her body began to undergo physical changes. Her bones creaked and snapped, changing shape and structure. The color of her skin also brightened, and her lean flesh became full.

Once Selena was done, a message came from Lupin.

"I've lost control of the guards. You're on your own."

But there was no need to worry.

Heavy knocks landed on the door, and Selena walked towards the door, butt naked.

The transformation had shredded her clothing, but Selena didn't care.

She opened the door, and immediately one of the guards spoke.

Malcolm had assigned them to safeguard Everly with their lives, so if anything happened to her, then they would be in trouble.

"Miss Everly, we heard noises, are you alright..."

The guard speaking didn't finish as his cheeks flushed red, and he hurriedly covered his face.

The second guard went still for a second, shocked by the sight, before he too looked away.

Though nudity was a common sight amongst shifters, this one had just been so unexpected.

"Everything is alright, there's no need to worry."

Selena said in a soft, soothing voice.

"We thought we heard a scream..."

"Oh, that was me sating myself, since I got horny. I have sensitive organs so I tend to be very loud, that's why I couldn't control myself, my apologies."

Selena said with a warm smile which further broke the minds of these men.

A pleasant voice and a gorgeous body, the combination made the young men have impure thoughts.

"Then we...we'll take our leave, ma'am."

One of the guards managed to let out, but Selena stopped them.

"Don't leave...Maybe you two can help me."

The two guards went slack-jawed at the sudden request. Their faces, necks, and ears felt incredibly hot.

"W-what... Miss Everly, did you just say?"

"Just kidding, you both can leave. I don't want to get you in trouble."

"T...th...thank you for your consideration, ma'am."

The guards sputtered and in clumsy and jerky movements, the two of them were gone.


Selena grinned mockingly.

She had purposefully shown her nudity and flirted with the guards to dull their senses, and it had worked perfectly.

Selena then mind-linked Lupin to tell him she was successful.

"So you're alive." His dull voice muttered, and Selena chuckled.

"I didn't think you could make a... buuurp!"


"You... you drained all her blood, didn't you?" Lupin said slowly in an exhausted tone.

"Wow... you know me so well. I couldn't help myself."

She grinned, but Lupin didn't reply anymore, causing her to click her teeth.

Selena had only needed a small quantity of Everly's blood to use her ability, but she had overdone it and drained Everly until there was nothing left. Now she was too full.

Selena then walked towards the mirror, and as she stood before the glass, what reflected was the perfect image of Everly.

Selena then sighed as she placed her hands on her tummy which kept rising as she tried to make it flat.

"Haah...I hope my stomach doesn't pop out of my dress, in front of everyone. It'll be too embarrassing."

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