
034 Transformation Of Cement And Magician, Back To Earth!

"Yes, that's it, keep releasing the flames."

In front of the cement factory, Qi Feibai's voice sounded.

A fire magician is constantly releasing flames, burning a stone.

"The temperature is as stable as possible. You have to learn to control the temperature, rather than blindly pursuing high temperatures and high outbreaks."

Qi Feibai continued.

The fire magician had a bitter look on his face.

But it can only be done according to Qi Feibai's request.

In the absence of magical suppression, the magical power of these magicians is still not small.

If used in war, it can also cause great damage.

Of course, even if these magicians were not suppressed by divine arts in the first battle of Wangcheng, they could make a full effort, but they would not be able to turn things around.

Like this fire magician, his strength is already very good. If he uses all his strength, a fire magic will go down, and when the civilians do not have good armor, there is no problem in killing a few or even a dozen civilians with one blow.

But he is not without casting intervals, nor can he cast spells without consumption.

Once the civilians rushed forward, it didn't take much, a few hundred civilians were enough to kill him.

And if it's an experienced fighter, using good armor and spreading out to charge, it's even harder for him to fight.

Of course, there must be more powerful magicians, who can be enemies of thousands and thousands.

However, such a magician will not easily participate in the war, and secondly, there is no such magician in the kingdom of gorse.

At this time, under his constant control, the stone was finally melted.

The stones used for cement are naturally not ordinary stones, but limestone.

The stone is melted, cooled, and turned into a very fine powder.

After a few more steps, it can be turned into cement.

These processes are difficult to accomplish with the productivity of the Gods Continent.

But the magician makes up for the shortcomings in technology.

Thus, the cement plant began to operate.

Just a few days later, the first batch of cement left the factory.

When Qi Feibai mixed cement with sand and small stones, and then poured it on the ground to solidify, the ground became extremely flat and had a hardness comparable to that of rocks.

Many magicians feel incomparably magical one by one.

"Your Majesty, what is the principle?"

Some magicians are curious and want to study the principle inside.

"Is this cement? It's amazing."

In the kingdom of God, the Holy Spirits also feel miraculous.

Princess Rose and many other officials were also present, and they were all equally curious when they saw that the cement was so magical.

With cement, road construction is easy.

After the roadbed is leveled, use cement, sand, stone, and make it into concrete.

As for mixing tools, Qi Feibai also invented a mixing bucket pulled by cattle, which can achieve low pollution and high efficiency.

"Okay, everyone, now, I want you to swear in the name of magic that you will never leak the cement formula. In order to reward your efforts, you can also get 10% of the cement factory."

In the cement factory, Qi Feibai looked at many magicians and said.

Magicians one by one you look at me, I look at you, finally.

They all swore.

Swearing in the name of magic, as long as it is a positive oath, the effect of the oath is still very high.

If they disobey, it will be more difficult on the road of magic in the future.

After these magicians took the oath, the cement factory went into operation.

Qi Feibai will further standardize the process.

And those magicians who were reluctant at first became active after a while.

the reason is simple.

They continue to cast their own magic, and they cast magic according to the high standard set by Qi Feibai, and their control over magic is becoming more and more precise.

This made them gain a lot. Compared with the present, they had a feeling of working behind closed doors.

Now these magicians work during the day and go back to meditate at night to improve their spiritual power and become full of energy.

Not only them.

Those magicians who were sent to repair roads and water conservancy projects also discovered this point one by one.

In the past, they often struggled for a long time after encountering some difficult problems.

But now, they can just bury their heads and work, after constantly releasing magic and applying magic to some more specific scenes.

Rather than just using it in battle, it is more capable of allowing them to master the mysteries of magic.

after all.

Combat... is actually just an additional function of magic. The essence of all magic is to explore the deepest mysteries of the world.

It's just that many magics are used in battle because of their powerful power.

Under such circumstances, the magicians of the Plantagenet Kingdom became more active one by one.

Those magicians who were originally protesting, after seeing the changes in other magicians, there were fewer and fewer magicians protesting.

Some of the magicians who threatened to leave the Plantagenet Kingdom were likewise silent.

Seeing that these magicians have changed so much, Princess Rose and many other holy spirits have become more and more admired for Qi Feibai.

"We can go back to Earth."

After staying in the Plantagenet Kingdom for a few more days and sorting out more things, Qi Feibai is going to go back to Earth to have a look.

He first returned to the Divine Kingdom of the Moon Goddess, and then, Qi Feibai opened the talent tree.

Inside, there are information such as the location and coordinates of the places he has been to.

Also includes Earth.

Qi Feibai chose the earth, and then chose to travel.

A large amount of space-time energy was consumed. This time, because it was a designated crossing, more space-time energy was consumed than the first time.

With the consumption of these space-time energies, soon, Qi Feibai's figure disappeared from the divine kingdom of the Moon Goddess, and when he reappeared, he had already come to a room in a brightly lit city.

This is exactly Qi Feibai's room. At the beginning, he awakened here, and also passed through here.

Now, when he travels back, he is also here.

After several months, I returned to Earth again.

Qi Feibai saw that his room hadn't changed much, and no thieves had come in.

On the wall, the hour hand of the clock pointed to 7 o'clock in the evening, which was just after dark.

His mobile phone also fell on the ground, along with his clothes.

During the first crossing, Qi Feibai couldn't take anything with him.

Yes, when he crossed over for the first time... he was naked and couldn't take anything with him.

Just after traveling through the past, I met the Moon Goddess who was already out of control, and had an intimate relationship with the Moon Goddess.

His clothes in the back were made by the Moon Goddess.

After traveling back this time, Qi Feibai already has experience and enough space-time energy.

His clothes are saved.

This suit also consumes some time and space energy.

If he holds something in his hand, it will be difficult to bring it back.

Fortunately, he has a space made by himself, and he can bring things into it.

The phone is dead.

Qi Feibai picked it up, charged it up, and was ready to make some big purchases after it was fully charged.