

In a world where werewolf packs are ruled by ruthless alphas, Hazel, an omega slave, suffers unimaginable torment at the hands of Alpha Levi after losing her pack to his cruelty. When she defiantly resists Levi's advances, he knocks her down. But upon waking, Hazel discovers Levi dead, and she's framed for his murder, facing certain death. In her darkest moment, a latent power awakens within her – a potent Eyes Blessing granting her the ability to perceive strengths and weaknesses, weave illusions, instill fear, and even copy the blessing of others. With this newfound power, she ascends from the depths of oppression to the pinnacle of authority, shattering the shackles of her werewolf status and ascending as queen. Yet, as she navigates the treacherous political landscape of werewolf society and her world, Hazel draws the attention of male shifters vying for her hand in marriage, igniting a dangerous game of desire, power, and survival. Will Hazel's newfound abilities secure her reign, or will they become her downfall in a world where strength is revered and weakness is punished. Prophecy, werewolf, romance, demons, monster, drama, chaos, alphas, vampire, super powers, badass Female lead. This are things you should look forward to as you read the book. Warning: The story is totally different from what you're used to. It isn't overly complicated but it is intriguing. Give a read and see.

DoubleHush · Fantasy
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39 Chs

[+18] Everly

A few hours earlier.

Moans of pleasure rang outside the beta quarters. Inside, two people were engaged in a sexual act. Everly sat astride Malcolm's hips, twisting and grinding as she moaned in ecstasy. Malcolm held her by the back of the neck, pulling her towards him as he thrust even faster, eliciting louder moans from her. He didn't stop, thrusting hard and fast, jackhammering towards a desperate climax. Everly teetered on the brink as the rough motion pushed her over the edge, causing her to shriek in passion. They bucked and thrashed against each other until climax washed over them both. Finally, the room fell quiet. Malcolm released her waist, and she fell to the side of the bed, panting heavily.

"That was fantastic," Everly said in a sated tone.

Malcolm sat up and began to dress as he had a trial to attend. "Looking forward to your help in the trial," he said to Everly, who lay seductively on the bed with a glint in her eyes.

"Whatever you demand, Alpha Malcolm," she replied.

Malcolm grinned, pleased that Everly had added the alpha title to his name. That title was all he wanted. He left the room, leaving Everly lying on the bed.

The young dark haired female was a shifter of a small pack called the Serenade pack, and she was blessed by the moon goddess with the ability to tell if someone was lying or not. This made her distrustful of everyone, except her mother, who was the head of the pack. In the past, the Serenade pack had approached Levi for an alliance, but Levi had almost killed her mother for attempting to use her ability to charm him. However, her mother's efforts didn't go to waste as she managed to charm Malcolm to some extent. That was why when Levi died, her pack decided to try for an alliance again with Malcolm, and he was more willing.

Malcolm stated that as soon as he got into power, he would integrate their pack into his. He demanded Selena's presence in the pack, stating he needed her ability, and once she arrived, he visited her room. He gave her a task related to the trial, and after she felt his intense gaze filled with desire, one touch led to another, and they soon lost their clothes, engaging in the deed all over the place. Everly slept with him partially because he was attractive, but mostly to create a bond that would ensure, to some extent, that Malcolm wouldn't go back on his word once he gained power.

With Malcolm's help, the Serenade pack wouldn't be so small anymore, and if all she had to do to achieve that was sleep with Malcolm and make a slave look like a murderer, then she gladly would, all for her mother.

Everly got off the bed, bouncing on her toes, and picked up her robes to dress when she heard a knock on the door. She put on her nightgown and walked towards the entrance.

"Who is there?" she asked.

"Malcolm sent me to tend to your needs," the voice replied from behind the door, and Everly smiled. This showed that Malcolm cared about her, meaning tangling in the sheets hadn't gone to waste.

Everly opened the door to see a slave, who already had her head bowed. Everly watched the slave with observant eyes, noting her pale and fragile skin.

"Look up," Everly commanded, her eyes flashing silver, but the omega didn't comply. Everly frowned at this and ordered once again. "I said look up. Didn't you hear me?"

The response she got from the slave was a chortle, which made Everly's face redden. A mere omega was disregarding her, unacceptable.

"You filth, have you lost your mind?"

"I'm the filth here...seriously? I'm not the one who is sleeping around like a slut."

Everly's ears turned red, dumbstruck as she couldn't believe such words were coming from an omega.

"You...what did you just say?!"

"The truth."

Everly, having enough of the slave's brazenness, decided to get physical. She gripped her hair abruptly, raising the slave's face towards hers. Everly noted her look, and shook her head; as expected, the slave's facial features were ugly and unimpressive.

"State your name!"

"Me...I'm Selena, a mere omega. Please forgive my rudeness, Miss Everly."

Everly's eyes squinted as she processed every single word, and they widened. Lies, everything Everly had said were all lies.

Even the part about her being an omega.

Everly let go of her hair and took a couple of steps back.

"Oh, it seems like you really have a blessing," Selena said with a wide grin, and Everly took a confrontational stance.

"Who are you truly?"

"Me? I'm Selena, a rogue. People say I look like a hyena. What about you, do you think I look like a hyena?"

Everly's heart rate elevated as sweat broke out on her skin. Selena was telling the truth.

"Rogue...why is a rogue here?"

"Ahh...so you just decided to ignore the part about me looking like a hyena. How rude."

Everly's brain was going haywire. Rogues...Malcolm wouldn't ally with rogues, would he? No, for what reason?

The two sides were enemies.

If that was the case, then what was one doing so deep in the pack territory?

"I was sent to assassinate Malcolm, but to do that, I have to kill you first. Tell me, is that true, or am I making things up?"

Everly immediately leaped backwards into the room and shut the door not even bothering to respond.

She tried to lock it but before she could , Selena kicked the door open, with so much force that it numbed Everly's hands, shoving her to the ground.

Selena casually waltzed inside the room and sniffed the air.

"Ugh, this place reeks of sex, disgusting."

"Why...Why are you doing this?"

Everly stuttered as she crawled away from Selena.

"What do you want from me?"

"Your life. It's important if we want to assassinate... "