
035 Big Purchase, Arrogant Ghost Clan!

"How come it's only been ten days?"

In the room, Qi Feibai's doubtful voice sounded.

He traveled to the Continent of the Gods, counting the month he spent in the Kingdom of the Goddess of the Moon, Qi Feibai had been in the Continent of the Gods for almost five months.


Judging from the time on the calendar, only a dozen days have passed on Earth.

After Qi Feibai carefully calculated the time, he found that the ratio of his time in the Continent of the Gods to the past time on Earth is almost 10 to 1.

"Is the flow of time different?"

Qi Feibai thought.

If the flow rate of time is different, that is to say, 10 days in the world where the Continent of the Gods is located, only 1 day has passed on the earth!

Therefore, it brought such an effect.

if so.

For Qi Feibai, it was a good thing.

Because this means that Qi Feibai can have more time to grow in the continent of the gods.

It has been a long time since the earth of this world has entered the era of national awakening.

Some powerful human beings are also extremely powerful, and the force value of the entire earth is constantly increasing.

As a latecomer, Qi Feibai has no advantage in time.

However, with the difference in the speed of time, when Qi Feibai was in the Continent of the Gods, it was equivalent to 10 times more time than others.

Of course, his growth method itself is somewhat special, requiring rare space-time energy.

If the space-time energy is sufficient, the growth will be very rapid.

But time and space energy is too difficult to obtain, and it is too slow to absorb it with the talent tree alone.

Now, for Qi Feibai, there is no need to worry too much about this problem...he can eat soft food.

Moreover, Qi Feibai also eats this soft rice with confidence.

Without him, the goddess of the moon may not be able to survive the catastrophe.

"We can't stay here for too long."

Qi Feibai thought.

Now the Plantagenet Kingdom is just on the right track, and the goddess of the moon is sleeping again. The key is that the moon goddess' wheel is still here at Qi Feibai.

If you stay on Earth for one day, ten days will pass in the Continent of the Gods. If you stay for a long time, what if there are any new changes over there.

The enemy of the Moon Goddess is still staring at her secretly.


Qi Feibai acted immediately.

His figure flashed, and he appeared in a large supermarket downstairs.

That's right, Qi Feibai directly used the ability bestowed by the talent of time and space, space shuttle.

After buying a lot of things in this supermarket, Qi Feibai took out the map to check, and in a flash, he appeared in a new place.

Here, is the farm produce market.

As for whether it would alarm others, Qi Feibai didn't care that much.

There are a huge number of awakened people in this world, and ordinary people are no strangers to extraordinary powers.

After buying a lot of potatoes at the farmer's market, Qi Feibai appeared in some shops selling seeds.

In this way, Qi Feibai used his talent of time and space to shuttle constantly in the city.

After being busy for most of the night, Qi Feibai bought a lot of things, and his space was almost full.

But there are still many things that have not been bought.

Qi Feibai took a rest.

After sleeping until the next morning, Qi Feibai got up early and started to act again.

By noon, finally, everything was bought.

"You can go back!"

After Qi Feibai counted the items, he nodded in satisfaction.

The things I bought this time are very complete.

Traveling back and forth once consumes a lot of time and space energy, Qi Feibai is not prepared to travel frequently.

Thinking of this, Qi Feibai prepared to go back.

Just about to leave.

At this moment.


The sky above the city was covered with dark clouds, and the sun was still shining brightly just now.

But it was suddenly covered by dark clouds and became gloomy.

Such a change made everyone raise their heads subconsciously and look into the sky.

Seeing this, the faces of many people changed dramatically.


In the center of the dark cloud, a deep, terrifying crack appeared.

"Space Rift! Alien Race Invasion!"

In the city, suddenly, sirens blared.

Alien invasion!

The earth is facing many invasions, and it is fighting for hegemony with all races in the starry sky. From time to time, some alien races will raid the earth from their own world through space cracks.

The world where those alien races live is different from the continent of the gods.

The Continent of the Gods is completely in another world, another universe.

The world where the alien race lives is essentially in the same world and the same universe as the earth.

The siren sounded, and densely packed alien races rushed out of the space crack. These alien races were like ghosts one after another. They turned into puffs of smoke and rushed out of the space crack.

"No, this is a ghost race!"

In the center of the city, the face of a transcendent who had awakened his talent changed drastically.

"Hahahaha, these human beings are so tightly blocked, I still broke through. I have a million ghost army. It takes half an hour to destroy this city. If I destroy this place, I will have millions of ghost troops!"

In the crack, a black shadow with an extremely powerful aura, which dropped the temperature of the whole city several degrees, appeared.

"Ghost King!"

A transcendent recognized the black figure, and his face changed drastically!

Ghost King!

This ghost king actually came with an army of millions of ghosts.

One of the characteristics of the ghost race is that they tend to fight more and more. Their favorite thing is to fight with humans, because after the death of humans, they are most likely to be turned into a ghost army by them.

This ghost king is impressively planning to destroy the city and use the city's millions of humans to enrich his army.

His timing seems to have been chosen very well. There is no one in this city who is his opponent.

"Attack, destroy them!"

The ghost king let out a big laugh, and said arrogantly.