
Wielding a Great Sword at Hogwarts - John Wick

Intro: Dive into a fusion of magic and might with "Wielding a Great Sword at Hogwarts," a tale that follows the tale of John Wick, a transmigrated youth who brings the art of the greatsword to the halls of Hogwarts. Witness his journey as he carves a unique path in the wizarding world. About "Wielding a Great Sword at Hogwarts": John Wick's arrival at Hogwarts disrupts the status quo, as he brandishes not a wand, but a formidable greatsword. As a Slytherin, he must contend with the house's reputation and the intrigue that comes with it, all while mastering the delicate balance between swordsmanship and spellcasting. His presence challenges the traditions of the wizarding world, introducing a new kind of combat that blends the physical with the arcane. Amidst the backdrop of house rivalries and the usual perils of Hogwarts, John Wick uncovers sinister plots and stands as a guardian to his fellow students. His story is one of adaptation, courage, and the relentless pursuit of excellence in a world where magic reigns supreme but the sword still has a place of honor. ____ This is a translated fanfiction original title: 我在霍格沃茨抡大剑(全本) ___ Patreon: patreon.com/NovelAudioForge Youtube for Audio: https://www.youtube.com/@NovelAudioForge/featured

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Chapter 19: Night Devil and the Giant Spider

Several days had passed since the tragic demise of the unicorn. In that time, Hagrid had engaged in discussions with the magical creatures residing in the Forbidden Forest. Through conversations with a centaur, he learned of a malevolent presence lurking within the forest's depths. Consequently, Hagrid and I decided to patrol the forest's perimeter that night, with Fang, Hagrid's enormous yet cowardly dog, leading the way. Despite his size, Fang was far less courageous than even Tom.

As we patrolled, a spider the size of a human head suddenly appeared before us, causing me to grip my wand in terror, ready to defend myself. "What a massive spider," I exclaimed, my voice trembling.

"Wait, this is a descendant of Aragog," Hagrid interjected, stopping me in my tracks. Under my wary gaze, Hagrid seemed to communicate with the spider. "Aragog sent for me," he explained.

Aragog, a friend of Hagrid's since childhood, had taken refuge in the Forbidden Forest following an incident involving Hagrid. Over the years, Aragog had grown into an ancient and formidable spider. I could only nod, somewhat dazed by the revelation. Hagrid's fearlessness was astonishing; I couldn't help but think that Ron would likely faint at the sight of such a creature.

We followed the spider to a cave, where the sight of numerous spiders crawling around sent shivers down my spine. Inside, the spiders we had seen outside seemed minuscule in comparison to the dozens of human-sized spiders that dwelled within. "Hagrid, are you certain they're friendly?" I asked, my voice laced with nervousness.

"Don't worry, these spiders are Aragog's offspring and won't harm you," Hagrid assured me, though I remained skeptical. The sight of the spiders salivating did little to ease my fears. My hand clutched my wand tightly, ready to defend myself at a moment's notice.

At the cave's end sat a gray spider the size of a car, its eyes clouded by cataracts. This was Aragog, the acromantula. "Here you come, Hagrid," Aragog greeted, his voice filled with warmth for his old friend. He restrained his offspring from advancing and shared troubling news about the Forbidden Forest. "An evil entity has entered, preying on unicorns," he revealed.

Hagrid had tasked Aragog with investigating the unicorn's death, prompting Aragog to dispatch his offspring throughout the forest. "This creature is formidable. Several of my children have fallen to it. It moves like a phantom," Aragog reported. Despite the acromantula's preference for human prey, Aragog had ordered his offspring to spare Hagrid. However, the creature that had ventured into the forest was powerful, rivaling even an Auror in strength.

Hearing this, Hagrid's concern deepened. The evil entity had not ceased its pursuit of the unicorns, whose blood, though cursed, could stave off death for those on the brink. "I understand, Aragog," Hagrid said, preparing to leave. However, the surrounding acromantulas began to close in.

"Aragog?" Hagrid questioned, puzzled by his friend's actions. Aragog apologized, explaining, "I instructed my children not to harm you, but they cannot resist the presence of others."

Realizing the danger, Hagrid acted swiftly. "John, let's go." Lifting me up, Hagrid charged through the cave like a human bulldozer, sending any obstructing spider flying. The spiders, sensing a rare opportunity to feed, were relentless in their pursuit.

I, too, refused to hold back. Drawing my wand, I cast a spell at an advancing acromantula. "Reducto!" A burst of white light struck the spider, sending it reeling back, wounded but alive. "Nice charm," Hagrid complimented, impressed by my actions.

Despite Hagrid's imposing stature and gentle nature, it was clear that the Forbidden Forest held dangers that even he could not always protect against. Our escape from the cave was a testament to our combined strength and determination to survive the perils hidden within the forest's shadows. John, despite his tough exterior, was actually quite sensitive. He found himself being carried by Hagrid, which spared him the effort of dodging and allowed him to focus solely on fortifying his defenses. Casting "Incendio," his wand emitted flames that set a spider ablaze. Then, with a swift "Wingardium Leviosa," he sent a fallen log crashing into another spider from behind. Amidst the relentless assault, John's magical energy was rapidly depleting. In a desperate move, he grabbed a stone and hurled it at an approaching spider. Suddenly, he felt a surge of warmth as his magical power was replenished. [Ding, magic power successfully upgraded, current level: 3]

An acromantula, as large as a small car, emerged in front of him. John, with renewed vigor, aimed his wand and cast "Reducto." The spell, now significantly more potent, expanded into a sphere larger than before. Upon impact, the giant spider's body was riddled with cracks before shattering into pieces. The spell's power had more than doubled. Turning around, John dispatched another pursuing spider with the same spell. With Hagrid's assistance, they managed to escape the spider's lair.

Once safe, Hagrid expressed his regret, "Sorry, John. I thought Aragog could control them." It was true that Aragog had control over the spiders in the past, but now, weakened by age, his influence had waned. The younger spiders no longer heeded his commands as they once did.

"It's alright, Hagrid. But let's make sure no one else ventures there in the future," John suggested. He was aware of how fortunate he was to have Hagrid's help; anyone else might not have been so lucky.

Back at Hagrid's cabin, John fed Fang, the large dog who had bravely run through the spider cave, a generous bowl of dog food. After bidding Hagrid farewell, John returned to Hogwarts and checked the Marauder's Map. Noticing Professor Quirrell's absence from his office, he received a notification: [Ding, received a blessing: Night Demon] [Night Demon: Enhances stealth and visibility in the dark, increases damage of stealth attacks]

After completing his night patrol, John turned off his wand light, blinked twice, and allowed his eyes to adjust to the darkness. The corridors, though not as clear as in daylight, became visible enough to navigate.

"This will make things much easier," John thought, appreciating the Night Demon's ability to enhance his stealth, making him nearly undetectable even without the Disillusionment Charm.

In the days that followed, John found himself frequently encountering Professor Quirrell. Quirrell, who initially seemed disinterested in teaching, paid meticulous attention to John in private, often suggesting that John could come to him with any problems. He even hinted at possessing advanced knowledge of dark magic.

John, feigning ignorance, was nonetheless intrigued by the power of dark magic, particularly Fiendfire, known for its formidable strength. Eventually, he expressed a desire to learn Fiendfire, and Quirrell, backed by the hidden influence of Voldemort, agreed to teach him. Though Quirrell was not an expert, the guidance from Voldemort ensured John mastered Fiendfire. However, John was cautious, aware of the spell's dangerous nature and its inability to be extinguished once ignited.

As time passed, Quirrell ceased his subtlety, openly discussing the Dark Lord. John understood Quirrell's intentions and played along, occasionally expressing agreement with the Dark Lord's ideologies to avoid suspicion.

As December approached, the atmosphere in Potions class was abuzz with talk of Christmas plans, a stark contrast to the usual tension under Snape's watchful eye. Ron, however, did not plan to go home for the holidays. The Weasleys had long been contemplating a family trip, and they finally decided to visit Romania, where Charlie Weasley, one of their own, was engaged in the adventurous and perilous task of raising dragons. This decision was met with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, as the prospect of encountering dragons was as thrilling as it was daunting.

Preparations for the journey began weeks in advance. Mrs. Weasley meticulously packed all the essentials, ensuring that nothing was left behind that could be of use in the unpredictable environment of a dragon sanctuary. Mr. Weasley, on the other hand, was brimming with curiosity about the magical creatures and the enchantments used to manage them, eager to learn everything he could from Charlie.

The day of departure arrived, and the Weasley family, buzzing with anticipation, made their way to the designated portkey location. With a familiar lurch in their stomachs, they were whisked away, leaving the familiar sights of The Burrow behind for the rugged landscapes of Romania.

Upon arrival, they were greeted by the sight of vast, open lands, with mountains piercing the sky in the distance. Charlie Weasley, looking every bit the rugged dragon keeper with his weather-beaten face and protective gear, welcomed his family with open arms. His excitement at having his family visit was palpable, and he eagerly led them towards the dragon sanctuary, explaining the safety protocols with a seriousness that underscored the dangers they might face.

The sanctuary itself was a marvel to behold. Enclosures of varying sizes dotted the landscape, each designed to cater to the specific needs of different dragon species. The air was filled with the sounds of dragons—roars, growls, and the occasional sound of large wings beating against the air. The sight of these magnificent creatures up close was awe-inspiring, leaving the Weasleys spellbound.

Charlie took them on a tour, introducing them to the dragons he cared for. He spoke of each dragon with a mix of respect and affection, sharing stories of their unique behaviors and the challenges he faced in caring for them. The Weasleys listened, captivated by the tales and the evident bond between Charlie and the dragons.

The visit to Romania turned out to be an unforgettable adventure for the Weasley family. They left with a deeper understanding of Charlie's work and a newfound respect for the majestic creatures he dedicated his life to protecting. The trip not only brought them closer to Charlie but also to each other, as they shared experiences that would become cherished family memories for years to come.


If you are tired of reading I also have this converted to an audio novel on my youtube 


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